- Yellowman - Greensleeves Most Wanted [1978-84]
Appears on
Albums engineered by Bobby Digital
Mixing Engineer
- Johnny Clark - Think About It [198X]
- Papa San - Animal Party [1986]
- Beenie Man - The 10 Year Old DJ Wonder [1986]
- Dennis Brown - History [1985]
- Early B - Send In The Patient [1982-85]
- Horace Andy - Haul And Jack Up [1987]
- Johnny Osbourne - Bring The Sensi Come [1984]
- Johnny Osbourne - Mr Budy Bye [198X]
- Junior Delgado - Moving Down The Road [1986]
- King Kong - Legal We Legal [1986]
- Little John - Clarks Booty [1985]
- Super Black - We Ready Fe Them [1986]
- Super Cat - Si Boops Deh! [1985]
- Tonto Irie - Jammy's Possee [198X]
- Tullo T - The Teacher [1986]