- Donovan Joseph - Sounds Of Many Colours [198X]
- Earl Zero - In The Right Way [1979]
- Frankie Paul - Give The Youth A Chance [1982]
- High Priest - Make Up Your Mind [197X]
- King Tubby & Soul Syndicate - Freedom Sounds In Dub [1976-79]
- Mighty Threes - Africa Shall Stretch Forth Her Hand [1979]
- Pampidoo - The Governor General [198X]
- Phillip Fraser & George Fullwood - Lovers Rock [197X]
- Phillip Frazer - Come Ethiopians [1978]
- Prince Alla - Only Love Can Conquer [1976-79]
- Prince Alla - The Best Of Prince Alla [1980]
- Sylvan White - Africans Unite [1978-83]
- Various Artists - Ethiopian King [197X]
- Various Artists - Reggae All Star [1979]