- Augustus Pablo - Ital Dub [1974]
- Desmond Dekker - You Can Get It If You Really Want [1970]
- Freddie McKay - A Lonely Man [1974]
- Gaylads - Fire & Rain [1970]
- Melodians - Rivers Of Babylon [1970]
- Pioneers - Battle Of The Giants [1970]
- Toots & Maytals - Funky Kingston [1973]
- Toots & Maytals - In The Dark [1974]
- Toots & Maytals - Reggae Got Soul [1976]
- Various Artists - From 'Bam-Bam' To 'Cherry Oh! Baby' [1972]
- Various Artists - Hot Shots Of Reggae [1970]
- Various Artists - King Size Reggae [1970]