Albums engineered by George Raymond
Mixing Engineer
- Boris Gardiner - Every Nigger Is A Star [1973]
- Dadawah - Peace & Love [1974]
- Ken Boothe - "Mr" Boothe [197X]
- Marcia Griffiths - Sweet Bitter Love [1974]
- Meditations - Greatest Hits [197X]
- Pat Kelly - Lonely Man [1978]
- Willie Lindo - Far And Distant [1974]
Recording Engineer
- Ernie Smith - Pure Gold Rock & Roll [1975]
- Ernie Smith - Pure Gold Rock & Roll Rocksteady [1975]
- Tommy McCook Dub - The Sannic Sounds [1974]
- Delroy Wilson - Sarge [1976]
- Derrick Harriott - Float On [1978]
- Derrick Harriott - Greatest Reggae Hits [197X]
- Derrick Harriott - Reggae Disco Rockers [1979]
- Derrick Harriott & Revolutionaries - Reggae Chart Busters Seventies Style [1977]
- Ken Boothe - Blood Brothers [1976]
- Ken Boothe - Everything I Own [1974]
- Meditations - Message From The Meditations [1978]
- Meditations - Reggae Crazy [1971-79]
- Mikey Ras Starr - Fire & Rain [1975-84]
- Paul Hurlock - Eloha [197X]
- Pluto - Greatest Reggae Hits [197X]
- Pluto Shervington - Ramgoat [1974]
- Various Artists - Original Wild Flower Reggae Hits [1974]