Albums engineered by Michael Riley
Mixing Engineer
- Al Campbell - Freedom Street [1984]
- Barry Biggs - What's Your Sign ? [1980]
- Beres Hammond - Beres Hammond [1985]
- Chalice - Blasted [1981]
- Echo Minott & Frankie Paul - Echo Minott Meets Frankie Paul [1986]
- Frankie Paul - Strictly Reggae Music [1984]
- General Trees - Negril [1986]
- George Faith - First Class [1986]
- George Faith - Sings For Lovers Only [1987]
- Horace Martin - Watermelon Man [1985]
- Hugh Griffiths - Mother Africa [198X]
- Ijahman & Madge - I Do [1986]
- Jennifer Lara - Across The Line [1980]
- Johnny Clarke - Strickly Reggae Music [1976-86]
- Johnny Osbourne - Rock Me Rock Me [1985]
- Kotch - Sticks And Stones [1986]
- Leroy Smart - Bank Account [1985]
- Michael Palmer - Pull It Up Now [1985]
- Peter Metro - No Problem [1985]
- Sugar Minott - Rydim [1985]
- Sugar Minott - Time Longer Than Rope [1985]
- Sugar Minott & Leroy Smart - Rockers Awards Winners [1984]
- Various Artists - One-A-Way Style [198X]
- Winston Hussey - Yuh Face Look Good [198X]
- Yellowman - Going To The Chapel [1986]
- Yellowman & Charlie Chaplin - Yellow Man Meets Charlie Chaplin [198X]
Recording Engineer
- Barry Biggs - What's Your Sign ? [1980]
- David Isaacs - Happy Ending [1982]
- Doreen Shaffer - Wondeful Sounds [1986]
- General Trees - Negril [1986]
- Peter Metro - No Problem [1985]
- Barry Biggs - Wide Awake [1982]
- Barry Brown - Pass Up The Chalice [1978-83]
- Beres Hammond - Beres Hammond [1985]
- Chalice - Blasted [1981]
- Charlie Chaplin - Fire Burn Them Below [1984]
- Delroy Wilson - The Dean Of Reggae [1985]
- Donovan Joseph - Sounds Of Many Colours [198X]
- Frankie Jones - Old Fire Stick [1986]
- Frankie Paul - Alesha [1986]
- Frankie Paul - Tidal Wave [1985]
- George Faith - Sings For Lovers Only [1987]
- Gregory Isaacs - All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [1986]
- I Roy - Black Man Time [197X-8X]
- Johnny Osbourne - Rock Me Rock Me [1985]
- King Tubby - King Tubby Meets Blackbeard's Ring Craft Posse [197X]
- Kotch - Sticks And Stones [1986]
- Little John - River To The Bank [1985]
- Little John - True Confession [1984]
- Lovindeer - Dance Hall General [1985]
- Lovindeer - Man Shortage [1983]
- Michael Palmer - We Rule [1985]
- Pablo Moses - Pave The Way [1981]
- Peter Tosh - Mystic Man [1979]
- Peter Tosh - Wanted Dread & Alive [1981]
- Ringo - Eyewitness [1982]
- Sam Carty & Astronauts - International Slackness [1981]
- Sugar Minott & Leroy Smart - Rockers Awards Winners [1984]
- Toyan - Hot Bubble Gum [1984]
- Various Artists - A Tribute To Marcus Garvey [197X-8X]
- Yellowman - Girls Them Pet [1986]
- Yellowman - Walking Jewellery Store [1985]