Albums engineered by Vic Keary
Mixing Engineer
- Dave & Ansel Collins - In The Ghetto [1975]
- Eddie 'Tan Tan' Thornton - Musical Nostalgia For Today [1981]
Recording Engineer
- Cimarons - In Time [1974]
- Larry Ethnic Meets Wailers With Various Artiste - Larry Ethnic Meets The Wailers With Various Artiste [1975]
- Max Edwards - Rockers Arena [1982]
- Bruce Ruffin - Rain [1971]
- Dandy Livingstone - Conscious [1973]
- Dandy & Audrey - Morning Side Of The Mountain [1970]
- Dillinger - Live At The Music Machine [1979]
- Eddie 'Tan Tan' Thornton - Musical Nostalgia For Today [1981]
- Ken Boothe - Everything I Own [1974]
- Rico Rodriguez - Going West [19XX]
- Rupie Edwards - Ire Feelings [1975]
- Sydney Rogers - Miracle Worker [1974]
- Various Artists - Reggae Sweet & Smooth [1977]
- Various Artists - Trojan Reggae Party [1971]
- Vulcans - Journey Into Space The Return Of Star Trek [1973]
- Wilfred Jackie Edwards - I Do Love You [1972]