Random labels view all
- Barry Brown - Step It Up Youthman [#BSICD 60]
- Barry Brown - Superstar [1979]
- Big Joe - At The Control [#BSICD 65]
- Clint Eastwood - Step It In A Zion [#BSICD 64]
- Don Carlos - Spread Out [1983 - #JPLP 001]
- John Holt - My Desire [1980 - #INCLP 102]
- John Holt - Pledging My Love [1972 - #TBL 184]
- Ken Boothe - Showcase [1979 - #LP 4964]
- Leroy Smart - Superstar [1977]
- Ossie Scott - The Supreme Sound Of Ossie Scott [#JPLP 003]
- Paragons - Return
- Trinity - Dreadlocks Satisfaction [1978]
- Uniques - Showcase
- Various Artists - Rougher Than Rough [2000 - #BSICD 57]
- Various Artists - The Park Is Mine [2000 - #BSICD 55]