- Alton Ellis - Get Ready For Rock Reggae Steady [1999 - #JMC 200.241]
- Barbara Jones - For Your Ears Only [1994 - #JMC 200.216]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Rarities Vol 1 [1996 - #JMC 200.229]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Rarities Vol 2 [1996 - #JMC 200.230]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Rebel Revolution [#JMC 200.277]
- Boris Gardiner - Reggae Happening [1993 - #JMC 200.110]
- Byron Lee - Reggae Hot Shots [1995 - #JMC 200.122]
- Byron Lee & Dragonaires - Reggay Blast Off [1993 - #JMC 200.108]
- Byron Lee & Dragonaires - Reggay Eyes [1997 - #JMC 200.107]
- Clancy Eccles - Joshua's Rod Of Correction [1996 - #JMC 200.228]
- Clancy Eccles - Nyah Reggae Rock [1997 - #JMC 200.236]
- Delroy Wilson - Better Must Come .... One Day [1999 - #JMC 200.244]
- Delroy Wilson - Greatest Hits [1992 - #JMC 200.102]
- Dennis Alcapone - Guns Don't Argue [1993 - #JMC 200.115]
- Dennis Alcapone - Musical Liquidator [1995 - #JMC 200.225]
- Dennis Bovell - Dub Master [1993 - #JMC 200.210]
- Dennis Brown - If I Didn't Love You [1992 - #JMC 200.202]
- Derrick Harriott - The Sensational Derrick Harriott Sings Rock Steady Reggae [1993 - #JMC 200.213]
- Derrick Harriott & Crystalites - For A Fistful of Dollars [1993 - #JMC 200.211]
- Dynamites - The Wild Reggae Bunch [1996 - #JMC 200.227]
- Eric Donaldson - Love Of The Common People [1993 - #JMC 200.116]
- George Faith - Loving Something [1993 - #JMC 200.209]
- Gregory Isaacs - Happiness Come [1996 - #JMC 200.233]
- Gregory Isaacs - Lonely Days [1992 - #JMC 200.205]
- Gregory Isaacs - Willow Tree [1992 - #JMC 200.204]
- Hopeton Lewis - Grooving Out Of Life [1992 - #JMC 200.109]
- I Roy - Black Man Time [1994 - #JMC 200.217]
- John Holt - Can't Keep Us Apart [1999 - #JMC 200.278]
- Ken Boothe - Groove To The Beat [1999 - #JMC 200.240]
- King Stitt - Reggae Fire Beat [1996 - #JMC 200.226]
- Leroy Smart - Let Everyman Survive [1993 - #JMC 200.207]
- Max Romeo - The Many Moods Of Max Romeo [1999 - #JMC 200.242]
- Maytones - Funny Man [1993 - #JMC 200.206]
- Mighty Sparrow & Byron Lee - Only A Fool [1993 - #JMC 200.111]
- Revolutionaries - Macca Rootsman Dub [1994 - #JMC 200.218]
- Sonny Bradshaw Seven - Do It Reggae [1996 - #JMC 200.232]
- Stanley Beckford & Turbines - Big Bamboo [1992 - #JMC 200.203]
- Trinity - African Revolution [1993 - #JMC 200.208]
- Various Artists - Clancy Eccles Reggae Revue At The Carib Theatre [2001 - #JMC 200.254]
- Various Artists - From Chapter To Version [1998 - #JMC 200.247]
- Various Artists - From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 1 [1998 - #JMC 200.245]
- Various Artists - From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 2 [1998 - #JMC 200.246]
- Various Artists - From Matador's Arena Vol 1 [1994 - #JMC 200.222]
- Various Artists - From Matador's Arena Vol 2 [1994 - #JMC 200.223]
- Various Artists - From Matador's Arena Vol 3 [1994 - #JMC 200.224]
- Various Artists - From The Dynamic Treasury Vol 1 [1995 - #JMC 200.119]
- Various Artists - From The Dynamic Treasury Vol 2 [1995 - #JMC 200.120]
- Various Artists - Jamaica's Reggae Stars Vol 2 [1997]