Random labels view all
- Anthony Johnson - A Yah We Deh [1985 - #LP 007]
- Barry Brown - Showcase [1980]
- Black Crucial - Mr. Sonny [1985 - #LP J006]
- Black Sounds Uhro - Love Crisis [1981 - #DSR 9709]
- Cocoa Tea - The Marshall [1985]
- Dennis Brown - The Exit [1989]
- Frankie Paul - Still Alive [198X - #DSR 7147-7148]
- Half Pint - Money Man Skank [1984 - #DSR 2521]
- Johnny Osbourne - Folly Ranking [1980 - #JAM 1000]
- Johnny Osbourne - Musical Chopper [1983 - #none]
- Johnny Osbourne - Rub A Dub Soldier [1985 - #J 005]
- Leroy Smart - We Rule Everytime [1985 - #none]
- Michael Palmer - I'm So Attractive [1985]
- Nitty Gritty & King Kong - Musical Confrontation [1986]
- Noel Phillips - Youth Man Vibrations [1981]
- Pad Anthony - Nuff Niceness [1985 - #J 004]
- Prince Jammy - Strictly Dub [1981]
- Sugar Minott - A Touch Of Class [1990 - #none]
- The Agrovators - Jammies In Lion Dub Style [1978]
- Various Artists - 10 To 1 [1985]
- Various Artists - 1985 Master Mega Hits [1985 - #none]
- Various Artists - 1985 Master Mega Hits Vol 2 [1985]
- Various Artists - Stalag 17 [1985]