- Augustus Pablo & Friends - The Legend [1979 - #ATRALP 1003]
- Horace Andy & Winston Jarrett - Earth Must Be Hell [1988 - #ATRALP 1001]
- Hugh Mundell - Arise [1988 - #ATRALP 1007]
- Keith Hudson - Flesh Of My Skin, Blood Of My Blood [1988 - #ATRALP 1005]
- Keith Hudson - Pick A Dub [1975 - #ATRALP 1002]
- Keith Hudson - Torch Of Freedom [1975 - #ATRALP 1001]
- Various Artists - Atra 10 Tracks [1988 - #ATRALP 1010]
- Various Artists - Dub Of The 70's [1988 - #ATRALP 1006]
- Wailers - Tribute To Carly Barrett [197X - #ATRALP 1008]