Random labels view all
- Dadawah - Peace & Love [1974 - #XYZ 004]
- Derrick Harriott - Greatest Reggae Hits [197X - #LP 368]
- Derrick Harriott - Reggae Disco Rockers [1975 - #LP 376]
- Dobby Dobson - Sweet Dreams [1978 - #LP 374]
- Ernie Smith - Pure Gold Rock & Roll [1975 - #LP 377]
- Ernie Smith - Pure Gold Rock & Roll Rocksteady [1975 - #LP 377]
- Janett Silvera - When I Need You [1977 - #LP 381]
- Ken Boothe - "Mr" Boothe [197X - #LP 001]
- Lloyd Charmers - Sweet Memories [#SRL 1002]
- Lord Laro - Yu Have Fe Dread [198X - #WF 542]
- Lovindeer - Rock It Up [1979]
- Marcia Griffiths - Play Me (Sweet And Nice) [1974 - #XYZ 003]
- Meditations - Message From The Meditations [1977 - #LP 380]
- Pluto - Greatest Reggae Hits [197X - #XYZ 006]
- Pluto Shervington - Pluto [1975]
- Pluto Shervington - Ramgoat [1974 - #LP 366]
- Various Artists - Original Wild Flower Reggae Hits [1974 - #LP 367]
- Willie Lindo - Far And Distant [1974 - #XYZ 002]