Prince Far I - Musical Revue
ROIR - #RE 161
ROIR | CD | #RE 161 | 1994 |
Playlist :
Steppin' To The Music
Throw Away Your Guns
Brujo Magic
Version Galore
'83 Struggle
Trancedance Music
Foggy Road
What You Gonna Do On The Judgement Day
Producer : Prince Far I
Vocals : Prince Far I
Backing Band : The Suns Of Arqa
Other releases
Alt. title : Suns Of Arqa Live With Prince Far-I
Playlist :
Hey Jagunath
Steppin' To The Music
Throw Away Your Guns
Brujo Magic
83 Struggle
Transcedance Music
Foggy Road
What You Gonna Do
No Song For Allah
Shamanism Skank
Nah Myoho Renge Kyo
Thunder Bolt Dark Void
Arka | CD | # | 2004 |
Hey Jagunath
Steppin' To The Music
Throw Away Your Guns
Brujo Magic
83 Struggle
Transcedance Music
Foggy Road
What You Gonna Do
No Song For Allah
Shamanism Skank
Nah Myoho Renge Kyo
Thunder Bolt Dark Void