Various Artists - Wild Paarty Sounds Volume One

LP #BRED 24 1981
Record date : 1981

Playlist :
Jah Woosh - Woodpecker Sound
Machine Gun Hogg And Co. - Bed Bound Saga
Prince Far I & Creation Rebel - Quanté Jubila
The Chicken Granny - Quit The Body
Alan Pellay - Parasitic Machine
London Underground - Dreams Are Better
The Suns Of Arqa - Asian Rebel
Alan Pellay - Demonic Forces
Mothmen - Afghani Dub
Jeb Loy & The Oil Wells - Things That Made U.S.
The New Age Steppers - Yipee I Aah
Judy Nylon - The Dice

Producer : Adrian Sherwood

Studios :
Recording : Gooseburry (London, UK) & Berry Street (London, UK) & Town House (London, UK) & The Manor (Oxfordshire, UK) & Cargo (UK) & The Barge (UK)
Mixing : Berry Street (London, UK) & The Manor (Oxfordshire, UK)

Comment :
included in Dread Operator