
- Ballistic Affair [aka The Very Best Of Leroy Smart]
- Dread Hot In Africa
- Impressions Of Leroy Smart
- Superstar
- Back To Back (Junior Reid & Leroy Smart)
- Bank Account
- Showcase
- Temptation
- We Rule Everytime
- Face To Face Clash (Leroy Smart & Junior Reid)
- Jah Loves Everyone & Impressions Of Leroy Smart [1977-78]
- Leroy Smart & Friends [1976-78]
- Leroy Smart with Roots Radix and Friends [Leroy Smart With Roots Radix & Friends - 1983]
- Mr. Smart In Dub [197X]
- Private Message [198X]
- Superstar [1976]
- The Best Of Leroy Smart [197X]
- The Don Tells It Like It Is... [197X]
- Vintage Classics [198X]
- Leroy Smart - Dread Hot In Africa [1977]
- Leroy Smart - Impressions Of Leroy Smart [1977]
- Leroy Smart - Jah Loves Everyone [1978]
- Leroy Smart - Let Everyman Survive [1979]
- Leroy Smart - Propaganda [1978]
- Leroy Smart - Prophecy A Go Hold Dem [198X]
- Leroy Smart - Reggae Showcase Vol 1 [197X]
- Leroy Smart - She Just A Draw Card [1982]
- Leroy Smart - She Love It In The Morning [1983]
- Leroy Smart - Style And Fashion [1983]
- Leroy Smart - Too Much Grudgefulness [1981]
Appears on
- A Place Called Jamaica Part 2
- Andywork
- Arise Rootsman
- Attack Gold Vol 1
- Back To Back
- Burning Sampler
- Burning Up Vol 1
- Burning Up Vol 2
- Can't Stop The Dread
- Channel One Story
- Channel One Story Chapter Two
- Dancehall Stylee
- Deep Roots Observer Style
- Dubwise & Otherwise Vol 2
- Face To Face Clash
- Grapevine Records Vault Classics Vol 1
- Gussie Presenting The Right Tracks
- Heavy Stereo Inna Kingston Town
- Hit Bound : The Revolutionary Sound Of Channel One
- In Fine Style
- It's Reggae Time
- Jah Children Invasion Chapter IV
- Jah Fire
- Jah Love Rockers
- Jamaican Recordings Dub Sampler Vol 2
- Joe Gibbs Presents Freedom To The People
- Keep The Pressure Down
- King At The Controls
- King Jammy's Selector's Choice Vol 1
- King Tubby On The Mix Volume 2
- Leroy Smart with Roots Radix and Friends
- Life Goes In Circles
- Microphone Attack
- Music Works Vol 1
- Natty Universal Dread
- Niney Presents The Observer Master Mix Collection
- Party Sounds Presents Worries In The Dance
- Prince Jammy Presents Vol 1
- Rebel Music
- Rebel Music Vol 2
- Reggae Revolution
- Rite Sound Reggae Story
- Rockers Awards Winners
- Roots Music
- Roots Rock Reggae Vol 2
- Roots Tradition 70s and 80s Vintage
- Roots With Quality
- Rougher Than Rough
- Screaming Target
- Showcase
- Smashing Superstars
- Sound System Rockers
- Special Request To All Bad Boys
- Special Request To All Dance Hall Fans
- Step Forward Youth
- Street Corner Ital Food
- Strictly For Rockers
- Sufferation
- The Bunny Striker Lee Story
- The Dub Master
- The Exit & Hold Your Corner
- The Mighty Striker Shoots At Hits
- The Park Is Mine
- The Park Is Mine
- The Volcano Eruption
- Third World Disco Vol 1
- Top 20 Hits
- Total Recall - Volcano Vol 1
- Tougher Than Tough
- Trojan Dancehall Roots Box Set
- Trojan Rockers Box Set
- Trojan Roots and Culture Box Set
- Trojan Roots Reggae Boxset
- Volcano Eruption
- Water Pumping Top Ten
- Well Charged - Channel One
- Wicked A Go Feel It
As a musician
- Barry Heptone meets Leroy Smart - Showcase [198X]
- Junior Reid & Leroy Smart - Back To Back [1985]
- Leroy Smart - Ballistic Affair [1977]
- Leroy Smart - Bank Account [1985]
- Leroy Smart - Exclusive [1984]
- Leroy Smart - Harder Than The Rest [197X]
- Leroy Smart - Impressions Of Leroy Smart [1977]
- Leroy Smart - Jah Loves Everyone [1978]
- Leroy Smart - Leroy Smart & Friends [1976-78]
- Leroy Smart - Live Up Roots Children [1984]
- Leroy Smart - Mr. Smart In Dub [197X]
- Leroy Smart - Music In The Dancehall [1979-84]
- Leroy Smart - Propaganda [1978]
- Leroy Smart - Reggae Showcase Vol 1 [197X]
- Leroy Smart - She Love It In The Morning [1983]
- Leroy Smart - Showcase [1985]
- Leroy Smart - Showcase Rub A Dub [1979]
- Leroy Smart - Style And Fashion [1983]
- Leroy Smart - Superstar [1977]
- Leroy Smart - Superstar [1976]
- Leroy Smart - Temptation [1985]
- Leroy Smart - The Best Of Leroy Smart [197X]
- Leroy Smart - Too Much Grudgefulness [1981]
- Leroy Smart - Vintage Classics [198X]
- Leroy Smart - We Rule Everytime [1985]
- Leroy Smart & Junior Reid - Face To Face Clash [1985]
- Leroy Smart Featuring Mighty Diamonds - Disco Showcase [1979]
- Sugar Minott & Leroy Smart - Rockers Awards Winners [1984]
Backing Vocals
- Dillinger - Cup Of Tea [1980]
- Leroy Smart - Jah Loves Everyone [1978]