Also known as Skully, Mikey Spratt, Zoots Scully Simms, Scollie, Zoot Sims, Skitter.
Web Links
- Interview by Jah Rebel []
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Appears on
- Black Man's Pride 3
- Christmas Vibes
- Freedom
- Head Shot
- Musical Fever
- Roots Of David
- Roots With Quality
- Sir Coxsone & Duke Reid In Concert At Forresters Hall
- Ska Bonanza
- Streets Of Ska
- Studio One Freedom Sounds
- Studio One Roots
- Studio One Roots 2
- Sunsplash Showcase
- Third World Disco Vol 1
- Trojan Dub Rarities Box Set
Albums engineered by Scully Simms
- Prince Far I Meet Veros Artis - In Ram Packed Showcase In A Suitcase [1980]
As a musician
- Abyssinians - Forward [1969-76]
- Aggrovators - Kaya Dub [197X]
- Aggrovators & King Tubby & Bunny Lee - Bionic Dub [1975-77]
- Agrovators Meets The Revolutioners - Agrovators Meets The Revolutioners At Channel One Studios [1977]
- Al Campbell - Ain't That Loving You [1978]
- Al Campbell - Late Night Blues [1980]
- Al Campbell - Rainy Days [1978]
- Al Campbell - Working Man [1980]
- Albert Griffiths & Gladiators - Country Living [1985]
- Alpha Blondy & Wailers - Jerusalem [1986]
- Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking [1978]
- Alton Ellis - Many Moods Of Alton Ellis [1978-80]
- Alton Ellis & Heptones - Mr Ska Bean'a [1980]
- Augustus Clarke - Black Foundation Dub [1976]
- Augustus Pablo - Message Music [1986-94]
- Baba Dread - Earthman Connection [1978-79]
- Barrington Levy - Barrington Levy In Dub [1979]
- Barrington Levy - Money Move [1984]
- Barrington Levy - Poor Man Style [1982]
- Barry Brown - Far East [1982]
- Barry Brown - Love & Protection [197X-8X]
- Bebo - In A Dub Style [1985]
- Big Youth - Progress [1979]
- Big Youth - Reggae Gi Dem Dub [1978]
- Big Youth - Rock Holy [1980]
- Black Roots Players - Ghetto-ology Dubwise [1980]
- Bunny Lee - Bunny Lee Presents Dubbing In The Front Yard & Conflict Dub [1977-82]
- Bunny Lee & Aggrovators - Presents Super Dub Disco Style [197X]
- Bunny Striker Lee & Friends - Next Cut! [197X]
- Burning Spear - Dry And Heavy [1977]
- Byron Otis - Missing Your Love [1979]
- Carl Campbell - Zion Dub [1978]
- Charlie Chaplin - Que Dem [1985]
- Clint Eastwood - African Youth [1978]
- Clint Eastwood - Death In The Arena [1978]
- Clint Eastwood & General Saint - Two Bad D.J. [1981]
- Colour Man - Kick Up Rumpus [1986]
- Congo - Congo Ashanti [1979]
- Congos - Heart Of The Congos [1977]
- Cornell Campbell - Fight Against Corruption [1983]
- Cornell Campbell - My Destination [197X]
- Cornell Campbell - Stalowatt [1976]
- Daddy Freddy (The D.J. Chemist) - Body Lasher [1986]
- Dave & Ansel Collins - Double Barrel [1971]
- David Isaacs - Love & Devotion [198X]
- Deadly Headly Bennett & Ossie Scott - Deadly Headly Bennett Meets The Magnificent Ossie Scott [197X]
- Dean Frazer - Pure Horn [1979]
- Delroy Wilson - Nice Times [1983]
- Delroy Wilson - True Believer In Love [197X]
- Dennis Brown - Joseph's Coat Of Many Colours [1979]
- Dennis Brown - More [1982]
- Dennis Brown - Spellbound [1980]
- Dennis Brown - The Promised Land [1977-79]
- Dennis Brown - Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow [1982]
- Derrick Harriott - Born To Love You [1979]
- Derrick Harriott - Float On [1978]
- Derrick Harriott & Revolutionaries - Reggae Chart Busters Seventies Style [1977]
- Desi Roots - Doing It Right [1980]
- Dillinger - Cup Of Tea [1980]
- Don Carlos - Spread Out [1983]
- Don Carlos vs Earl Cunningham - Prison Oval Clash [1980]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Never Run Away [1984]
- Earl Chinna Smith - Sticky Fingers [1977]
- Earl Morgan - D.C. Dub Connection [1982]
- Earl Sixteen - Reggae Sound [1981]
- Earl Sixteen - Shining Star [1983]
- Earl Sixteen - Songs For A Reason [1983]
- Earl Zero - Visions Of Love [1979]
- Early B - Ghost Busters [1985]
- Early B & Malibu - My Friends Circle Jamaica [198X]
- Earth & Stone - Kool Roots [1976-78]
- Echo Minott - Rock & Calypso [1985]
- Echo Minott & Frankie Paul - Echo Minott Meets Frankie Paul [1986]
- Echo Minott Along With Sly & Robbie - Showcase [1984]
- Edi Fitzroy - Check For You Once [1982]
- Edi Fitzroy - First Class Citizen [1982]
- Edi Fitzroy - Youthman Penitentiary [1982]
- Ethiopian & Gladiators - Dread Prophecy [1986]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Fatman Reddim Section Meets Downtown Horns At Channel One [1979]
- Frankie Jones - Best Of Volume 1 [1986]
- Frankie Jones - Them Nice [1985]
- Frankie Paul - Alesha [1986]
- Frankie Paul - Strange Feeling [1983]
- Frankie Paul - Tidal Wave [1985]
- Freddie McGregor - Come On Over [1983]
- Freddie McGregor - Rhythm So Nice [1983]
- General Echo - Tribute To General Echo [1983]
- General Trees - Everything SoSo [1985]
- General Trees - Ghost Rider [1985]
- George Faith - Super Eight [1977]
- Gladiators - Back To Roots [1982]
- Gladiators - Naturality [1979]
- Gladiators - Serious Thing [1984]
- Gladstone Anderson - Sings Songs For Today and Tomorrow [1982]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Glenmore Brown - Dub From The South East [1972-76]
- Gregory Isaacs - The Best Of Vol 2 [1981]
- Half Pint - In Fine Style [1984]
- Harold Butler - Africa On My Mind [1978]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 2 [1977]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 3 [1978]
- Heptones - Changing Times [1986]
- Heptones - Journey From Caltone To Treasure Isle To Studio 1 [196X-7X]
- Heptones - On The Run [1982]
- Heptones - Party Time [1977]
- Heptones - Unreleased Night Food & Rare Black Ark Sessions [1976-77]
- Horace Andy - In The Light [1977]
- Horace Andy - In The Light / In The Light Dub [1977]
- Horace Andy - In The Light Dub [1977]
- Hugh Griffiths - Mother Africa [198X]
- Hugh Mundell - Mundell [1982]
- Hugh Mundell - The Blessed Youth [1978-81]
- Hugh Mundell - Time And Place [1980]
- Hugh Mundell Featuring Lacksley Castell - Jah Fire [1980]
- Itals - Brutal Out Deh [1981]
- Itals - Give Me Power [1983]
- Ja-Man All Stars - In The Dub Zone [1976-79]
- Jackie Edwards - The Original "Mr. Cool Ruler" [1983]
- Jackie Mittoo - In Cold Blood [1977]
- Jacob Miller - Greatest Hits [197X]
- Jah Frankie Jones - Satta An Praise Jah [1977]
- Jah Lloyd - Dread Lion Dub [198X]
- Jah Screw - Herb Base Function [1986]
- Jah Stitch - No Dread Can't Dead [1976]
- Jah Stitch - Original Ragga Muffin [1975-77]
- Jimmy Cliff - Unlimited [1973]
- Jimmy London - Hold On [1977]
- Jimmy London - It Ain't Easy Living In The Ghetto [1980]
- Jimmy London - The Jimmy London Collection [197X]
- Jimmy Riley - Put The People First [1982]
- John Holt - Just The Two Of Us [1982]
- John Holt - Super Star [1978]
- Johnny Clarke - King In The Arena [1978]
- Johnny Clarke - Superstar Roots Disco Dub [1977]
- Johnny Clarke & Delroy Wilson & Doreen Shaffer - Lovers Rock Vol 2 [197X]
- Johnny Osbourne - Folly Ranking [1980]
- Johnny Osbourne - Warrior [1981]
- Johnny Osbourne - Water Pumping [1983]
- Johnny Osbourne Meets Roots Radics - 1980-1981 Vintage [1980-81]
- Judy Mowatt - Black Woman [1980]
- Junior Byles - Rasta No Pickpocket [1986]
- Junior Delgado - Bush Master Revolution [1982]
- Junior Delgado - More She Love It [1981]
- Junior Delgado - Taste Of The Young Heart [1979]
- Junior English - Naturally High [1978]
- Junior Reid - Original Foreign Mind [1985]
- Justin Hinds - Travel With Love [1982-84]
- K.C. White - Try A Little Happiness [1982]
- K.C. White - Try A Little Happiness [198X]
- Keith Hudson - From One Extreme To Another [1979]
- Ken Boothe - Showcase [1978]
- Ken Boothe & Tyrone Taylor - Two Of A Kind [1987]
- King Sounds - Come Zion Side Happiness [1979]
- King Sounds & Israelites - There Is A Reward [198X]
- King Tubby - African Love Dub [1974-79]
- King Tubby - Dub Like Dirt [1975-77]
- King Tubby - Dub Mix Up [1975-79]
- King Tubby - King Tubby Meets Blackbeard's Ring Craft Posse [197X]
- King Tubby - King Tubby's Lost Treasures [1976]
- King Tubby - Majestic Dub [197X]
- King Tubby & Friends - Rod Of Correction Showcase [197X]
- King Tubby & Prince Jammy - Dub Gone 2 Crazy [1975-79]
- King Tubby Meets Roots Radics - Dangerous Dub [1981]
- King Tubby & Soul Syndicate - Freedom Sounds In Dub [1976-79]
- Knowledge - Judgement [1980]
- Knowledge - Rasta Don't Take Bribe [1978X]
- Knowledge - Words Sounds And Power [1978]
- Kojak - Life Is A Journey [198X]
- Lady Ann - Vanity [1983]
- Larry Marshall - Throw Mi Corn [197X]
- Lee Perry - Roast Fish, Collie Weed And Corn Bread [1978]
- Lee Perry & The Sufferers - The Sound Doctor [1972-78]
- Lee Perry & Upsetters - Sound System Scratch [1973-78]
- Lee Scratch Perry - Soundz From The Hotline [1976-79]
- Leroy Brown - Face To Face [198X]
- Leroy Brown - Prayer Of Peace [1976]
- Leroy Sibbles - Now [1980]
- Leroy Sibbles - Selections [1985]
- Leroy Smart - Ballistic Affair [1977]
- Leroy Smart - Exclusive [1984]
- Leroy Smart - Leroy Smart & Friends [1976-78]
- Leroy Smart - Superstar [1977]
- Linval Thompson - Love Is The Question [1978]
- Linval Thompson - Rocking Vibration [1978]
- Linval Thompson - Six Babylon [1979]
- Linval Thompson & Friends - Whip Them King Tubby [197X]
- Linval Thompson & Wayne Jarrett & Ranking Trevor - Train To Zion Dub [1981]
- Little John - Early Days [198X]
- Little John - True Confession [1984]
- Little Roy - Tafari Earth Uprising [197X]
- Lloyd Parks & We The People - Meet The People [1978]
- Lone Ranger - Rosemarie [1981]
- Lone Ranger - Rosemarie Meet DJ Daddy [1981-82]
- Lord Sassafrass - Pocomania Jump [1985]
- Martin Mandingo Williams - Afrikan History [1983]
- Meditations - Greatest Hits [197X]
- Meditations - Guidance [1978]
- Michael Palmer - Angella [1984]
- Michael Palmer - Ghetto Living [1985]
- Michael Palmer - Lick Shot [1982]
- Michael Palmer - Pull It Up Now [1985]
- Michael Palmer - Sweet Daddy [1985]
- Michael Prophet - Consciousness [1979-80]
- Michael Prophet - Michael Prophet [1981]
- Mighty Diamonds - Reggae Street [1981]
- Mighty Diamonds - Stand Up To Your Judgment [1978]
- Mikey Dread - African Anthem [1979]
- Mikey Dread - Evolutionary Rockers [1979]
- Monyaka - Classical Roots [1983]
- Nathan Skyers - Dem A Fight I [1983]
- Nicodemus Junior - Snakes And Ladders [1983]
- Nigger Kojak & Liza - Showcase [197X]
- Niney & Soul Syndicate - Channel One Presents 100 Tons Of Dub [197X]
- Noel Phillips - Youth Man Vibrations [1981]
- Nuroy & Uroy - The Originator [1976]
- Osbert Maddo - You Wanna Turn Me On [1982]
- Pablo Moses - In The Future [1983]
- Paragons - Now [1982]
- Paragons - Return [198X]
- Pat Kelly - Srevol [198X]
- Pat Kelly - Talk About Love [1978]
- Peter Ranking & General Lucky - Jah Standing Over Me [1982]
- Peter Tosh - Mama Africa [1983]
- Peter Tosh - No Nuclear War [1987]
- Peter Tosh - Talking Revolution [1978]
- Peter Tosh - Wanted Dread & Alive [1981]
- Phillip Frazer - Blood Of The Saint [1982]
- Prince Alla - Heaven Is My Roof [1979]
- Prince Alla - King Of The Road [1982]
- Prince Alla - Only Love Can Conquer [1976-79]
- Prince Alla - Songs From The Royal Throne Room [197X]
- Prince Alla - The Best Of Prince Alla [1980]
- Prince Alla & Junior Ross - I Can Hear The Children Singing [1976-79]
- Prince Far I - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter IV [1981]
- Prince Far I Meet Veros Artis - In Ram Packed Showcase In A Suitcase [1980]
- Prince Hammer - World War Dub Part 1 [1979]
- Prince Jammy - Dub War Vol. 1 [1985]
- Prince Jammy - Fatman vrs. Shaka In A Dub Conference [1980]
- Prince Jammy - Kamikazi Dub [1979]
- Prince Jammy - Strictly Dub [1981]
- Prophets - King Tubby's Prophecies Of Dub [1976]
- Ranking Barnabas - The Cold Crusher [197X]
- Ranking Dellinger - Superstar [1977]
- Ranking Joe - Armageddon [1982]
- Ranking Joe - Disco Skate [1981]
- Ras Midas - Rastaman In Exile [1980]
- Ras Midas - Stand Up Wise Up [1984]
- Ray I - Vision [198X]
- Revolutionaries - Jonkanoo Dub [1978]
- Revolutionaries - Reaction In Dub [1978]
- Rico Rodriguez - That Man Is Forward [1981]
- Robert Ffrench - The Favourite [1985]
- Robert French - Mr French Showcase [198X]
- Robert French - Showcase In A Dancehall Style For All The Roots [198X]
- Rod Taylor - If Jah Should Come Now [1979]
- Roots Radics Meets King Tubbys - More Dangerous Dub [1981]
- Roots Radics Meet Mighty Revolutionaires - Outernational Riddim [1980]
- Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate - Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate In Dub [198X]
- Royals - Moving On [1981]
- Royals - Ten Years After [1978]
- Sammy Dread - Early Days [198X]
- Scientist - Crucial Cuts Vol 2 [1984]
- Scientist - Dub Landing [1981]
- Scientist - Scientific Dub [1978-80]
- Scientist - Scientist Meets The Space Invaders [1981]
- Scientist - Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires [1981]
- Scientist - The Best Dub Album In The World [1980]
- Scientist & Prince Jammie - Dub Landing Vol: 2 [1982]
- Scientist vs Professor - Dub Duel At King Tubby's [1983]
- Scratch And Company - Chapter 1, The Upsetters [1970-76]
- Seke Molenga & Kalo Kawongolo With Lee Scratch Perry - From The Heart Of The Congo [1977]
- Sir Coxsone Sound - King Of The Dub Rock Part 2 [1982]
- Sister Candy & Purpleman - Laserbeam [1983]
- Sly Dunbar & Robbie Shakespeare & Various Artists - Unmetered Taxi [198X]
- Sly Dunbar & Various Artists - Simple Sly Man [1978]
- Sly & Revolutionaries - Don't Underestimate The Force, The Force Is Within You [1977]
- Sly And The Revolutionaries With Jah Thomas - Black Ash Dub [1980]
- Soferno B - Soferno B In Dub 1980 Style [1979]
- Soul Explosion Band - Too Much Confusion [1979]
- Sugar Minott - African Girl [1981]
- Sugar Minott - Bitter Sweet [1979]
- Sugar Minott - Black Roots [1980]
- Sugar Minott - Ghetto-ology [1979]
- Sugar Minott - Herbman Hustling [1984]
- Sugar Minott & Leroy Smart - Rockers Awards Winners [1984]
- Tappa Zukie - Escape From Hell [1977]
- Tappa Zukie - Tapper Zukie In Dub [1976]
- Tapper Zukie - Blackman [1978]
- Techniques - I'll Never Fall In Love [1983]
- Tenor Saw - Fever [1985]
- The Yabby You Vibration - Deliver Me From My Enemies [1977]
- Tommy McCook Dub - The Sannic Sounds [1974]
- Tommy McCook & Aggrovators - Super Star Disco Rockers [1977]
- Tony Tuff - Presenting Mr Tuff [1981]
- Toots & Maytals - Knock Out ! [1981]
- Travellers - Black Black Minds [1977]
- Trevor Hartley - Innocent Lover [1979]
- Tyrone Evans - Don Evans [1983]
- U Brown - Repatriation [1979]
- U Brown - Weather Baloon [1978]
- U Roy - Jah Son Of Africa [1978]
- Uglyman v/s Little John - Dance Hall Clash [1986]
- Upsetters - Blackboard Jungle Dub [1973]
- Upsetters - Kung Fu Meets The Dragon [1975]
- Various Artists - Africa Iron Gate Showcase [1982]
- Various Artists - Allform [1983]
- Various Artists - Baffling Smoke Signal [1976-78]
- Various Artists - Clive Hunt Ruff'N'Tuff [1982]
- Various Artists - Every Mouth Must Be Fed [1973-76]
- Various Artists - High Times All Stars Explosion [1985]
- Various Artists - Junjo Presents A Live Session With Aces International [1982]
- Various Artists - King Jammy In Roots [197X-8X]
- Various Artists - Open The Gate [1974-76]
- Various Artists - Reggae All Star [1979]
- Various Artists - Revive Reggae Classics [198X]
- Various Artists - Rite Sound Reggae Story [1980]
- Various Artists - Roots Of Dance Hall [197X]
- Various Artists - Sunsplash Showcase [1981]
- Various Artists - The Return Of Sound System Scratch [1973-79]
- Viceroys - Brethren And Sistren [1983]
- Viceroys - We Must Unite [1982]
- Vin Gordon & Upsetters - Musical Bones [1972-75]
- Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy - Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy [197X]
- Wailing Souls - Wailing Souls At Channel One [197X]
- Welton Irie - Army Life [1982]
- Welton Irie - Ghettoman Corner [1977]
- Willie Lindo - It's Not Too Late [1977]
- Willie Lindo - Tuned In Reggae [1980]
- Willy Williams - Unity [1986]
- Winston McAnuff - What The Man A Deal Wid [1978]
- Winston Wright - Melody Of Love [1977]
- Yabby U - Jah Jah Way [1980]
- Yabby You - Beware [1978]
- Yabby You - The Yabby You Sound Dubs & Versions [197X]
- Yabby You & Prophets - Deeper Roots Part 2 [197X]
- Desi Roots - Doing It Right [1980]
- Gladiators - Back To Roots [1982]
- Prince Far I - Voice Of Thunder [1981]
- Ras Midas - Rastaman In Exile [1980]
- Stanley Beckford & Turbines - Africa [1971-73]
- Upsetters - Scratch, The Super Ape [1976]
- Pablo Moses - Pave The Way [1981]
- Derrick Harriott - Born To Love You [1979]
- I Roy - Heart Of A Lion [1977]
- Sammy Dread - Sammy Dread Is Mr Music [1982]
- Winston Jarrett & Righteous Flames - Man Of The Ghetto [1977]
- Winston Jarrett & Righteous Flames - Ranking Ghetto Style [1980]
Ketta Drums
- Jackie Mittoo - Show Case Volume 3 [1977]
- Scratch And Company - Chapter 1, The Upsetters [1970-76]
- Sly & Revolutionaries - Go Deh Wid Riddim [1977]