Also known as Mickie Chung, Mikey Chung.
Appears on
- Salvation Train
- Tighten Up Vol 6
- Trojan 'Tighten Up' Box Set
- Trojan Reggae Country Box Set
- Trojan Soulful Reggae Box Set
As a musician
- Abyssinians - Declaration Of Dub [1972-76]
- Abyssinians - Satta Massagana [1976]
- Barbara Jones - Don't Stop Loving Me [1979]
- Barry Biggs - Sincerely [1977]
- Dean Fraser - Black Horn Man [1978]
- Dubwise - Rasta Dub 77 [1977]
- Ernest Ranglin - Ranglin Roots [1976]
- Ernie Smith - Ernie ... Smith, That Is [1972]
- Ernie Smith - For The Good Times [197X]
- Ernie Smith - Life Is Just For Living [1974]
- Ethiopian - Open The Gate Of Zion [1978]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Herman Chin Loy - Musicism Dub [1983]
- Ijahman - Africa [1984]
- Impact All Stars - Randy's Dub [1975]
- Inner Circle - Reggae Thing [1976]
- Jah Lloyd - Dread Lion Dub [198X]
- Jah Ruby - Dread Affairs [1977]
- Jimmy Riley - Rydim Driven [1981]
- Ken Boothe - Imagine [1986]
- King Tubby & Jacob Miller - E-E Saw Dub [1975]
- Leroy Smart - Showcase Rub A Dub [1979]
- Lone Ranger - Barnabas In Collins Wood [1979]
- Lovindeer - Octapussy [1984]
- Mark Holder - Cameo [1976]
- Mark Holder - Today Tomorrow And Always [1974]
- Maytones - One Way [1979]
- Pablo Moses - Pave The Way [1981]
- Pablo Moses - Revolutionary Dream [1976]
- Paragons - Sly & Robbie Meet The Paragons [1981]
- Peter Tosh - Mystic Man [1979]
- Peter Tosh - Talking Revolution [1978]
- Rita Marley - Who Feels It Knows It [1980]
- Slickers - Break Through [1979]
- Sly Dunbar & Robbie Shakespeare & Various Artists - Unmetered Taxi [198X]
- Sly & Robbie - Language Barrier [1985]
- Sly & Robbie - The Sixties + Seventies + Eighties = Taxi [1981]
- Sly & Robbie Presents Paragons - Memories By The Score [197X]
- Stanley Beckford - Gypsy Woman [1979]
- Tommy McCook Dub - The Sannic Sounds [1974]
- Various Artists - A Tribute To Reggae's Keyboard King Jackie Mittoo [197X]
- Various Artists - Aquarius Rock [197X]
- Various Artists - Open The Gate [1974-76]
- Various Artists - Sly & Robbie's Taxi Sound [198X]
- Various Artists - Wonderman Years [1971-76]
- Wayne Jarrett - Inner Circle [1984]
- Welton Irie - Ghettoman Corner [1977]
Rhythm Guitar
- Black Uhuru - Anthem [1983]
- Black Uhuru - Red [1981]
- Glen Da-Casta - Mind Blowing Melody [1979]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 1 [1976]
- Jimmy Riley - Put The People First [1982]
- Joe Higgs - Life Of Contradiction [1975]
- Maytones - Funny Man [1973-76]
- Peter Tosh - Bush Doctor [1978]
- Peter Tosh - Mama Africa [1983]
- Peter Tosh - Wanted Dread & Alive [1981]
- Ricky Grant - Poverty People [1979]
- Rico Rodriguez - That Man Is Forward [1981]
- Various Artists - Life Goes In Circles [1974-79]
Lead Guitar
- Black Uhuru - Anthem [1983]
- Black Uhuru - Red [1981]
- Dean Frazer - Pure Horn [1979]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 2 [1977]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 3 [1978]
- Jackie Edwards - Come To Me Softly [1979]
- Jackie Edwards - Tell Me Darling [197X]
- John Clarke - Visions Of John Clark [1979]
- Maytones - Funny Man [1973-76]
- Meditations - Guidance [1978]
- Mikey Ras Starr - Fire & Rain [1975-84]
- Peter Tosh - Bush Doctor [1978]
- Ricky Grant - Poverty People [1979]
- Toots & Maytals - Just Like That [1980]
- Inner Circle - Reggae Thing [1976]
- Peter Tosh - Mystic Man [1979]
Backing Vocals
- Inner Circle - Reggae Thing [1976]
- Sly & Robbie - The Sixties + Seventies + Eighties = Taxi [1981]
- Peter Tosh - Mystic Man [1979]
- Israel Vibration - The Same Song [1978]
- Paragons - Sly & Robbie Meet The Paragons [1981]
- Sly & Robbie Presents Paragons - Memories By The Score [197X]
- Various Artists - Life Goes In Circles [1974-79]
- Israel Vibration - The Same Song [1978]
- Sly & Robbie - The Sixties + Seventies + Eighties = Taxi [1981]
- Various Artists - Life Goes In Circles [1974-79]
- Peter Tosh - Bush Doctor [1978]
- Sly & Robbie - The Sixties + Seventies + Eighties = Taxi [1981]
- Sly & Robbie - The Sixties + Seventies + Eighties = Taxi [1981]
- Sly & Robbie - The Sixties + Seventies + Eighties = Taxi [1981]
- Al Brown - Here I Am Baby [1974]