Also known as Im.
- From Mento To Reggae To Third World Music [Cedric Im Brooks & The Divine Light - 196X-7X]
- Money Maker [Im & Dave]
Appears on
- 100% Dynamite
- Alpha Boys School
- Big Bamboo
- Black Man's Pride
- Fire Down Below
- Foundation
- Freedom Sound
- Funky Reggae
- Jamaica Funk
- Money Maker
- Reggae History A-Z vol 1
- Reggae Horn
- Rocksteady Got Soul
- Soul Defenders At Studio One
- Studio 1 Classics - Roots
- Studio First
- Studio One Foundation
- Studio One Funk
- Studio One Music Lab
- Studio One Rockers
- Studio One Roots 2
- Studio One Roots Vol 3
- Studio One Scorcher
- Studio One Scorcher Vol 2
- Tribute To Peckings
- Tuffest
- When Rhythm Was King
- Your Jamaican Girl
As a musician
- Abyssinians - Arise [1978]
Tenor Saxophone
- B.B. Seaton - I'm Aware Of Love [1979]
- Beres Hammond - Soul Reggae [1976]
- Cedric Im Brooks - United Africa [1978]
- Cedric Im Brooks & The Divine Light - From Mento To Reggae To Third World Music [196X-7X]
- Count Ossie & Mystic Revelation Of Rastafari - Grounation [1972]
- Culture - Cumbolo [1979]
- Ernest Ranglin - Ranglin Roots [1976]
- General Echo - Tribute To General Echo [1983]
- Joe Higgs - Unity Is Power [1979]
- Martin Mandingo Williams - Afrikan History [1983]
- Rico Rodriguez - That Man Is Forward [1981]
- 15-16-17 - Magic Touch [1977-78]
- Burning Spear - Creation Rebel
- DEB Music Players - House Of DEB [1979]
- DEB Music Players - Umoja [1978]
- Dave & Ansel Collins - Double Barrel [1971]
- Dennis Brown Presents Prince Jammy - Umoja - 20th Century DEBwise [1978]
- Hugh Griffiths - Mother Africa [198X]
- Hugh Mundell Featuring Lacksley Castell - Jah Fire [1980]
- Junior Delgado - Taste Of The Young Heart [1979]
- Light Of Saba - The Light Of Saba In Reggae [197X]
- Nathan Skyers - Dem A Fight I [1983]
- Prince Alla - King Of The Road [1982]
- Prince Jazzbo - Pepper Rock [1985]
- Ranking Joe - Natty Superstar [1980]
- Rita Marley - Who Feels It Knows It [1980]
- Various Artists - Allform [1983]
- Various Artists - Black Echoes [1977]
- Various Artists - Fire Down Below
- Cedric Im Brooks - United Africa [1978]
- Oku Onuora & AK7 - Pressure Drop [1984]
Hand Bass
- Oku Onuora & AK7 - Pressure Drop [1984]
- Beres Hammond - Soul Reggae [1976]
Alto Saxophone
- Beres Hammond - Soul Reggae [1976]
- Culture - Harder Than The Rest [1978]
- Harold Butler - Gold Connection [1978]
- Cedric Im Brooks - United Africa [1978]
- Harold Butler - Africa On My Mind [1978]
- Revolutionaries - Top Ranking Dub [1978]
- Culture - Trod On [197X]
- Kiddus I - Graduation In Zion [1978-80]
- Mark Holder - Cameo [1976]
- Mark Holder - Today Tomorrow And Always [1974]
- Negril - Negril [1975]
- Ruddy Thomas - First Time Around [1981]
- Cedric Im Brooks & The Divine Light - From Mento To Reggae To Third World Music [196X-7X]
- Negril - Negril [1975]
- Count Ossie & Mystic Revelation Of Rastafari - Grounation [1972]
- Cedric Im Brooks & The Divine Light - From Mento To Reggae To Third World Music [196X-7X]
- Oku Onuora & AK7 - Pressure Drop [1984]