Also known as Gits.
Appears on
- Love Of The Common People
- Love Of The Common People
- Reggae Fever
- The Observer Presents Lightning And Thunder!
As a musician
Rhythm Guitar
- Alpha Blondy - Cocody Rock !!! [1984]
- Lacksley Castell - Princess Lady [1983]
- Lloyd Willis - Gits Plays Bob Marley's Greatest Hits [1977]
- Mighty Diamonds - Pass The Kouchie [198X]
- Nicodemus - Mr. Fabulous [1986]
- Shelly Thunder - Small Horse Woman [1986]
- Bob Andy & Marcia Griffiths - Kemar [1977]
- Culture - Culture In Culture [1986]
- Daddy Freddy (The D.J. Chemist) - Body Lasher [1986]
- Echo Minott - Rock & Calypso [1985]
- Jah Screw - Herb Base Function [1986]
- Junior Reid - Original Foreign Mind [1985]
- Melodians - Sweet Sensation [1977]
- Pat Kelly - Srevol [198X]
- Royals - Pick Up The Pieces [1977]
- Sly Dunbar & Robbie Shakespeare & Various Artists - Unmetered Taxi [198X]
- Sonia Spence - Pure Love [198X]
- Tommy McCook Dub - The Sannic Sounds [1974]
- Uglyman v/s Little John - Dance Hall Clash [1986]
- Various Artists - Reggae Jeggae [1968-69]
- Al Campbell - Gee Baby [1977]
- Horace Andy - Get Wise [1974]
- Keith Poppin - Envious [1975]
- Lloyd Willis - Gits Plays Bob Marley's Greatest Hits [1977]
- Skin, Flesh & Bones - Dub In Blood [1976]
Lead Guitar
- Bobby Kalphat - The War Is On Dub Style [198X]
- Early B & Malibu - My Friends Circle Jamaica [198X]
- Lloyd Willis - Gits Plays Bob Marley's Greatest Hits [1977]