- Brutal Out Deh [1981]
- Cool And Dread [1982-83]
- Early Recording [1971-79]
- Give Me Power [1983]
- In A Dis Ya Time [197X-8X]
- Rasta Philosophy [1985]
- Itals - Brutal Out Deh [1981]
- Itals - Cool And Dread [1982-83]
- Itals - Early Recording [1971-79]
Appears on
- Adults Only Vol 2
- Calling Rastafari
- Hits Of 77
- In A Dis Ya Time
- Knotty Vision
- Music Alone Shall Live
- Real Authentic Reggae Volume One
- Reggae In Your Jeggae
- Spotlight On Reggae Vol 6
- Street Corner Ital Food
- Trojan Ras Reggae Box Set
- Wiser Dread
- You Can't Wine & Music Alone Shall Live
Albums engineered by Itals
Mixing Engineer
- Itals - Cool And Dread [1982-83]
As a musician
- Itals - Brutal Out Deh [1981]
- Itals - Cool And Dread [1982-83]
- Itals - Early Recording [1971-79]
- Itals - Give Me Power [1983]
Backing Band
- Itals - Cool And Dread [1982-83]