Also known as Radics.

- In A Dub Explosion (Roots Radics Meets Scientist & King Tubby)
- Dangerous Dub (King Tubby Meets The Roots Radics)
- More Dangerous Dub (The Roots Radics Meets King Tubbys)
- Scientist Meets The Roots Radics (Scientist Meets The Roots Radics)
- Radicfaction
- Roots Radics At Channel One Kingston Jamaica
- Radical Dub Session (The Roots Radics Featuring Gladstone Anderson)
- Roots Splashdown
- Roy Cousins Presents The Kings And Queens Of Dub
- Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate In Dub (The Roots Radics Meet The Soul Syndicate)
- 1980-1981 Vintage [Johnny Osbourne Meets The Roots Radics - 1980-81]
- Dubbin With Horns [Scientist Meets The Roots Radics - 198X]
- Dubbing At Channel One [198X]
- Jah Thomas Meets The Roots Radics Dubbing [Jah Thomas Meets The Roots Radics - 198X]
- King Tubby's Hidden Treasure [Jah Thomas & The Roots Radics - 198X]
- King Tubby's Rockers [1979-85]
- Leroy Smart with Roots Radix and Friends [Leroy Smart With Roots Radix & Friends - 1983]
- Prophecy Of Dub [Jah Thomas & The Roots Radics - 1980-82]
- Sensi Dub Vol 6 [Glen Brown & The Roots Radics - 197X]
- John Holt - For Lovers And Dancers [1984]
Appears on
- Adventures In Dub
- Big Showdown
- Dancehall 2
- Down In The Dub Vaults
- Dub Landing Vol: 2
- Dub Massive Chapter 1
- Dub Massive Chapter 2
- Dub Sessions
- Flashing Echo
- Good Times Skank
- Gun Court Dub Vol 4
- Haul & Pull Up Selecta
- Heavyweight Dub Champion
- In Ram Packed Showcase In A Suitcase
- Jonny Greenwood Is The Controller
- Leroy Smart with Roots Radix and Friends
- Master Showcase
- Midnight Rock Classics Vol 1
- Midnight Rock Presents Ansa Riddim
- Midnight Rock Presents Gunshot Rhythm
- Ready When You Dub Two
- Revenge Of The General
- Right Now
- Robert French Meets Anthony Johnson
Roots With Quality
- Foot Drum
- No Loafer
- Under The Tree Version
- Kick Up
- Dice Cup Version
- Lovers Race Version
- Sister In Law Version
- Radics In A 82 Style
- Get Me Mad Version
- Hog And Goat Version
- Come Scratch Me Back Version
- No Vacancy Version
- Give Me What You Want Version
- Pass The Ball Version
- Pancoote Version
- Thank You Mama Version
- Scientist Meets The Space Invaders
- Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires
- Scientist Wins The World Cup
- The Classical Anthology
- The Linval Thompson Trojan Roots Albums Collection
- The Very Best Of Me
- Trojan Dancehall Box Set
- Trojan Dub Box Set
- Trojan Dub Box Set Volume 2
- Trojan Dub Rarities Box Set
- Trojan Ganja Reggae Box Set
- Trojan Ras Reggae Box Set
- Trojan Reggae For Kids Box Set
- Two Of A Kind
- Unity Is Strength
- Unity Is Strength Vol 2
As a musician
Backing Band
- Al Campbell - Dance Hall Stylee [1982]
- Al Campbell - Roots & Culture [1975-83]
- Angel Hoytt - Wanna Be Your Lover Tonight [1983]
- Anthony Johnson - I'm Ready [1983]
- Anthony Johnson - Reggae Feeling [1984]
- Anthony Johnson - Reggae Feelings [1982-84]
- B.B. Seaton - Gun Court Dub Vol 4 [197X]
- Barrington Levy - Doh Ray Me [1980]
- Barrington Levy - Englishman [1979]
- Barrington Levy - Englishman - Robin Hood [1979-80]
- Barrington Levy - Here I Come [1985]
- Barrington Levy - Jah The Creator [1979-83]
- Barrington Levy - Prison Oval Rock [1984]
- Barrington Levy - Robin Hood [1980]
- Barrington Levy - Run Come Ya! [1981]
- Barrington Levy - Shaolin Temple [1979]
- Barrington Levy - Teach Me Culture [1983]
- Barrington Levy - Time Capsule [1982]
- Barry Brown - Barry Brown [1980-81]
- Barry Brown - Pass Up The Chalice [1978-83]
- Barry Brown - Rich Man Poor Man [1978-80]
- Barry Brown - Right Now [198X]
- Barry Brown - The Thompson Sound [1979-82]
- Barry Brown & Little John - Showdown Vol 1 [1983]
- Billy Boyo - The Very Best Of Me [1980-82]
- Bim Sherman - Crucial Cuts Vol 1 [1986-90]
- Bim Sherman - Crucial Cuts Vol 2 [1979-84]
- Bim Sherman - Ghetto Dub [1988]
- Bim Sherman - Haunting Ground [1986]
- Bim Sherman - Lovers Leap Showcase [1979]
- Bim Sherman - Rub-A-Dub [1975-79]
- Bim Sherman - The Need to Live [1981-95]
- Bingy Bunny - Me And Jane [1982]
- Bro. Yahya - No False Prophet [1983]
- Bunny Lie Lie - Midnight Loving [1983]
- Bunny Wailer - Rock'n'Groove [1981]
- Byron Otis - Missing Your Love [1979]
- Captain Sinbad - The Seven Voyages Of Captain Sinbad [1982]
- Charlie Chaplin - Dance Hall Rockers [1983-85]
- Charlie Chaplin - Dance Hall Rockers Vol 2 [1983-85]
- Charlie Chaplin - Face To Face [1982-84]
- Charlie Chaplin - Quenchie [198X]
- Charlie Chaplin - Red Pond [1982]
- Charlie Chaplin - Red Pond + Chaplin Chant [1981-83]
- Charlie Chaplin - Roots & Culture [1984]
- Clint Eastwood - Sex Education [1980]
- Cocoa Tea - Rocking Dolly [1984]
- Cocoa Tea - Weh Dem A Go Do [1984]
- Cocoa Tea & Barrington Levy - Corner Stone Presents Clash Of The 80's [198X]
- Colour Man - Cool Profile [198X]
- Congo Ashantie Roy - Sign Of The Star [1980]
- Cornell Campbell - Fight Against Corruption [1983]
- Cultural Roots - Hell A Go Pop [1984]
- Dennis Brown - Satisfaction Feeling [1983]
- Dillinger - Join The Queue [1983]
- Don Carlos - Day To Day Living [1982]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Ghetto Living [1983]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Them Never Know Natty Dread Have Him Credential [1982]
- Don Carlos & Gold & Gladiators - Showdown Vol 3 [1984]
- Earl Cunningham - Earl Cunningham [1983]
- Earl Cunningham - John Tom [1984]
- Earl Sixteen - Julia [1982]
- Earl Sixteen - Songs For A Reason [1983]
- Earl Sixteen - Songs Of Love And Hardship [1984]
- Earl Sixteen - Special Request [1981-84]
- Early B - Send In The Patient [1982-85]
- Edi Fitzroy - Check For You Once [1982]
- Edi Fitzroy - Youthman Penitentiary [1982]
- Eek A Mouse - Assassinator [1983]
- Eek A Mouse - Greensleeves Most Wanted [1980-84]
- Eek A Mouse - Mouseketeer [1984]
- Eek A Mouse - Skidip ! [1982]
- Eek A Mouse - The Mouse & The Man [1983]
- Eek A Mouse - Wa-Do-Dem [1981]
- Flick Wilson - School Days [197X]
- Frankie Paul - 20 Massive Hits [198X]
- Frankie Paul - Be My Lady [1984]
- Frankie Paul - Hand Cart Man [1986]
- Frankie Paul - Hot Number [198X]
- Frankie Paul - Pass The Tu Sheng Peng [1984]
- Freddie McGregor - Big Ship [1982]
- General Echo - 12" Of Pleasure [1980]
- General Plough - Midnight Rock [1980]
- George Nooks - Today [1981]
- Gregory Isaacs - Lovers Rock [1980]
- Gregory Isaacs - More Gregory [1981]
- Gregory Isaacs - Night Nurse [1982]
- Gregory Isaacs - Out Deh [1984]
- Gregory Isaacs - Reggae Greats [1984]
- Gregory Isaacs - The Lonely Lover [1980]
- Gregory Isaacs & Friends - Top Ten [197X]
- Headley Benett & Bim Sherman - 35 Years From Alpha [1981]
- Horace Andy - Showcase [1980]
- Horace Andy & Patrick Andy - Clash Of The Andys [1985]
- Hugh Griffiths - Mr Walker [1981]
- Hugh Mundell - Mundell [1982]
- Israel Vibration - Strength Of My Life [1988]
- Israel Vibration - The Same Song [1978]
- Itals - Cool And Dread [1982-83]
- Jah Batta - Argument [1983]
- Jah Lion - In Action With Revolutionary Dub Band [1983]
- Jah Lloyd - Dread Lion Dub [198X]
- Jah Thomas - Dance Hall Connection [1982]
- Jah Thomas - Dance Hall Stylee [1982]
- Jah Thomas - Jump Around [1984]
- Jah Thomas - Lyrics For Sale [198X]
- Jah Thomas - Nah Fight Over Woman [1980]
- Jah Thomas Meets King Tubby - Jah Thomas Meets King Tubby Inna Roots Of Dub [1979-81]
- Jah Thomas Meets Roots Radics - Jah Thomas Meets The Roots Radics Dubbing [198X]
- Jah Thomas & Roots Radics - King Tubby's Hidden Treasure [198X]
- Jah Thomas & Roots Radics - Prophecy Of Dub [1980-82]
- Jah Thomas Meets Scientist - Jah Thomas Meets Scientist In Dub Conference [197X]
- Jah Woosh - Sing And Chant Jah Woosh [1982]
- John Holt - For Lovers And Dancers [1984]
- John Holt - Gold [1982]
- John Holt - Just The Two Of Us [1982]
- John Holt - Police In Helicopter [1982]
- John Holt - Stealing, Stealing [1984]
- John Holt - Sweetie Come Brush Me [1979-83]
- Johnnie Ringo - Riding West [1982]
- Johnny Clarke - Can't Get Enough [1982]
- Johnny Clarke - Strickly Reggae Music [1976-86]
- Johnny Osbourne - Bring The Sensi Come [1984]
- Johnny Osbourne - Fally Lover [1980]
- Johnny Osbourne - Fally Lover - Never Stop Fighting [1980-82]
- Johnny Osbourne - In Nah Disco Style [1982]
- Johnny Osbourne - Mr Budy Bye [198X]
- Johnny Osbourne - Never Stop Fighting [1982]
- Johnny Osbourne - Reality [1984]
- Johnny Osbourne - Yo-Yo [1982]
- Johnny Osbourne Meets Roots Radics - 1980-1981 Vintage [1980-81]
- Johnny Ringo - Johnny Ringo [1982]
- Josey Wales - The Outlaw [1983]
- Josey Wales - The Outlaw + No Way No Better Than Yard [1983-84]
- Josie Wales Meets Early B - Clash Of The 80's Vol 2 [1982-84]
- Junior Keating - Weekend Lover [1980]
- Junior Murvin - Badman Possee [1982]
- Junior Murvin - Muggers In The Street [1984]
- Junior Reid & Leroy Smart - Back To Back [1985]
- King Tubby Meets Roots Radics - Dangerous Dub [1981]
- King Tubby & Scientist - King Tubby's Meets Scientist At Dub Station [198X]
- Lee Van Cleef - Reggae Sunsplash [1982]
- Leroy Smart - Prophecy A Go Hold Dem [198X]
- Leroy Smart & Junior Reid - Face To Face Clash [1985]
- Leroy Smart With Roots Radix & Friends - Leroy Smart with Roots Radix and Friends [1983]
- Linval Thompson - Baby Father [1983]
- Linval Thompson - Look How Me Sexy [1982]
- Linval Thompson - Look How Me Sexy + Baby Father [1981-83]
- Linval Thompson - Phoenix Dub [1980-82]
- Linval Thompson & Friends - Can't Stop Us Now [1979-82]
- Little Harry & Billy Boyo & Nicodemus - D.J. Clash [1983]
- Little John - Ghetto Youth [1983]
- Little John - Give The Youth A Try [1983]
- Little John - Reggae Dance [1982]
- Little John - Rubber Dub One [1986]
- Little John - The Best Of [1985]
- Little John - Unite [1984]
- Lone Ranger - Dee Jay Daddy [1984]
- Meditations - No More Friend [1983]
- Michael Palmer - Angella [1984]
- Michael Palmer - I'm Still Dancing Showcase [198X]
- Michael Palmer - Star Performer [1984]
- Michael Palmer Meets Johnny Osbourne - Wicked [1985]
- Michael Palmer & Kelly Ranks - Michael Palmer Meets Kelly Ranks At Channel One [1985]
- Michael Prophet - Certify [1983]
- Michael Prophet - Gunman + Righteous Are the Conqueror [1982-83]
- Michael Prophet - Michael Prophet [1981]
- Michigan & Smiley - Step By Step [1982]
- Michigan & Smiley - Sugar Daddy [1983]
- Mike Brooks - One Love [1983]
- Mikey Dread - Dub Catalogue [1982]
- Mikey Dread - World War III [1982]
- Natural Vibes - Life Hard A Yard [1982]
- Nicodemus - Gunman Connection [1982]
- Nicodemus - The Very Best Of Nicodemus [1983]
- Nicodemus & Toyan - DJ Clash [1982]
- Nigger Kojak - Rock Jack Kojak [1983]
- Pad Anthony & Frankie Jones - Hell In The Dance [1986]
- Papa Michigan & General Smiley - Downpression [1982]
- Phillip Frazer - In A Dancehall Style [1980-84]
- Phillip Frazer & Triston Palma - The Big Showdown [1984]
- Prince Far I - Cry Freedom Dub [1980-83]
- Prince Far I - Umkhonto We Sizwe [1984]
- Prince Jammy - Prince Jammy Destroys The Invaders [1982]
- Prince Jazzbo - In The 70's [1971-76]
- Purpleman & Papa Tullo - Purpleman Saves Pappa Tollo In A Dancehall [1983]
- R. Zee Jackson - Trodding [197X]
- Ranking Dread - Ranking Dread In Dub [1982]
- Ranking Joe - Armageddon [1982]
- Ranking Joe - Disco Skate [1981]
- Ranking Joe - Saturday Night Jamdown Style [1980]
- Ranking Joe - Showcase [1981]
- Ranking Toyan - Ghetto Man Skank [1983]
- Reggae George - Fight On My Own [1985]
- Ringo - Pancoot [1982]
- Robert French & Anthony Johnson - Robert French Meets Anthony Johnson [198X]
- Rod Taylor - Ethiopian Kings [1975-80]
- Rod Taylor - Garden Of Eden [1975-82]
- Rod Taylor - Lonely Girl [198X]
- Rod Taylor - Where Is Your Love Mankind [1980]
- Roman Stewart - Give Thanks [197X]
- Roots Radics - Dubbing At Channel One [198X]
- Roots Radics - Freelance [1985]
- Roots Radics - Radicfaction [1982]
- Roots Radics - Roots Dub Style [1984]
- Roots Radics - Roots Radics At Channel One Kingston Jamaica [1982]
- Roots Radics - Roots Splashdown [198X]
- Roots Radics - Roy Cousins Presents The Kings And Queens Of Dub [198X]
- Roots Radics Featuring Gladstone Anderson - Radical Dub Session [1982]
- Roots Radics Meets King Tubbys - More Dangerous Dub [1981]
- Roots Radics Meet Mighty Revolutionaires - Outernational Riddim [1980]
- Roots Radics Meets Scientist & King Tubby - In A Dub Explosion [197X]
- Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate - Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate In Dub [198X]
- Sammy Dread - Sammy Dread Is Mr Music [1982]
- Scientist - Dub Landing [1981]
- Scientist - Heavyweight Dub Champion [1980]
- Scientist - Mach 1 Beyond The Sound Barrier [1979-83]
- Scientist - Pockets Of Resistance [198X]
- Scientist - Scientist Encounters Pac-Man [1982]
- Scientist - Scientist In Dub Volume 1 [1981]
- Scientist - Scientist Meets The Space Invaders [1981]
- Scientist - Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires [1981]
- Scientist - The Seducer Dubwise [1982]
- Scientist & Jammy - Scientist & Jammy Strike Back [1983]
- Scientist & Prince Jammie - Dub Landing Vol: 2 [1982]
- Scientist Meets Roots Radics - Dubbin With Horns [198X]
- Scientist Meets Roots Radics - Scientist Meets The Roots Radics [1981]
- Simple Simon - Bad Man [1985]
- Sister Carol - Black Cinderella [1984]
- Sugar Minott - Channel 1 Collection [198X]
- Sugar Minott - Sufferer's Choice [1983]
- Sugar Minott - Them A Wolf [1987]
- Sugar Minott - With Lots Of Extra [1983]
- Sugar Minott & Frankie Paul - Showdown Vol 2 [1983]
- Tonto Irie - Jammy's Possee [198X]
- Tony Tuff - Come Fi Mash It [1983]
- Toyan - DJ Daddy [1983]
- Toyan - Every Posse Want Me [1983]
- Toyan - How The West Was Won [1981]
- Toyan - Spar With Me [1982]
- Triston Palmer - Entertainment [198X]
- Triston Palmer - Fancyness [1982]
- Triston Palmer - Joker Smoker [1982]
- Triston Palmer - Show Case [1982]
- Triston Palmer - Stop Spreading Rumours [198X]
- Triston Palmer - The Best Of [1982]
- Triston Palmer & Toyan - Nice Time [1982]
- U Brown - Jam It Tonight [1983]
- U Brown vs Peter Yellow - DJ Confrontation [1982]
- Various Artists - Africa Iron Gate Showcase [1982]
- Various Artists - African Museum All Stars [1983]
- Various Artists - Black Solidarity Presents String Up The Sound System [198X]
- Various Artists - Calling Rastafari [1982]
- Various Artists - Cornerstone Presents Battle Of The Superstars [198X]
- Various Artists - Don Mais Presents Roots Tradition vineyard [1977-80]
- Various Artists - Don't Give Up Your Culture [1972-84]
- Various Artists - Forward [1977-82]
- Various Artists - Jack Ruby Hi-Power vs. Gemini Discotheque [198X]
- Various Artists - Jah Jah Dreader Than Dread [1979-83]
- Various Artists - Live And Learn Smashing All Stars [1986]
- Various Artists - Midnight Rock Presents Gunshot Rhythm [1982]
- Various Artists - Midnight Rock Presents Reggae Veterans Vol 1 [1980-84]
- Various Artists - Reggae All Stars - Tuff Gong Music [198X]
- Various Artists - Reggae Stars Explosion Vol 1 [1985]
- Various Artists - Rockers Vibration [1980-82]
- Various Artists - Roots Tradition 70s and 80s Vintage [197X-8X]
- Various Artists - Rub-A-Dub Soldiers [1980-83]
- Various Artists - Two Time Girl [1984]
- Various Artists - Whole New Generation Of DJ [1981]
- Viceroys - Brethren And Sistren [1983]
- Wailing Souls - Baby Come Rock [1982]
- Wailing Souls - Best Of Wailing Soul [1984]
- Wailing Souls - Fire House Rock [1981]
- Wailing Souls - Inchpinchers [1983]
- Wailing Souls - On The Rocks [1983]
- Wailing Souls - The Best Of [1984]
- Wailing Souls - Wailing [1981]
- Wayne Jarrett - Chip In [1982]
- Welton Irie - Reprobate [197X]
- Winston Hussey - Ghettoman Problem [1985]
- Winston Hussey - The Girl I Adore [1983]
- Yami Bolo - Healing Of All Nations [2001]
- Yellowman - Duppy Or Gunman [1982]
- Yellowman - Mister Yellowman [1982]
- Yellowman - Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt [1984]
- Yellowman - Zungguzungguguzungguzeng [1983]
- Yellowman & Fathead - One Yellowman [1982]
- Yellowman versus Josey Wales - Two Giants Clash [1984]
- Frankie Paul - Hand Cart Man [1986]