Also known as Boo Richards.
Albums engineered by Mikey Boo Richards
- Massive Dread - Strictly ... Bubbling [1982]
As a musician
- Abyssinians - Declaration Of Dub [1972-76]
- Abyssinians - Forward [1969-76]
- Abyssinians - Satta Massagana [1976]
- Augustus Pablo - Rockers Meets King Tubby In A Fire House [1980]
- B.B. Seaton - Colour Is Not The Answer [1976]
- Barrington Levy - Life Style [1983]
- Barry Biggs - Coming Down With Love [1983]
- Barry Biggs - Sincerely [1977]
- Barry Biggs - So In Love [198X]
- Beres Hammond - Beres Hammond [1985]
- Beres Hammond - Let's Make A Song [1981]
- Beres Hammond - Red Light [1983]
- Beres Hammond - Soul Reggae [1976]
- Boris Gardiner - Everything To Me [1986]
- Bunny Maloney - Give Me Some More Loving [1985]
- Bunny Wailer - Protest [1977]
- Congos - Heart Of The Congos [1977]
- Culture - Cumbolo [1979]
- Culture - More Culture [1981]
- Culture - Trod On [197X]
- Dean Fraser - Black Horn Man [1978]
- Delroy Wilson - Sarge [1976]
- Delroy Wilson - The Dean Of Reggae [1985]
- Dennis Brown - The Best Of Dennis Brown Part 2 [197X]
- Dennis Brown - Wolf And Leopards [1976-77]
- Dennis Brown & Enos McLeod - Baalgad [1986]
- Derrick Harriott - Born To Love You [1979]
- Derrick Harriott - Float On [1978]
- Derrick Harriott & Revolutionaries - Reggae Chart Busters Seventies Style [1977]
- Desi Roots - Children In Exile [1982]
- Desi Roots - Doing It Right [1980]
- Earl Morgan - D.C. Dub Connection [1982]
- Ernest Ranglin - Ranglin Roots [1976]
- Ernie Smith - Ernie ... Smith, That Is [1972]
- Ernie Smith - For The Good Times [197X]
- Ernie Smith - Life Is Just For Living [1974]
- George Faith - Super Eight [1977]
- Gladstone Anderson - Glady Unlimited [1977]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Harold Butler - Africa On My Mind [1978]
- Harold Butler - Gold Connection [1978]
- Harold Butler & Four Corners - The Butler Did It [1978]
- Harry Mudie & Friends - Let Me Tell You Boy [1970-71]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 1 [1976]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 2 [1977]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 3 [1978]
- Heptones - Changing Times [1986]
- Heptones - Party Time [1977]
- Heptones - Unreleased Night Food & Rare Black Ark Sessions [1976-77]
- Herman Chin Loy - Musicism Dub [1983]
- Horace Martin - Pozitive Vibez [1983-85]
- Horace Martin - Watermelon Man [1985]
- I Roy - The Classic I Roy [1986]
- Impact All Stars - Randy's Dub [1975]
- J.C. Lodge - Revealed [1984]
- Ja-Man All Stars - In The Dub Zone [1976-79]
- Jacob Miller - Mixed Up Moods [1979]
- Jah Ruby - Dread Affairs [1977]
- Janett Silvera - When I Need You [1977]
- Jimmy Cliff - Special [1982]
- Joe Gibbs & Professionals - African Dub Chapter 4 [1979]
- Joe Higgs - Life Of Contradiction [1975]
- Johnny Osbourne - Rock Me Rock Me [1985]
- Junior Delgado - Taste Of The Young Heart [1979]
- Junior Reid & Don Carlos - Firehouse Clash [1986]
- Ken Boothe - Blood Brothers [1976]
- Ken Boothe - Reggae For Lovers [1979]
- King Tubby - King Tubby Meets Blackbeard's Ring Craft Posse [197X]
- Lacksley Castell - Princess Lady [1983]
- Larry Marshall - Throw Mi Corn [197X]
- Lee Perry - Roast Fish, Collie Weed And Corn Bread [1978]
- Lee Perry & Friends - Black Art From The Black Ark [197X]
- Lee Perry & His Upsetters - Roaring Lion [197X]
- Lee Perry & The Sufferers - The Sound Doctor [1972-78]
- Lee Perry & Upsetters - Sound System Scratch [1973-78]
- Lee Scratch Perry - Soundz From The Hotline [1976-79]
- Lincoln Thompson & Rasses - Natural Wild [1980]
- Linval Thompson & Friends - Whip Them King Tubby [197X]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lloyd Parks - What More Can I Do [1983]
- Lord Laro - Yu Have Fe Dread [198X]
- Louie Lepkie - Latenight Movie [1981]
- Lovindeer - Rock It Up [1979]
- Manzie & Ranking Barnabas - King's Dub [1980]
- Mark Holder - Cameo [1976]
- Mark Holder - Today Tomorrow And Always [1974]
- Massive Dread - Strictly ... Bubbling [1982]
- Max Romeo - Perilous Time [1974-1999]
- Max Romeo - Reconstruction [1978]
- Max Romeo - Revelation Time [1975]
- Meditations - Greatest Hits [197X]
- Meditations - Guidance [1978]
- Mikey Ras Starr - Fire & Rain [1975-84]
- Pablo Moses - In The Future [1983]
- Pablo Moses - Pave The Way [1981]
- Pablo Moses - Revolutionary Dream [1976]
- Pablo Moses - Tension [1985]
- Pat Kelly - Lonely Man [1978]
- Pat Kelly - Srevol [198X]
- Prince Jazzbo - Natty Passing Thru [1976]
- Prince Lincoln Thompson & Royal Rasses - Ride With The Rasses [1982]
- Prince Lincoln & Rasses - Vortex Dub [197X-8X]
- Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - Kibir-Am-Lak [1977]
- Riley All Stars - Concrete Jungle Dub [1976]
- Ring Craft Posse - St. Catherine In Dub [1972-84]
- Royal Rasses Featuring Prince Lincoln Thompson - Humanity [1979]
- Ruddy Thomas - When I've Got You [1983]
- Sam Carty & Astronauts - International Slackness [1981]
- Scratch And Company - Chapter 1, The Upsetters [1970-76]
- Seke Molenga & Kalo Kawongolo With Lee Scratch Perry - From The Heart Of The Congo [1977]
- Sons Of Negus - Rastafari In Dub [1978]
- Sonya Spence - Sings Love [1981]
- Super Cat - Boops ! [1986]
- Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan - Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan [1982]
- Sydney Rogers - Miracle Worker [1974]
- Tennors - Moods [196X-7X]
- The Astronaughts - Born Jamaica [1982]
- The Rass-es - Experience [1979]
- The Rass-es Band & Prince Jammy - Harder Na Rass [1979]
- Tinga Stewarts - I Feel The Music [1981]
- Tommy McCook Dub - The Sannic Sounds [1974]
- Tyrone Taylor - Cottage In Negril [1983]
- Upsetters - Kung Fu Meets The Dragon [1975]
- Upsetters - Scratch, The Super Ape [1976]
- Various Artists - Aquarius Rock [197X]
- Various Artists - Baffling Smoke Signal [1976-78]
- Various Artists - Clive Hunt Ruff'N'Tuff [1982]
- Various Artists - Every Mouth Must Be Fed [1973-76]
- Various Artists - Open The Gate [1974-76]
- Various Artists - Reggae Hits Of The 80's [1982]
- Various Artists - The Return Of Sound System Scratch [1973-79]
- Various Artists - Top Ranking D.J. Session Volume II [1980]
- Vin Gordon & Upsetters - Musical Bones [1972-75]
- Welton Irie - It Feels So Good [1980]
- Willie 'String Picker' Lindo & Dean 'Youth Sax' Fraser - Double Dynamite [1979]
- Yellowman - Jack Sprat [1982]
- Bunny Wailer - Protest [1977]
- Abyssinians - Declaration Of Dub [1972-76]
- Riley All Stars - Concrete Jungle Dub [1976]