Web Links
- Interview by Jim Dooley [http://incolor.inetnebr.com/cvanpelt/lparks.html]
- Interview by Jah Rebel [http://www.rebelbase.be/index.php?page=54&interview_column=61]
- Lloyd Parks - Girl In The Morning [1975]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lloyd Parks - Loving You [1976]
- Lloyd Parks - Officially [1972]
- Lloyd Parks - What More Can I Do [1983]
- Lloyd Parks & We The People - Meet The People [1978]
Appears on
- 17 North Parade
- All Shook Up
- Black & White Reggae Classics Vol 1
- Boat To Progress
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters
- Cactus Classics
- Champion Sound Chapter 2
- Complete UK Upsetter Singles Collection Vol 4
- Funky Kingston Reggae Dancefloor Grooves
- Good Times Skank
- History Of Trojan Records 1972-95
- I Am The Upsetter
- Impact !
- Irie Reggae Hits
- Just My Imagination
- Just My Imagination Vol 3
- Just My Imagination Vol 4
- Keep On Running
- Kung Fu !
- Music Works vol 2
- Musical Consortium
- Now This Is What I & I Call Version
- Original Riddims
- Out Of Many, One
- Psalms Of Drums
- Randy's 50th Anniversary
- Rebel Music
- Reggae Chartbusters Vol 5
- Reggae Masterpiece Vol 1
- Roots & Culture At Randy's
- Screaming Target
- Sounds And Pressure Vol 4
- Spotlight On Reggae Vol 2
- Step Forward Youth
- The Reggae Love Collection
- The Story Of Trojan Records
- Thriller
- Time A Go Dread
- Trojan Carnival Box Set
- Trojan Jamaican Hits Box Set
- Trojan Reggae Brothers Box Set
- Trojan Reggae Rarities Box Set
- Trojan Seventies Box Set
- Trojan Soulful Reggae Box Set
- Wonderman Years
As a musician
- 15-16-17 - Magic Touch [1977-78]
- Abyssinians - Arise [1978]
- African Brothers - Want Some Freedom [1970-78]
- African Brothers & King Tubby - The African Brothers Meets King Tubby In Dub [197X]
- Aggrovators & King Tubby & Bunny Lee - Bionic Dub [1975-77]
- Agrovators Meets The Revolutioners - Agrovators Meets The Revolutioners At Channel One Studios [1977]
- Al Brown - Here I Am Baby [1974]
- Al Campbell - Freedom Street [1984]
- Alton Ellis - Many Moods Of Alton Ellis [1978-80]
- Alton Ellis & Heptones - Mr Ska Bean'a [1980]
- Baba Dread - Earthman Connection [1978-79]
- Barrington Levy - Life Style [1983]
- Barrington Levy - Money Move [1984]
- Barry Brown - Far East [1982]
- Beres Hammond - Beres Hammond [1985]
- Bobby Kalphat - The War Is On Dub Style [198X]
- Bunny Maloney - Give Me Some More Loving [1985]
- Carl Dobson - Riding High [198X]
- Chantells - Waiting In The Park [1978]
- Chantells & Friends - Children Of Jah [1977-79]
- Cornell Campbell - Stalowatt [1976]
- Cornell Campbell - What's Happening To Me [1982]
- Culture - More Culture [1981]
- Culture - Two Sevens Clash [1977]
- D. Witter - Mawamba Dub (Warrior) [1978]
- DEB Music Players - House Of DEB [1979]
- DEB Music Players - Umoja [1978]
- Dadawah - Peace & Love [1974]
- Daddy Freddy (The D.J. Chemist) - Body Lasher [1986]
- Danny Mangaroo - Thousand Things On My Mind [1983]
- Danny Tucker - Changes [198X]
- Dave Barker & Ansel Collins - Dave & Ansil Collins In Toronto [1974]
- David Jahson - Natty Chase The Barber [1978]
- Dean Fraser - Black Horn Man [1978]
- Delroy Wilson - Hit After Hit After Hit [1984]
- Delroy Wilson - Living In The Footsteps [1980]
- Delroy Wilson - Reggae Classics [1984]
- Delroy Wilson - The Dean Of Reggae [1985]
- Dennis Brown - Joseph's Coat Of Many Colours [1979]
- Dennis Brown - Love Has Found Its Way [1982]
- Dennis Brown - Love's Gotta Hold On Me [1984]
- Dennis Brown - More [1982]
- Dennis Brown - Stagecoach Showcase [1982]
- Dennis Brown - The Best Of Dennis Brown Part 2 [197X]
- Dennis Brown - The Promised Land [1977-79]
- Dennis Brown - Visions Of Dennis Brown [1978]
- Dennis Brown - Wolf And Leopards [1976-77]
- Dennis Brown & Enos McLeod - Baalgad [1986]
- Dennis Brown & Gregory Isaacs - Judge Not [1984]
- Dennis Brown Presents Prince Jammy - Umoja - 20th Century DEBwise [1978]
- Derrick Harriott - Born To Love You [1979]
- Dillinger - Cup Of Tea [1980]
- Dillinger - Funky Punk Rock To The Music [1979]
- Dillinger - Join The Queue [1983]
- Don Carlos - Harvest Time [1982]
- Don Carlos - Just A Passing Glance [1984]
- Don Carlos - Suffering [1981]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Raving Tonight [1983]
- Doreen Shaffer - Wondeful Sounds [1986]
- Earl Morgan - D.C. Dub Connection [1982]
- Earl Sixteen - Shining Star [1983]
- Echo Minott - Rock & Calypso [1985]
- Ernie Smith - For The Good Times [197X]
- Ernie Smith - Life Is Just For Living [1974]
- Frankie Paul - Strange Feeling [1983]
- Gladiators - Naturality [1979]
- Gladiators - Trenchtown Mix Up [1976]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Glenmore Brown - Dub From The South East [1972-76]
- Gregory Isaacs - All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [1986]
- Gregory Isaacs - Private Beach Party [1985]
- Half Pint - In Fine Style [1984]
- Horace Martin - Pozitive Vibez [1983-85]
- Horace Martin - Watermelon Man [1985]
- I Roy - African Herbsman [1979]
- I Roy - The Classic I Roy [1986]
- Impact All Stars - Java Java Java Java [1972]
- Impact All Stars - Randy's Dub [1975]
- Itals - Early Recording [1971-79]
- J.C. Lodge - Revealed [1984]
- Jah Frankie Jones - Satta An Praise Jah [1977]
- Jah Lloyd - The Humble One [1978]
- Jah Screw - Herb Base Function [1986]
- Jah Stitch - No Dread Can't Dead [1976]
- Jah Woosh & Sis Bee - Rebellion [1981]
- Jimmy Reid - Are You Ready [1985]
- Jimmy Riley - Put The People First [1982]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 1 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 2 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 3 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 4 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 5 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub All-Mighty [1975]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub All-Mighty Chapter 3 [1978]
- Joe Gibbs - Majestic Dub [1979]
- Joe Gibbs - State Of Emergency [1976]
- Joe Gibbs & Professionals - African Dub Chapter 4 [1979]
- Joe Gibbs & Professionals Featuring Errol Thompson - No Bones For The Dogs [1974-79]
- Johnny Osbourne - Dancing Time [1984]
- Johnny Osbourne - Rock Me Rock Me [1985]
- June Lodge - Someone Loves You Honey [1982]
- Junior Delgado - Taste Of The Young Heart [1979]
- K.C. White - Try A Little Happiness [1982]
- K.C. White - Try A Little Happiness [198X]
- Keith Poppin - More Of Keith Poppin [1979]
- Ken Boothe - "Mr" Boothe [197X]
- Ken Boothe - Everything I Own [1974]
- Ken Boothe - Reggae For Lovers [1979]
- King Sounds - Come Zion Side Happiness [1979]
- King Tubby - Dub Like Dirt [1975-77]
- King Tubby - King Tubby Meets Blackbeard's Ring Craft Posse [197X]
- King Tubby & Prince Jammy - Dub Gone 2 Crazy [1975-79]
- Knowledge - Rasta Don't Take Bribe [1978X]
- Larry Marshall - Throw Mi Corn [197X]
- Larry Marshall & King Tubby - I Admire You In Dub [1975]
- Leroy Smart - Leroy Smart & Friends [1976-78]
- Linval Thompson - Six Babylon [1979]
- Lion Zion - Reggae In America [1976]
- Little John - True Confession [1984]
- Little Roy - Tafari Earth Uprising [197X]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lloyd Parks - Loving You [1976]
- Lloyd Parks - Officially [1972]
- Lloyd Parks - Time A Go Dread [197X]
- Lloyd Parks - What More Can I Do [1983]
- Lloyd Parks & We The People - Meet The People [1978]
- Louie Lepkie - Latenight Movie [1981]
- Marcia Aitken - Reggae Impact [1981]
- Marcia Griffiths - Sweet Bitter Love [1974]
- Marie Bowie & K.C. White & Hortense Ellis - More Reggae Love Songs [198X]
- Martin Mandingo Williams - Afrikan History [1983]
- Mexicano - Move Up Starsky [1977]
- Michael Palmer - Sweet Daddy [1985]
- Mighty Diamonds - Backstage [1983]
- Mighty Diamonds - Leaders Of Black Countrys [1983]
- Mighty Diamonds - Pass The Kouchie [198X]
- Mighty Diamonds - Planet Mars Dub [1978]
- Mighty Diamonds - Reggae Street [1981]
- Morwells - Cool Runnings [1979]
- Morwells - Crab Race [1977]
- Morwells - Kingston 12 Toughie [1980]
- Nicodemus Junior - Snakes And Ladders [1983]
- Nigger Kojak & Liza - Showcase [197X]
- Owen Gray - Dreams Of Owen Gray [1978]
- Pat Kelly - Srevol [198X]
- Ranking Joe - Natty Superstar [1980]
- Ras Karbi - The Seven Seals [1984]
- Revolutionaries - Jonkanoo Dub [1978]
- Revolutionaries - Reaction In Dub [1978]
- Ring Craft Posse - St. Catherine In Dub [1972-84]
- Royals - Dubbing With The Royals [197X]
- Ruddy Thomas - First Time Around [1981]
- Ruddy Thomas - Reggae By Ruddy Thomas [1983]
- Sam Carty & Astronauts - International Slackness [1981]
- Scientist - Crucial Cuts Vol 2 [1984]
- Scientist vs Professor - Dub Duel At King Tubby's [1983]
- Sid Lovejoy - Jah Jah Knows [1982]
- Sir Coxsone Sound - King Of The Dub Rock Part 2 [1982]
- Sly Dunbar & Various Artists - Simple Sly Man [1978]
- Sly & Revolutionaries - Go Deh Wid Riddim [1977]
- Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan - Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan [1982]
- Sydney Rogers - Miracle Worker [1974]
- Sylford Walker - Lamb's Bread [1978]
- Sylford Walker - Nutin Na Gwan [1975-79]
- Tappa Zukie - Raggy Joey Boy [1982]
- Tetrack - Trouble [1983]
- The Astronaughts - Born Jamaica [1982]
- The Rolands - Johnny Dollar [1982]
- Tommy McCook Dub - The Sannic Sounds [1974]
- Trinity - Bad Card [1981]
- Trinity - Three Piece Suit [1977]
- Trinity Meet Mighty Diamonds - Trinity Meet The Mighty Diamonds [1979]
- Twinkle Brothers - Enter Zion [1984]
- Tyrone Taylor - Cottage In Negril [1983]
- U Brown - Weather Baloon [1978]
- U Roy - Jah Son Of Africa [1978]
- U Roy - Natty Rebel [1976]
- Uglyman v/s Little John - Dance Hall Clash [1986]
- Uplifter - We Are Moving [1983]
- Upsetters - Blackboard Jungle Dub [1973]
- Various Artists - 17 North Parade [1972-75]
- Various Artists - Alcatraz [1986]
- Various Artists - Black & White Reggae Classics Vol 1 [198X]
- Various Artists - Black Echoes [1977]
- Various Artists - International Rockers [1975]
- Various Artists - Java Java Dub [1972]
- Various Artists - Joe Gibbs Original DJ Classics Vol 3 [197X-8X]
- Various Artists - One-A-Way Style [198X]
- Various Artists - Reggae Hits Of The 80's [1982]
- Various Artists - Rite Sound Reggae Story [1980]
- Various Artists - Shining Stars [1983]
- Various Artists - Top Ranking D.J. Session Volume II [1980]
- Various Artists - Two Time Girl [1984]
- Various Artists - United Dreadlocks Vol 1 [1977]
- Various Artists - United Dreadlocks Vol 2 [1980]
- Various Artists - Wonderman Years [1971-76]
- Viceroys - Chancery Lane [1984]
- Welton Irie - Ghettoman Corner [1977]
- Welton Irie - It Feels So Good [1980]
- Willie Lindo - Far And Distant [1974]
- Willy Williams - Messenger Man [1980]
- Willy Williams - Unity [1986]
- Winston Jarrett - Wise Man [1979]
- Yabby You - Chant Down Babylon Kingdom [1976]
Backing Vocals
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lloyd Parks - What More Can I Do [1983]
- U Roy - Natty Rebel [1976]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lloyd Parks - Loving You [1976]
- Lloyd Parks - Officially [1972]
- Lloyd Parks - What More Can I Do [1983]
- Lloyd Parks & We The People - Meet The People [1978]
- Carlton Livingston - The Best Of [197X]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lloyd Parks - What More Can I Do [1983]
- Lloyd Parks - Time A Go Dread [197X]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lloyd Parks - Loving You [1976]
- Lloyd Parks & We The People - Meet The People [1978]