Also known as Vivian Jackson, Yabby U, Yabby You Vibration.

- Ram A Dam
- Chant Down Babylon Kingdom [aka King Tubby Meet Vivian Jackson]
- King Tubby's Prophesy Of Dub (Yabby You & King Tubby)
- Beware [aka Beware Dub]
- Vocal & Dub (Yabby You & Michael Prophet)
- Yabby You Meets Sly & Robbie At The Mixing Lab Studio (Yabby You Meets Sly & Robbie)
- Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy (Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy)
- Yabby You Meets Tommy McCook In Dub (Yabby You Meets Tommy McCook)
- Yabby You Meets Trinity At Dub Station (Yabby You Meets Trinity)
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist At The Dub Station (Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist)
- Yabby You Meets Sly & Robie Along With Tommy McCook (Yabby U Meets Sly & Robbie Along With Tommy McCook)
- Deeper Roots [Yabby You & Brethren - 1976-78]
- Deeper Roots Part 2 [Yabby You & The Prophets - 197X]
- Dread Prophecy [197X-8X]
- Dub It To The Top [1976-79]
- Hits Of The Past Vol 2 [King Tubby & Yabby You - 197X-8X]
- Jesus Dread [Yabby You & Various Artists - 1972-77]
- The Yabby You Collection [197X]
- The Yabby You Sound Dubs & Versions [197X]
- Yabby You Presents King Tubby's Boom Sounds Vol 4 [King Tubby & Yabby You - 1979-83]
- Jah Stitch - Original Ragga Muffin [1975-77]
- King Tubby & Yabby You - Time To Remember [1982]
- King Tubby & Yabby You - Yabby You Presents King Tubby's Boom Sounds Vol 4 [1979-83]
- Michael Prophet - Consciousness [1979-80]
- Michael Prophet - Know The Right [1981]
- Michael Prophet - Serious Reasoning [1980]
- Michael Prophet - Stars In Disco Showcase [1982]
- Prophets - King Tubby's Prophecies Of Dub [1976]
- Prophets - King Tubby's Prophecies Of Dub [1976]
- Prophets - Walls Of Jerusalem [1976]
- The Yabby You Vibration - Deliver Me From My Enemies [1977]
- Tommy McCook - Blazing Horns - Tenor In Roots [1976-78]
- Tommy McCook & Bobby Ellis - Blazing Horns [1977]
- Tony Tuff - Tony Tuff [1980]
- Trinity - Shanty Town Determination [1977]
- Various Artists - Yabby You & King Tubby's All Stars [198X]
- Vivian Jackson - Ram A Dam [1976]
- Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy - Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy [197X]
- Wayne Wade - Black Is Our Colour [1976]
- Wayne Wade - Dancing Time [1978]
- Wayne Wade - Evil Woman [1978]
- Wayne Wade - Fire Fire [1979]
- Yabby U - African Queen [1980]
- Yabby U - Jah Jah Way [1980]
- Yabby U & Michael Prophet & Wayne Wade - Prophecy [1982]
- Yabby U Meets Sly & Robbie Along With Tommy McCook - Yabby You Meets Sly & Robie Along With Tommy McCook [198X]
- Yabby You - Beware [1978]
- Yabby You - Chant Down Babylon Kingdom [1976]
- Yabby You - Conquering Lion [1977]
- Yabby You - Dread Prophecy [197X-8X]
- Yabby You - Dub It To The Top [1976-79]
- Yabby You - Fleeing From The City [1985]
- Yabby You - The Yabby You Collection [197X]
- Yabby You - The Yabby You Sound Dubs & Versions [197X]
- Yabby You & Brethren - Deeper Roots [1976-78]
- Yabby You & King Tubby - King Tubby's Prophesy Of Dub [1976]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet - Michael Prophet Versions [1984]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet - Vocal & Dub [1979]
- Yabby You Meets Michael Prophet - Yabby You Meets Michael Prophet In Dub [1979-81]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist - Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist At The Dub Station [1981]
- Yabby You & Prophets - Deeper Roots Part 2 [197X]
- Yabby You Meets Sly & Robbie - Yabby You Meets Sly & Robbie At The Mixing Lab Studio [1979]
- Yabby You Meets Tommy McCook - Yabby You Meets Tommy McCook In Dub [197X]
- Yabby You Meets Trinity - Yabby You Meets Trinity At Dub Station [197X]
- Yabby You & Various Artists - Jesus Dread [1972-77]
Appears on
- 600% Dynamite
- Babylon
- Beware
- By The Rivers Of Babylon
- Deeper Roots
- Deeper Roots Part 2
- Deliver Me From My Enemies
Dread Prophecy
- Deliver Me From My Enemies
- Conquering Lion
- Anti Christ
- Carnal Mind
- Run Come Rally
- Jah Vengeance (12 Inch Mix)
- Tubby's Vengeance
- One Love One Heart
- Pound Get A Blow
- Fire In Kingston
- Beware Dub
- Free Africa (12 Inch Mix)
- Love Thy Neighbor
- This Economical Crisis
- Praise Jahoviah
- Fire Deh A Mus Mus Tail
- Fleeing From The City
- Gwaan And Lef Me (12 Inch Mix)
- Get Lost Babylon (12 Inch Mix)
- Peace
- Jah Mercies
- Dreadlocks Man (7 Inch Single Mix)
- Beyond The Hills
- Mercy And Truth
- Black Star Liner (12 Inch Mix)
- King Of Kings
- Reggae Mek Ya Feel Alright
- Dub Sessions
- Dubwise & Otherwise
- Dubwise & Otherwise Vol 2
- Heavyweight 3
- Heavyweight Sound
- History Of Dub
- Jah Jah Way
- Jesus Dread
- Kingston All Stars Meet Downtown At King Tubbys
- Prophecy
- Ready When You Dub
- Real Authentic Reggae Volume One
- Run It Red
- Singerman
- The Roots Lover
- Walls Of Jerusalem
- Yabby You & King Tubby's All Stars
- Yabby You Meets Trinity At Dub Station
Albums engineered by Yabby You
Mixing Engineer
- Yabby U - Jah Jah Way [1980]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet - Michael Prophet Versions [1984]
As a musician
Backing Vocals
- Michael Prophet - Consciousness [1979-80]
- The Yabby You Vibration - Deliver Me From My Enemies [1977]
- Vivian Jackson - Ram A Dam [1976]
- Yabby U - Jah Jah Way [1980]
- Yabby U & Michael Prophet & Wayne Wade - Prophecy [1982]
- Yabby You - Chant Down Babylon Kingdom [1976]
- Yabby You - Conquering Lion [1977]
- Yabby You - The Yabby You Collection [197X]
- Roots Radics Meet Mighty Revolutionaires - Outernational Riddim [1980]
- Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy - Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy [197X]
- Yabby You - The Yabby You Sound Dubs & Versions [197X]
- Vivian Jackson - Ram A Dam [1976]
- Yabby You & Brethren - Deeper Roots [1976-78]
- Prophets - King Tubby's Prophecies Of Dub [1976]
- Prophets - Walls Of Jerusalem [1976]
- Yabby U Meets Sly & Robbie Along With Tommy McCook - Yabby You Meets Sly & Robie Along With Tommy McCook [198X]
- Yabby You & Brethren - Deeper Roots [1976-78]