Sylford Walker - Lamb's Bread
#GREL 119
Greensleeves | LP | #GREL 119 | 1988 |
Shanachie | CD | #SH 47002 | 1990 |
Playlist :
Lamb's Bread
Chant Down Babylon
Prophecies Fulfilling
Give Thanks And Praise To Jah
Cleanliness Is Godliness
Eternal Day
Africa Homeland
Producer : Glen Brown
Mixing Engineer : King Tubby
Vocals : Sylford Walker
Drums : Carlton Barrett & Fish Clarke
Bass : Flabba Holt & Lloyd Parks & Jackie Jackson & Geoffrey Chung
Guitar : Glen Brown
Piano : Joe White
Organ : Aston Barrett
Trombone : Trommie
Tenor Saxophone : Tommy McCook
Flute : Tommy McCook
Studios :
Recording : Channel One (Kingston, JA) & King Tubby's (Kingston, JA) & Randy's (Kingston, JA) & Harry J (Kingston, JA) & Federal (Kingston, JA)
Mixing : King Tubby's (Kingston, JA)
Other releases
#VPGS 7051
Greensleeves | CD | #VPGS 7051 | 2016 |
Sylford Walker - Lamb's Bread
Sylford Walker - Chant Down Babylon
Sylford Walker - Deuteronomy
Sylford Walker - Give Thanks And Praise To Jah
Sylford Walker - Cleanliness Is Godliness
Sylford Walker - Babylonians
Sylford Walker - Eternal Day
Sylford Walker - My Father's Homeland
Welton Irie - Lamb's Bread International
Welton Irie - Ghettoman Corner
Welton Irie - Black Man Stand Up Pan Foot
Welton Irie - Stone A Throw
Welton Irie - Wicked Tumbling
Welton Irie - Money Man Skank
Welton Irie - Greetings
Welton Irie - Unite
Comment :
includes Welton Irie's Ghettoman Corner