Also known as Richard Hall.
Appears on
- ... At The Controls
- Adventures In Dub
- Check The Winner
- Essential Dub
- Harder Shade Of Black
- Randy's 50th Anniversary
- Rhythm Master Vol 1
As a musician
- Aggrovators - Dub Justice [1975-76]
- Barry Brown - Love & Protection [197X-8X]
- Bunny Wailer - Blackheart Man [1976]
- Bunny Wailer - Protest [1977]
- Burning Spear - Marcus Children [1978]
- Delroy Wilson - Money [1977]
- Horace Andy - In The Light [1977]
- Horace Andy - In The Light / In The Light Dub [1977]
- Horace Andy - In The Light Dub [1977]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub Chapter 2 [1977]
- John Holt - Super Star [1978]
- John Holt - Treasure Of Love [1977]
- Johnny Clarke - Superstar Roots Disco Dub [1977]
- Leroy Brown - Prayer Of Peace [1976]
- Leroy Smart - Leroy Smart & Friends [1976-78]
- Leroy Smart - Superstar [1977]
- Little Roy - Columbus Ship [1981]
- Max Romeo - Revelation Time [1975]
- Michael Palmer - Angella [1984]
- Prince Far I - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter II [1979]
- Prince Far I - Long Life [1978]
- Prince Jazzbo - Natty Passing Thru [1976]
- Prophets - King Tubby's Prophecies Of Dub [1976]
- Ranking Dellinger - Superstar [1977]
- Revolutionaries - Jonkanoo Dub [1978]
- Revolutionaries - Reaction In Dub [1978]
- Royals - Pick Up The Pieces [1977]
- Sylford Walker - Nutin Na Gwan [1975-79]
- Tommy McCook & Aggrovators - Super Star Disco Rockers [1977]
- Upsetters - Kung Fu Meets The Dragon [1975]
- Upsetters - Scratch, The Super Ape [1976]
- Various Artists - Baffling Smoke Signal [1976-78]
- Various Artists - International Rockers [1975]
- Various Artists - King Of Dub [1977-79]
- Vin Gordon & Upsetters - Musical Bones [1972-75]
Tenor Saxophone
- Abyssinians - Forward [1969-76]
- Augustus Pablo - Dubbing With The Don [197X]
- Augustus Pablo - King Tubbys Meets Rockers Uptown [1972-75]
- Augustus Pablo - Original Rockers [1972-75]
- Augustus Pablo & Various Artists - Augustus Pablo Presents DJs From 70s to 80s [197X-8X]
- B.B. Seaton - Colour Is Not The Answer [1976]
- Barry Brown - Far East [1982]
- Burning Spear - Dry And Heavy [1977]
- Burning Spear - Garvey's Ghost [1976]
- Burning Spear - Marcus Garvey [1975]
- Derrick Harriott & Revolutionaries - Reggae Chart Busters Seventies Style [1977]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 1 [1976]
- Joe Gibbs & Professionals Featuring Errol Thompson - No Bones For The Dogs [1974-79]
- Justin Hinds & Dominoes - Jezebel [1976]
- Ken Boothe & Tyrone Taylor - Two Of A Kind [1987]
- King Tubby & Errol Thompson - The Black Foundation In Dub [197X]
- Pablo Moses - Revolutionary Dream [1976]
- Royals - Dubbing With The Royals [197X]
- Royals - Ten Years After [1978]
- Tommy McCook Dub - The Sannic Sounds [1974]
- Various Artists - Every Mouth Must Be Fed [1973-76]
- Various Artists - Open The Gate [1974-76]
- Various Artists - The Return Of Sound System Scratch [1973-79]
- Winston Jarrett & Righteous Flames - Man Of The Ghetto [1977]
- Winston Jarrett & Righteous Flames - Ranking Ghetto Style [1980]
- Yabby You & Various Artists - Jesus Dread [1972-77]
- Augustus Pablo - The Definitive Augustus Pablo Box Set [197X-8X]
- Harry Mudie & Friends - Let Me Tell You Boy [1970-71]
- I-Mo-Jah - Rockers From The Land Of Reggae [1982]
- Jacob Miller - Who Say Jah No Dread [1974-75]
- Ken Boothe - Who Gets Your Love [1979]
- King Tubby & Prince Jammy - Dub Gone 2 Crazy [1975-79]
- Lee Perry & His Upsetters - Roaring Lion [197X]
- Lee Perry & The Sufferers - The Sound Doctor [1972-78]
- Sly & Revolutionaries - Go Deh Wid Riddim [1977]
- Various Artists - Rite Sound Reggae Story [1980]
- Yabby You - Conquering Lion [1977]
Alto Saxophone
- Derrick Harriott - Float On [1978]