Web Links
- Official Website []
Appears on
As a musician
- Audley Rollens - Role Model [1984]
- Chosen Brothers - Sing And Shout [1980-83]
- Jah Batta - Argument [1983]
- Jerry Harris - I'm For You [1982]
- Jerry Johnson - For All Seasons [198X]
- Jezzreel - Rockers [1982]
- Junior Delahaye - Reggae [1982]
- Love Joys - Lovers Rock [1982]
- Max Romeo - I Love My Music [1982]
- Rolando Alphonso - Roll On [1984]
- Sugar Minott - Wicked A Go Feel It [1984]
- The Mysterious Mixer - Jamaica Super Dub Session [1983]
- Tyrone Evans - For Lovers Only [1983]
- Various Artists - Jah Children Invasion [1983]
- Various Artists - Jah Son Invasion [1982]
- Wackies Rhythm Force - African Roots Act 4 [198X]
- Chosen Brothers - Sing And Shout [1980-83]
- Clive Field Marshall - Poor House Rockers [1981]
- Jerry Harris - I'm For You [1982]
- Jezzreel - Rockers [1982]
- Love Joys - Lovers Rock [1982]
- Love Joys - Reggae Vibes [1981]
- Rolando Alphonso - Roll On [1984]
- The Mysterious Mixer - Jamaica Super Dub Session [1983]
- Tyrone Evans - For Lovers Only [1983]
- Various Artists - Jah Son Invasion [1982]
Rhythm Guitar
- Love Joys - Reggae Vibes [1981]
- Various Artists - Wackie's Selective Showcase Vol 1 [1980]
- Wayne Jarrett - Showcase Vol I [1982]
Lead Guitar
- Clive Field Marshall - Poor House Rockers [1981]
- Love Joys - Reggae Vibes [1981]
- Various Artists - Wackie's Selective Showcase Vol 1 [1980]
- Wayne Jarrett - Showcase Vol I [1982]
- Annette Brissette - Love Power [198X]