Also known as Junjo.
Web Links
- Discography [http://www.reggae-vibes.com/concert/junjolaw/discogra.htm]
- Volcano Eruption [1981-85]
- Barrington Levy - 20 Vintage Hits [197X-8X]
- Barrington Levy - 21 Girls Salute [1982]
- Barrington Levy - Englishman [1979]
- Barrington Levy - Englishman - Robin Hood [1979-80]
- Barrington Levy - Hunter Man [1983]
- Barrington Levy - Prison Oval Rock [1984]
- Barrington Levy - Robin Hood [1980]
- Barrington Levy - Shaolin Temple [1979]
- Barrington Levy - Shine Eye Gal [1979]
- Barrington Levy Meets Frankie Paul - Barrington Levy Meets Frankie Paul [1984]
- Billy Boyo - The Very Best Of Me [1980-82]
- Buro - Buro [1983]
- Captain Sinbad - The Seven Voyages Of Captain Sinbad [1982]
- Charlie Chaplin - Dance Hall Rockers [1983-85]
- Charlie Chaplin - Dance Hall Rockers Vol 2 [1983-85]
- Charlie Chaplin - Face To Face [1982-84]
- Charlie Chaplin - Sound System [1984]
- Clint Eastwood - Sex Education [1980]
- Clint Eastwood & General Saint - Two Bad D.J. [1981]
- Coco Tea - I Lost My Sonia [1985]
- Cocoa Tea - Rocking Dolly [1984]
- Cocoa Tea - Weh Dem A Go Do [1984]
- Cornell Campbell - Money [1983]
- Cultural Roots - Hell A Go Pop [1984]
- Don Carlos - Day To Day Living [1982]
- Eek A Mouse - Greensleeves Most Wanted [1980-84]
- Eek A Mouse - Mouseketeer [1984]
- Eek A Mouse - The Very Best Of [1981-87]
- Eek A Mouse - Wa-Do-Dem [1981]
- Flick Wilson - School Days [197X]
- Frankie Paul - 20 Massive Hits [198X]
- Frankie Paul - Hot Number [198X]
- Frankie Paul - Pass The Tu Sheng Peng [1984]
- Frankie Paul - Pass The Tu Sheng Peng + Tidal Wave [1983-84]
- General Echo - 12" Of Pleasure [1980]
- Henry Junjo Lawes - Volcano Eruption [1981-85]
- Hugh Mundell - Mundell [1982]
- Israel Vibration - Why You So Craven [1981]
- John Holt - 20 Super Hits [197X-8X]
- John Holt - Gold [1982]
- John Holt - Police In Helicopter [1982]
- John Holt - Sweetie Come Brush Me [1979-83]
- Johnnie Ringo - Riding West [1982]
- Johnny Osbourne - Fally Lover [1980]
- Johnny Osbourne - Fally Lover - Never Stop Fighting [1980-82]
- Johnny Osbourne - Never Stop Fighting [1982]
- Johnny Osbourne - Yo-Yo [1982]
- Josey Wales - The Outlaw [1983]
- Josey Wales - The Outlaw + No Way No Better Than Yard [1983-84]
- Junior Murvin - Muggers In The Street [1984]
- Junior Reid & Leroy Smart - Back To Back [1985]
- Leroy Smart & Junior Reid - Face To Face Clash [1985]
- Linval Thompson - Look How Me Sexy [1982]
- Little Harry & Billy Boyo - DJ Clash vol 2 [1983]
- Little Harry & Billy Boyo & Nicodemus - D.J. Clash [1983]
- Little John - Ghetto Youth [1983]
- Little John - Give The Youth A Try [1983]
- Michael Prophet - Certify [1983]
- Michael Prophet - Gunman + Righteous Are the Conqueror [1982-83]
- Michael Prophet - Jah Love [1983]
- Michael Prophet - Michael Prophet [1981]
- Michael Prophet - Righteous Are The Conqueror [1980]
- Nicodemus & Toyan - DJ Clash [1982]
- Papa Michigan & General Smiley - Downpression [1982]
- Peter Metro & Captain Sinbad With Little John - Sinbad & The Metric System [1983]
- Ranking Dread - Greensleeves Most Wanted [1981-82]
- Ranking Joe - Saturday Night Jamdown Style [1980]
- Rod Taylor - Where Is Your Love Mankind [1980]
- Roy Ranking & Raymond Naptali - Late Night Session [1982]
- Scientist - Heavyweight Dub Champion [1980]
- Scientist - Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires [1981]
- Tony Tuff - Come Fi Mash It [1983]
- Toyan - DJ Daddy [1983]
- Toyan - Every Posse Want Me [1983]
- Toyan - How The West Was Won [1981]
- Toyan - Spar With Me [1982]
- U Roy & Josie Wales - The Teacher Meets The Student [198X]
- Various Artists - A Live Session With King Stur-Grav Hi-Fi / Lee Unlimited [1983]
- Various Artists - Greensleeves 12'' Rulers [1979-83]
- Various Artists - Junjo Lawes Hot Rocks From Volcano [198X]
- Various Artists - Junjo Presents A Live Session With Aces International [1982]
- Various Artists - King Stur-Gav Hi Fi Lee Unlimited [1983]
- Various Artists - Live And Direct [1982]
- Various Artists - Rub-A-Dub Soldiers [1980-83]
- Various Artists - The Biggest Dancehall Anthems [1979-82]
- Various Artists - The Volcano Dancehall Albums Collection [1979-85]
- Various Artists - Total Recall - Volcano Vol 1 [198X]
- Various Artists - Total Recall - Volcano Vol 2 [198X]
- Various Artists - Two Big Sound Live [1983]
- Various Artists - Whole New Generation Of DJ [1981]
- Wailing Souls - Baby Come Rock [1982]
- Wailing Souls - Best Of Wailing Soul [1984]
- Wailing Souls - Fire House Rock [1981]
- Wailing Souls - Inchpinchers [1983]
- Wailing Souls - The Best Of [1984]
- Wayne Jarrett - Chip In [1982]
- Winston Hussey - The Girl I Adore [1983]
- Yellowman - Duppy Or Gunman [1982]
- Yellowman - Greensleeves Most Wanted [1978-84]
- Yellowman - Mister Yellowman [1982]
- Yellowman - Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt [1984]
- Yellowman - Zungguzungguguzungguzeng [1983]
- Yellowman & Fathead - Bad Boy Skanking [1982]
- Yellowman & Fathead - For Your Eyes Only [1982]
- Yellowman & Fathead - Supermix [1982]
- Yellowman & Fathead & Purpleman & Sister Nancy - The Yellow, The Purple & The Nancy [1982]
- Yellowman versus Josey Wales - Two Giants Clash [1984]
- Barrington Levy - Englishman [1979]
- Barrington Levy Meets Frankie Paul - Barrington Levy Meets Frankie Paul [1984]
- Yellowman & Fathead - Supermix [1982]