Random labels view all
- Big Showdown [Scientist v. Prince Jammy]
- Duppy Or Gunman [Yellowman - #VPRD 1009]
- Fally Lover [Johnny Osbourne]
- Ghetto Youth [Little John - 1983 - #VPRL 1016]
- Gun Man [Michael Prophet - 1983 - #VPRL 27]
- Heavyweight Dub Champion [Scientist - 1980 - #none]
- Joker Lover [Triston Palmer - 1982 - #VPRL 1015]
- Just Cool [Yellowman - 1982 - #VPRL 1013]
- Live At Aces [Yellowman & Fathead - #VPRL 1011]
- Nightfall [Johnny Osbourne - 1981 - #VPR 1009]
- Riding West [Johnnie Ringo - 1982 - #VPRL 1012]
- Robin Hood [Barrington Levy - 1980 - #JA CC 14]
- Roots & Culture [Culture & Don Carlos - 1982 - #VPRL 1014]
- Saturday Night Jamdown Style [Ranking Joe]
- Scientist In Dub Volume 1 [Scientist - 1981 - #VPRL 1007]
- Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires [Scientist]
- Shaolin Temple [Barrington Levy - 1979 - #DSR 9171]
- Spar With Me [Toyan - 1982 - #VPRL 1010]
- The Very Best Of Me [Billy Boyo - 2006 - #SVLP 001]
- Wailing [Wailing Souls - 1981 - #VPRL 1008]