Random labels view all
- 21 Girls Salute [Barrington Levy - 1982 - #JL 019]
- Black Cinderella [Sister Carol - 1984 - #JL 017]
- Bounty Hunter [Barrington Levy - #JW 001]
- Bounty Hunter [Barrington Levy - 2002 - #JLCD 01]
- Englishman [Barrington Levy - #JL 003]
- Family Album [Various Artists - 1980]
- Fret Them A Fret [Carlton Livingston - 1984 - #JL 016]
- Lots Of Loving [Ranking Dread]
- Lots Of Loving [Ranking Dread - 1997 - #GOCD 5013]
- Love Thy Neighbour [Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - 1979 - #JL 005]
- Mr. Sunshine [Wiss - 1985 - #JL 018]
- Place Too Dark [Barrington Levy - 1997 - #LM 3004]
- Prophecy A Go Hold Dem [Leroy Smart - #JL 021]
- Retrospect [Carlton Livingston - #LMCD 3002]
- Run Come Ya! [Barrington Levy - #JL 026]
- Sammy Dread Is Mr Music [Sammy Dread - 1982 - #JL 014]
- School Days [Flick Wilson - 197X - #JL 006]
- She Just A Draw Card [Leroy Smart - 1982]
- Too Much Grudgefulness [Leroy Smart - 1981 - #JL 002]
- What's Wrong With The Youths [Wayne Jarrett - 198X - #JL 010]