Web Links
- Official Website []
- 30 Pieces Of Dub [Selassie I Rockers - 2003 - #JLCD 801]
- African Girl [Sugar Minott - #KPBRCD 3000]
- Alton Ellis Sings, Heptones Harmonise [Alton Ellis & Heptones]
- Gold [John Holt - 2005 - #JSGCD 0456]
- Greater Power [Blackstones - 2006]
- Greatest Hits [Investigators - 1991]
- His Story [John Holt - 2005 - #CRCDB 3136]
- If Jah Should Come Now [Rod Taylor - #KINCD 1]
- King Tubby Meets The Upsetter At The Grass Roots Of Dub [King Tubby Meets The Upsetter - #KPSTCD 001]
- King Tubbys Meets Rockers Uptown [Augustus Pablo - #CDRP005]
- Lost Treasures Of The Ark [Various Artists - 1998 - #ORCHCD B2]
- Love Songs Box Set [Gregory Isaacs - 2006 - #CRCD 83176]
- Max Romeo Sings Hits Of Bob Marley [Max Romeo - 2006]
- Original Black Board Jungle Dub [Upsetters - #ORCHCD 1]
- Over The Years Vol 1 [Gregory Isaacs - #KPAMCD 011]
- Over The Years Vol 1 [Gregory Isaacs - 1995 - #AMCD 011]
- Over The Years Vol 2 [Gregory Isaacs - 1997 - #KPAMCD 012]
- Over The Years Vol 3 [Gregory Isaacs - 1998 - #KPAMCD 013]
- Over The Years Vol 4 [Gregory Isaacs - 1998 - #AMCD 14]
- Over The Years Vol 5 [Gregory Isaacs - 2000 - #AMCD 17]
- Reggae Max [Sugar Minott - 1997 - #JSRNCD 16]
- Revolution [Dennis Brown - 1999 - #KPYSCD 4]
- Rockers Meets King Tubby In A Fire House [Augustus Pablo - 1999 - #CDRP 019]
- Roots & Culture [Al Campbell - 1999 - #RRPRCD 2]
- Six Babylon [Linval Thompson - #KPTSCD 1]
- Sly And Robbie Presents The Mighty Paragons Collection [Paragons - 2006 - #UNITYCD 0721]
- Strong Like Sampson [Linval Thompson & Various Artists - 1997 - #KPSLSCD 1]
- Strong Like Sampson [Linval Thompson & Various Artists - 1997 - #KPSLSCD 1]
- Surrounded By The Dreads At The National Arena [King Tubby]
- The Bunny Lee Years [Johnnie Clarke - 2002]
- The Bunny Striker Lee Story [Various Artists - 2005 - #CRCDB 3138]
- The King Tubby Tapes [Horace Andy - 2002 - #CRCD 3070]
- The Original Super Ape [Lee Scratch Perry & Upsetters & Various Artists - #KPCRCD 67]
- The Original Super Ape [Lee Scratch Perry & Upsetters & Various Artists - 1998 - #KPCRCD 67]
- They Came, They Saw, They Recorded And They Conquered [Heptones - 1999 - #DRCDCD 100]
- Time And Place [Hugh Mundell - #MMCD 001]
- Winston's Greats [Winston Curtis - 1997 - #KPCRCD 71]