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Random labels view all
- 16 Dynamic Reggae Hits [Various Artists - 1972 - #PMP 2015]
- A Dream By Max Romeo [Max Romeo - 1969 - #PMLP 11]
- A Gift From Pama [Various Artists - 1969 - #SECO 20]
- Birth Control [Various Artists - 1969 - #SECO 32]
- Boss Reggae [Various Artists - 1969 - #SECO 17]
- Clint Eastwood [Upsetters - 1971 - #PSP 1014]
- Crab's Biggest Hits [Various Artists - 1969 - #ECO 2]
- Derrick Morgan In London [Derrick Morgan - 1969 - #ECO 10]
- Everybody Needs Love [Slim Smith - 1969 - #PMLP 3238]
- Everybody Needs Love [Slim Smith - 1969 - #ECO 9]
- Free The People [Winston Groovy - 1984 - #PTLP 1028]
- Gas Greatest Hits [Various Artists - 1969 - #ECO 4]
- Hey Boy Hey Girl [Various Artists - 1969 - #PSP 1002]
- Hot Numbers Volume 1 [Various Artists - #PMP 2006]
- Hot Numbers Volume 2 [Various Artists - #PMP 2009]
- Just A Dream [Slim Smith - 1972 - #PMLP 3242]
- Love In Time [Marvels - #PMLP 3230]
- Love It Up [Tito Simon - #PMLP 3232]
- Many Moods Of The Upsetters [Upsetters - 1970 - #SECO 24]
- Moon Hop [Derrick Morgan - 1970 - #PSP 1006]
- Nu-Beat's Greatest Hits [Various Artists - 1969 - #ECO 6]
- Pat Kelley Sings [Pat Kelley - 1969 - #PMLP 12]
- Ready Steady Go Rock Steady [Various Artists - 1968 - #PMLP 3 SP]
- Reco In Reggae Land [Reco - 1969 - #ECO 14]
- Reggae Hit The Town [Various Artists - 1969 - #PMLP 1001]
- Reggae Hits [Rudy Mills - 1970 - #SECO 12]
- Reggae Hits '69 Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1969 - #ECO 11]
- Reggae To Reggae [Various Artists - 1971 - #PMP 2012]
- Reggae To The U.K. With Love [Various Artists - 1969 - #PSP 1004]
- Rock Steady Cool [Various Artists - 1968 - #PMLP 7 SP]
- Scandal In a Brixton Market [Laurel Aitken - 1969 - #ECO 08]
- Sings Jamaica Reggae [The Sensational Derrick Harriott - 1969 - #SECO 13]
- Something Sweet The Lady [Various Artists - 1971 - #PMP 2003]
- Straighten Up [Various Artists - 1971 - #PMP 2002]
- Straighten Up Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1971 - #PMP 2007]
- Straighten Up Vol 4 [Various Artists - 1972 - #PMP 2017]
- The Best Of Lee Perry & The Upsetters [Various Artists - 197X - #PTLP 1023]
- The Best Of Lee Perry And The Upsetters [Upsetters - 1970 - #PTLP 1023]
- The Best Of Lee Perry And The Upsetters Vol 2 [Lee Perry & Upsetters - 1970 - #PTLP 1026]
- The Champ [Mohawks - 1968 - #PMLP 5]
- The High Priest Of Reggae [Laurel Aitken - 1970 - #PSP 1012]
- The Lovely Dozen [Various Artists - 1969 - #PSP 1001]
- The Very Best Of [Slim Smith - #PTPLP 1030]
- This Is Reggae [Various Artists - 1969 - #PMLM 1003]
- This Is Reggae Vol 2 [Various Artists - 1971 - #PMP 2005]
- This Is Reggae Vol 4 [Various Artists - 1972 - #PMP 2016]
- This Is Reggae vol 3 [Various Artists - 1971 - #PMP 2008]
- Unity's Great Reggae Hits [Various Artists - 1969 - #ECO 7]