Random labels view all
- King Tubby & Yabby You - Hits Of The Past Vol 2 [#LP-VOL-2]
- King Tubby & Yabby You - Time To Remember [1982]
- King Tubby & Yabby You - Yabby You Presents King Tubby's Boom Sounds Vol 4
- Michael Prophet - Know The Right [1981 - #none]
- Michael Prophet - Stars In Disco Showcase [1982 - #none]
- Various Artists - Yabby You & King Tubby's All Stars [198X - #none]
- Wayne Wade - Black Is Our Colour [#GUSSIE 3575]
- Wayne Wade - Evil Woman [1978 - #none]
- Wayne Wade - Fire Fire [1979 - #DSI 125A/B]
- Yabby You - Chant Down Babylon Kingdom [1976 - #none]
- Yabby You - Conquering Lion [1977 - #MIC P 2680]
- Yabby You - Conquering Lion [1977]
- Yabby You - King Tubby Meet Vivian Jackson [#YVJ 002]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet - Michael Prophet Versions [1984]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet - Vocal & Dub
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet - Vocal & Dub [1979 - #DSR 8399]
- Yabby You Meets Michael Prophet - Yabby You Meets Michael Prophet In Dub
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist - Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist At The Dub Station [1981]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist - Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist At The Dub Station [1981]
- Yabby You Meets Sly & Robbie - Yabby You Meets Sly & Robbie At The Mixing Lab Studio