Random labels view all
- Battle Of The Giants [Various Artists - 197X]
- Brass Rockers [Tommy McCook & Aggravators - 1975 - #FBL 7485]
- Creation Of Dub [Bunny Lee The Version Master Presents - 1975 - #TS 109]
- Dub From The Roots [King Tubby - 1974 - #TSL 106]
- Early Days [Slim Smith]
- Forward On The Scene [Owen Gray - #none]
- Goldies [Various Artists - 197X - #none]
- King Tubby Meets The Upsetter At The Grass Roots Of Dub [King Tubby Meets The Upsetter - 1974 - #TS 1951]
- Lovers Rock Vol 1/2 [Various Artists - 198X - #TSL 112]
- Marcus Garvey [Burning Spear - 2006 - #TRB 814130]
- Meditation Heights [Harold Butler - 1977]
- Moving Out [Johnny Clarke - 1975 - #TSL 107]
- Natty Dread In A Greenwich Farm [Cornell Campbell - #TSL 104 CD]
- Natty Dread In A Greenwich Farm [Cornell Campbell - 1975 - #TSL 104]
- Pledging My Love [John Holt - #TSL 108]
- The Gorgon [Cornell Campbell - 1976 - #TSL 109]
- The Light Of Saba [Light Of Saba - 197X]
- The Light Of Saba In Reggae [Light Of Saba - 197X - #none]
- The Roots Of Dub [King Tubby - 1975 - #TSL 105]