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- Tapir's Virgin Discography []
Random labels view all
- B.B. Seaton - Dancing Shoes [#CA 2002]
- B.B. Seaton - Dancing Shoes [#LP 840042]
- Big Youth - Dread Locks Dread [#VX 1009]
- Big Youth - Dread Locks Dread [#CDFL 9006]
- Big Youth - Dread Locks Dread [#CDFL 23]
- Big Youth - Dread Locks Dread [#FL 1014]
- U Roy - Dread In A Babylon [#V 2048]
- U Roy - Dread In A Babylon [#VX 1007]
- U Roy - Dread In A Babylon [#CDFL 9007]
- Delroy Washington - I-Sus [#CDFL 36]
- Delroy Washington - I-Sus [#V 2060]
- Gladiators - Trenchtown Mix Up [#CDFL 10]
- Gladiators - Trenchtown Mix Up [#V 2062]
- I Roy - Crisus Time [#CA 2011]
- I Roy - Musical Shark Attack [#V 2075]
- I Roy - Musical Shark Attack [#CDFL 19]
- Johnny Clarke - Authorized Version [#V 2076]
- Johnny Clarke - Authorized Version [#CDFL 22]
- Johnny Clarke - Rockers Time Now [#V 2058]
- Johnny Clarke - Rockers Time Now [#CDFL 6]
- Keith Hudson - Too Expensive [#CDFL 2022]
- Keith Hudson - Too Expensive [#V 2056]
- Keith Hudson - Too Expensive [#CDFL 27]
- Mighty Diamonds - Right Time [#V 2052]
- Mighty Diamonds - Right Time [#CDFL 18]
- Peter Tosh - Legalize It [#V 2061]
- Peter Tosh - Legalize It [#CDV 2061]
- Revolutionaries - Musical Dub Attack [#VDJ 19]
- Revolutionaries - Vital Dub Strictly Rockers [#V 2055]
- Revolutionaries - Vital Dub Strictly Rockers [#CDFL 5]
- Tappa Zukie - M.P.L.A [#CDFL 24]
- Tappa Zukie - M.P.L.A [#FL 1006]
- U Roy - Natty Rebel [#VX 1008]
- U Roy - Natty Rebel [#CDFL 9017]
- U Roy - Natty Rebel [#V 2059]
- Delroy Washington - Rasta [#CDFL 20]
- Delroy Washington - Rasta [#V 2088]
- I Roy - Heart Of A Lion [#FL 1001]
- I Roy - Heart Of A Lion [#CDFL 1]
- Mighty Diamonds - Ice On Fire [#V 2078]
- Mighty Diamonds - Ice On Fire [#CDFL 11]
- Peter Tosh - Equal Rights [#V 2081]
- Prince Far I - Message From The King [#FL 1013]
- Prince Far I - Message From The King [#CDFL 7]
- U Roy - Rasta Ambassador [#V 2092]
- U Roy - Rasta Ambassador [#CDFL 9016]
- U Roy - Rasta Ambassador [#CDFL 13]
- Abyssinians - Arise [#FL 1019]
- Abyssinians - Arise [#CDFL 28]
- Abyssinians - Arise [#CDFL 9010]
- Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking [#FL 1012]
- Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking [#CDFL 14]
- Big Youth - Isaiah First Prophet Of Old [#FL 1011]
- Blackbeard - Strictly Dub Wize [#CDFL 2046]
- Culture - Harder Than The Rest [#FL 1016]
- Culture - Harder Than The Rest [#CDFL 3]
- Gladiators - Proverbial Reggae [#CDFL 31]
- Gladiators - Proverbial Reggae [#FL 1002]
- Gregory Isaacs - Cool Ruler [#FL 1020]
- Gregory Isaacs - Cool Ruler [#CDFL 4]
- I Roy - World On Fire [#FL 1033]
- Jah Lloyd - The Humble One [#FL 1005]
- Mighty Diamonds - Planet Earth [#V 2102]
- Mighty Diamonds - Planet Mars Dub [#CDFL 2]
- Mighty Diamonds - Planet Mars Dub [#FL 1010]
- Poet & The Roots - Dread Beat An' Blood [#FL 1017]
- Poet & The Roots - Dread Beat An' Blood [#CDFL 12]
- Poet & The Roots - Dread Beat An' Blood [#VX 1002]
- Poet & The Roots - Dread Beat An' Blood [#CDFL 9009]
- Prince Far I - Long Life [#FL 1021]
- Prince Far I - Long Life [#CDFL 33]
- Prince Hammer - Bible [#FL 1004]
- Ranking Trevor - In Fine Style [#FL 1015]
- Tappa Zukie - Peace In The Ghetto [#CDFL 25]
- Tappa Zukie - Peace In The Ghetto [#FL 1009]
- Tappa Zukie - Tapper Roots [#CDFL 15]
- Tappa Zukie - Tapper Roots [#FL 1032]
- Twinkle Brothers - Love [#FLX 4003]
- U Brown - Mr Brown Something [#FL 1003]
- U Brown - Weather Baloon [#FL 32]
- U Brown - You Can't Keep A Good Man Down [#CDFL 32]
- U Brown - You Can't Keep A Good Man Down [#FL 1030]
- U Roy - Jah Son Of Africa [#CDFL 8]
- U Roy - Jah Son Of Africa [#FL 1023]
- Vivian Weathers - Bad Weather [#FL 1025]
- Culture - Cumbolo [#CDFL 9]
- Culture - Cumbolo [#FL 1040]
- Culture - International Herb [#FL 1047]
- Culture - International Herb [#CDFL 17]
- Gladiators - Naturality [#FL 1035]
- Gladiators - Sweet So Till [#FL 1048]
- Gladiators - Sweet So Till [#CDFL 30]
- Gregory Isaacs - Soon Forward [#CDFL 21]
- Gregory Isaacs - Soon Forward [#FL 1044]
- I Roy - Cancer [#FLX 4001]
- I Roy - The General + Spider's Web (Dub) [#FLD 6002]
- Jah Lloyd - Black Moses [#FL 1031]
- Mighty Diamonds - Deeper Roots + Dub [#FLD 6001]
- Mighty Diamonds - Deeper Roots + Dub [#CDFL 26]
- Mighty Diamonds - Deeper Roots + Dub [#FL 1045]
- Prince Far I - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter II [#FLX 4002]
- Prince Far I - Dubwise [#CDFL 9019]
- Sly Dunbar - Sly, Wicked And Slick [#CDFL 16]
- Sly Dunbar - Sly, Wicked And Slick [#FL 1042]
- Sly Dunbar - Sly, Wicked And Slick [#CDFL 9018]
- U Roy - With Words Of Wisdom [#FLX 4004]
- Black Slate - Amigo [#AE 260 201873]
- Black Uhuru - Black Uhuru [#VX 1004]
- Black Uhuru - Black Uhuru [#CDVX 1004]
- Black Uhuru - Black Uhuru [#ONLY 2]
- Cimarons - Freedom Street [#ONLY 3]
- Gladiators - Gladiators [#V 2161]
- I Roy - Ten Commandments [#FL 1028]
- I Roy - Ten Commandments [#ONLY 1]
- Roy Reid - Whap'n Bap'n [#V 2164]
- Twinkle Brothers - Countrymen [#V 2169]
- Twinkle Brothers - Countrymen [#CDFL 29]
- UB40 - Signing Off [#CD 88261]
- Black Slate - Sirens In The City [#AE 260 201885]
- UB40 - Present Arms [#LP 86270]
- UB40 - Present Arms [#CD 91840]
- UB40 - Present Arms In Dub [#CD 91841]
- Dennis Bovell & The Dub Band - Audio Active [#CDFL 2047]
- Burning Spear - The Best Of Burning Spear [1980-83]
- Culture - Too Long In Slavery [197X - #CDFL 9011]
- Culture - Vital Selection [1978-79 - #VX 1001]
- Gladiators - Dreadlocks The Time Is Now [1976-79 - #CDFL 9001]
- Gladiators - Vital Selection [197X - #VX 1003]
- Gregory Isaacs - Cool Ruler Soon Forward Selection [1978-79 - #CDFL 9012]
- Gregory Isaacs - Crucial Cuts [197X - #VX 1010]
- Gregory Isaacs - Mr Love [1976-79 - #CDFL 9021]
- Gregory Isaacs - Once Ago [1980-81 - #CDFL 9004]
- I Roy - Crisus Time - Extra Version [1976-77 - #CDFL 9015]
- I Roy - Crisus Time - Extra Version [1976-77 - #CDFL 2015]
- I Roy - Crucial Cuts [1976-79 - #VX 1011]
- Johnny Clarke - Authorised Rockers [1976 - #CDFL 9014]
- Matumbi - Empire Road [1978-81 - #CDFL 2026]
- Mighty Diamonds - Go Seek Your Rights [1976-79 - #CDFL 9002]
- Mighty Diamonds - Vital Selection [1981 - #VX 1005]
- Prince Far I - Black Man Land [1978-81 - #CDFL 2005]
- Sly Dunbar & Various Artists - Simple Sly Man [1978 - #FL 1008]
- Tappa Zukie - The Best Of The Frontline Years [197X - #CDFL 2024]
- Twinkle Brothers - Crucial Cuts [1978-80 - #VX 1012]
- Twinkle Brothers - Free Africa [197X - #CDFL 9008]
- Twinkle Brothers - Praise Jah [1979 - #CDFL 35]
- Twinkle Brothers - Praise Jah [1979 - #FL 1041]
- U Roy - Original DJ [197X - #CDFL 9020]
- U Roy - Original DJ [197X - #CDFL 2020]
- U Roy - Version Galore [1970 - #FL 1018]
- U Roy - Version Galore [1970 - #CDFL 34]
- U Roy - Version Of Wisdom [197X - #CDFL 9003]
- Various Artists - Champion Sound [197X-9X - #7243 850718 2 9]
- Various Artists - Champion Sound Chapter 2 [197X-0X - #7243 811781 2 6]
- Various Artists - Front Line II [1978 - #FLB 3001]
- Various Artists - Front Line III [1979 - #FLB 3002]
- Various Artists - Hottest Hits [197X - #FL 1034]
- Various Artists - Massive [1985 - #DM 207 196]
- Various Artists - Massive [1985 - #V 2346]
- Various Artists - Massive 2 [1986 - #V 2405]
- Various Artists - Natty Rebel Roots [197X - #CDFL 9013]
- Various Artists - Stalag 17,18 & 19 [1985 - #VIF 001]
- Various Artists - The Front Line Box Set [197X - #8106782]