- #WESA 810 - John Holt - John Holt Like A Bolt [2000]
- #WESA 818 - Alton Ellis - My Time Is The Right Time [2000]
- #WESA 825 - Cornell Campbell - The Minstrel [2000]
- #WESA 836 - Various Artists - Hot Bomb [2000]
- #WESA 838 - Slim Smith - A Unique Technique [2000]
- #WESA 847 - Various Artists - The Music Got Soul [2003]
- #WESA 848 - Various Artists - The Music Got Mo 'Soul [2003]
- #WESA 851 - Lloyd Charmers - Highlights And Lowbites [2000]
- #WESA 852 - John Holt - Memories By The Score [2003]
- #WESA 853 - Delroy Wilson - Doing My Own Thing [2000]
- #WESA 857 - Roy Shirley - Your Musical Priest [2004]
- #WESA 863 - The Gaylettes Featuring Judy Mowatt - We Shall Sing [2001]
- #WESA 889 - Delano Stewart - Stay A Little Bit Longer [2001]
- #WESM 510 - Jackie Opel & Ferdie Nelson - A Love To Share
- Phyllis Dillon - Midnight Confessions [2000]