- 1985 Master Mega Hits [Various Artists - 1985]
- Bring The Sensi Come [Johnny Osbourne - 1984]
- Chant Down Babylon [Mother Liza With Kojak - 198X]
- Clarks Booty [Little John - 1985]
- Computerised Dub [Prince Jammy - 1986]
- Deep Roots [Tappa Zukie - 197X-8X]
- Double Trouble [Frankie Paul & Michael Palmer - 1985]
- Haul And Jack Up [Horace Andy - 1987]
- History [Dennis Brown - 1985]
- I'm So Attractive [Michael Palmer - 1985]
- Jammy's Possee [Tonto Irie - 198X]
- King Jammy In Roots [Various Artists - 197X-8X]
- Legal We Legal [King Kong - 1986]
- Lyrics For Sale [Jah Thomas - 198X]
- Moving Down The Road [Junior Delgado - 1986]
- Showcase [Leroy Smart - 1985]
- Si Boops Deh! [Super Cat - 1985]
- Sleng Teng [Wayne Smith - 1986]
- Superstar Hit Parade [Various Artists - 1986]
- The 10 Year Old DJ Wonder [Beenie Man - 1986]
- The Conquerer [Derrick Morgan - 1985]
- The Teacher [Tullo T - 1986]
- Think About It [Johnny Clark - 198X]
- Trouble Again [King Kong - 1986]
- Turbo Charged [Nitty Gritty - 1986]
- We Ready Fe Them [Super Black - 1986]
- We Rule Everytime [Leroy Smart - 1985]