- ABC Rocksteady [Roland Alphonso With Originals Orchestra - 1968]
- Engine 54 [Ethiopians - 1968]
- From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 1 [Various Artists - 1968-73]
- High Plains Drifter [Lee Perry & Upsetters - 1968-73]
- Listen To The Music [Various Artists - 1966-69]
- Musical Feast [Various Artists - 197X]
- Red Bumb Ball [Various Artists - 1966-68]
- Sound System International Dub LP [Clancy Eccles All Stars - 1976]
- The Many Moods Of Max Romeo [Max Romeo - 1967-71]
- The Sensational Derrick Harriott Sings Rock Steady Reggae [Derrick Harriott - 196X-7X]
- The Wild Reggae Bunch [Dynamites - 1967-71]
- Their Greatest Hits [Maytones - 197X]