- Bring The Dub Come [Niney The Observer Presents King Tubby - 197X]
- Changes [Star-Bound - 1977]
- Clash [Dillinger verses Trinity - 1977]
- Conscious [Dandy Livingstone - 1973]
- Dancing Shoes [B.B. Seaton - 1974]
- Dusty Roads [John Holt - 1974]
- Everything I Own [Ken Boothe - 1974]
- From One Extreme To Another [Keith Hudson - 1979]
- Funky Punk Rock To The Music [Dillinger - 1979]
- Girls Fiesta [Ranking Dread - 1978]
- Going West [Rico Rodriguez - 19XX]
- Green Valley [Militant Barry - 1979]
- Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 1 [Harry Mudie & King Tubby - 1976]
- Hit Picks [Rupie Edwards & Various Artists - 1974]
- I Do Love You [Wilfred Jackie Edwards - 1972]
- In The Ghetto [Dave & Ansel Collins - 1975]
- In Time [Cimarons - 1974]
- Innocent Lover [Trevor Hartley - 1979]
- Insight [Blackstones - 1979]
- Ire Feelings [Rupie Edwards - 1975]
- Jordan [Junior Byles - 1976]
- Journey Into Space The Return Of Star Trek [Vulcans - 1973]
- Just Once [Winston Francis - 198X]
- Larry Ethnic Meets The Wailers With Various Artiste [Larry Ethnic Meets Wailers With Various Artiste - 1975]
- Live At The Music Machine [Dillinger - 1979]
- Love Is [Dr. Alimantado - 1971-83]
- Miracle Worker [Sydney Rogers - 1974]
- Miss Labba Labba [Twinkle Brothers - 1977]
- Morning Side Of The Mountain [Dandy & Audrey - 1970]
- Mr Ska Bean'a [Alton Ellis & Heptones - 1980]
- Music Explosion [Ethnic Fight Band - 197X]
- Musical Nostalgia For Today [Eddie 'Tan Tan' Thornton - 1981]
- On The Rock [Cimarons - 1976]
- People Say [Cimarons - 1974-76]
- Pick Up The Hits [Various Artists - 1978]
- Pretty Africa [Desmond Dekker & Aces - 1973]
- Rain [Bruce Ruffin - 1971]
- Rasta Communication [Keith Hudson - 1978]
- Rebel Rock [Third World All Star - 1976]
- Red Cloud In Dub [Red Cloud Band - 198X]
- Reggae Sweet & Smooth [Various Artists - 1977]
- Rockers Arena [Max Edwards - 1982]
- Sledgehammer Dub [Niney - 1977]
- Some Like It Hot [Dennis Brown - 197X]
- Spell [Sylvia Tella - 1981]
- The Further You Look + Dusty Roads [John Holt - 1973-74]
- The Marvels [Marvels - 1974]
- Too Expensive [Keith Hudson - 1976]
- Torch Of Freedom [Keith Hudson - 1975]
- Win Some Lose Some [Junior English - 1978]
- Working Class 'Ero [Judge Dread - 1974]