- 22 Karat Vol 2 [Al Campbell - 1974-83]
- A Love To Share [Alton Ellis - 1979]
- All The Best [Danny Ray - 198X]
- Babylon Destruction [Overnight Players - 1981]
- Dub Conference In London [Simeons - 1978]
- Dub Master [Dennis Bovell - 197X-8X]
- Headline News [Capital Letters - 1979]
- In Love [One Blood - 1982]
- Mama Dragon [Government - 1981]
- Mawamba Dub (Warrior) [D. Witter - 1978]
- Music Explosion [Ethnic Fight Band - 197X]
- Pick Up The Hits [Various Artists - 1978]
- Propaganda [Leroy Smart - 1978]
- R.A.P.P Presents Wicked City [Archie Pool & Various Artists - 197X]
- Special Request [Errol Dunkley - 1982]