- Barrington Levy - 20 Vintage Hits [197X-8X]
- Barrington Levy - Money Move [1984]
- Charlie Chaplin - 20 Super Hits [1984]
- Charlie Chaplin - Fire Burn Them Below [1984]
- Charlie Chaplin - Que Dem [1985]
- Echo Minott & Frankie Paul - Echo Minott Meets Frankie Paul [1986]
- Echo Minott Along With Sly & Robbie - Showcase [1984]
- Frankie Jones - Old Fire Stick [1986]
- Frankie Paul - 20 Massive Hits [198X]
- Frankie Paul - Alesha [1986]
- Frankie Paul - Pass The Tu Sheng Peng + Tidal Wave [1983-84]
- Frankie Paul - Tidal Wave [1985]
- George Phang & Friends - George Phang & Friends At Skateland Live [1984]
- Half Pint - 20 Super Hits [198X]
- Half Pint - Greetings [1985]
- Leroy Smart - Bank Account [1985]
- Little John - River To The Bank [1985]
- Little John - True Confession [1984]
- Michael Palmer - Lick Shot [1982]
- Michael Palmer - Pull It Up Now [1985]
- Michael Palmer - We Rule [1985]
- Peter Metro - No Problem [1985]
- Sugar Minott - 20 Super Hits [198X]
- Sugar Minott - A True [1985]
- Sugar Minott - Buy Off The Bar [1984]
- Sugar Minott - Rydim [1985]
- Sugar Minott - Time Longer Than Rope [1985]
- Sugar Minott & Leroy Smart - Rockers Awards Winners [1984]
- Toyan - Hot Bubble Gum [1984]
- U Roy & Josie Wales - The Teacher Meets The Student [198X]
- Various Artists - Powerhouse Presents Strictly Live Stock [1985]
- Various Artists - The Final Mission [1986]
- Winston Hussey - Yuh Face Look Good [198X]
- Yellowman - Galong, Galong, Galong [1985]
- Yellowman - Greensleeves Most Wanted [1978-84]
- Yellowman - Walking Jewellery Store [1985]
- Yellowman & Charlie Chaplin - Yellow Man Meets Charlie Chaplin [198X]
- Barrington Levy - Money Move [1984]
- Echo Minott Along With Sly & Robbie - Showcase [1984]
- Frankie Paul - Alesha [1986]
- Michael Palmer - Lick Shot [1982]