Web Links
- Rootsdub Discography [http://rootsdub.free.fr/michaelprophet-disco.htm]
- Interview by Jah Rebel [http://www.rebelbase.be/index.php?page=54&interview_column=46]

- Blood Stain [1984]
- Cease & Settle [1985-87]
- Cease Fire [1984]
- Certify [1983]
- Consciousness [1979-80]
- Gun Man [1981]
- Gunman + Righteous Are the Conqueror [1982-83]
- Jah Love [1983]
- Know The Right [1981]
- Love Is An Earthly Thing [1983]
- Michael Prophet [1981]
- Michael Prophet & Friends [Michael Prophet & Friends - 197X-8X]
- Michael Prophet Versions [Yabby You & Michael Prophet - 1984]
- Original Prophet [197X-8X]
- Prophecy [Yabby U & Michael Prophet & Wayne Wade - 1982]
- Reggae And Ska Twin Pack [Barrington Levy & Michael Prophet - 198X]
- Reggae Music Allright [1983]
- Righteous Are The Conqueror [1980]
- Serious Reasoning [1980]
- Settle Yu Fe Settle [1987]
- Stars In Disco Showcase [1982]
- Vocal & Dub [Yabby You & Michael Prophet - 1979]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist At The Dub Station [Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist - 1981]
- Yabby You Meets Michael Prophet In Dub [Yabby You Meets Michael Prophet - 1979-81]
- Michael Prophet - Blood Stain [1984]
- Michael Prophet - Love Is An Earthly Thing [1983]
Appears on
- A Live Session With Kilimanjaro
- Babylon
- Burning Up Vol 2
- Burning Up Vol 3
- Cornerstone Connection Vol 2
- Cornerstone Presents Battle Of The Superstars
- Down In The Dub Vaults
- Dread Prophecy
- Dynamite Series #3
- Forward
- Greensleeves 12'' Rulers
- Jah Children Invasion Chapter IV
- Kingston 13 All Stars
- Kingston 13 Meet Corner Stone
- Live And Learn Smashing All Stars
- Michael Prophet & Friends
- Prophecy
- Reggae And Ska Twin Pack
- Reggae For Lovers
- Revive Reggae Classics
- Romantic Nights
- Roots Tradition 70s and 80s Vintage
- Rub A Dubble Reggae Vol 1
- Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires
- Singerman
- Stalag 17,18 & 19
- Strictly For Rockers
- The Biggest Dancehall Anthems
- The CSA Collection Vol 1
- The Volcano Eruption
- Total Recall - Volcano Vol 1
- Trojan Dancehall Box Set
- Trojan Rastafari Box Set
- Vintage Various Artists 70s-80s
- Volcano Eruption
- Yabby You & King Tubby's All Stars
As a musician
- Barrington Levy & Michael Prophet - Reggae And Ska Twin Pack [198X]
- Michael Prophet - Blood Stain [1984]
- Michael Prophet - Cease Fire [1984]
- Michael Prophet - Certify [1983]
- Michael Prophet - Consciousness [1979-80]
- Michael Prophet - Gunman + Righteous Are the Conqueror [1982-83]
- Michael Prophet - Jah Love [1983]
- Michael Prophet - Know The Right [1981]
- Michael Prophet - Michael Prophet [1981]
- Michael Prophet - Original Prophet [197X-8X]
- Michael Prophet - Settle Yu Fe Settle [1987]
- Michael Prophet - Stars In Disco Showcase [1982]
- Yabby U & Michael Prophet & Wayne Wade - Prophecy [1982]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet - Vocal & Dub [1979]
- Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist - Yabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist At The Dub Station [1981]