Also known as Touter, Touter Harvey.
- Featuring "Touter" (Fatman Riddim Section Featuring Touter)
- Inner Circle - Something So Good [1983]
- Jacob Miller - Greatest Hits [197X]
- New Breed - Tribulation Time [1981]
- Teddy Brown - Bad Man Wagon [1981]
Albums engineered by Bernard Touter Harvey
Mixing Engineer
- Little John - Youth Of Today [1986]
- Angella Stewart - Good Good Loving [1984]
- Little John - Youth Of Today [1986]
- Nicodemus - Nuff Respect [1984]
As a musician
- Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking [1978]
- Baba Dread - Earthman Connection [1978-79]
- Bobby Kalphat - Zion Hill [1977]
- Bunny Striker Lee & Friends - Next Cut! [197X]
- Bunny Wailer - Blackheart Man [1976]
- Bunny Wailer - Protest [1977]
- Burning Spear - Dry And Heavy [1977]
- Clint Eastwood - Death In The Arena [1978]
- David Jahson - Natty Chase The Barber [1978]
- Dobby Dobson Featuring Ringo - Sweet Christmas [197X]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Bald Head Justice [1978]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Fatman Reddim Section Meets Downtown Horns At Channel One [1979]
- Heptones - Unreleased Night Food & Rare Black Ark Sessions [1976-77]
- Horace Andy - Get Wise [1974]
- Horace Andy - In The Light [1977]
- Horace Andy - In The Light / In The Light Dub [1977]
- Horace Andy - In The Light Dub [1977]
- Hortens Ellis & Trinity - African Christmas [1979]
- I-Mo-Jah - Rockers From The Land Of Reggae [1982]
- Inner Circle - New Age Music [1980]
- Inner Circle & Fatman Riddim Section - Heavyweight Dub + Killer Dub [1978]
- Inner Circle Featuring Jacob Miller - The Best Of [197X-8X]
- Jacob Miller - Greatest Hits [197X]
- Jacob Miller - Jacob 'Killer' Miller [1977]
- Jacob Miller - Mixed Up Moods [1979]
- Jacob Miller - Wanted [1978]
- Jacob Miller Meets Fatman Riddim Section - Jacob Miller Meets The Fatman Riddim Section [1978-79]
- Jah Woosh - Religious Dread [1978]
- Justin Hinds & Dominoes - Jezebel [1976]
- Keith Hudson - Nuh Skin Up Dub [1979]
- Keith Hudson - Pick A Dub [1974]
- Ken Boothe & Tyrone Taylor - Two Of A Kind [1987]
- Kiddus I - Graduation In Zion [1978-80]
- King Tubby - Dub Like Dirt [1975-77]
- King Tubby & Errol Thompson - The Black Foundation In Dub [197X]
- King Tubby & Jacob Miller - E-E Saw Dub [1975]
- King Tubby & Prince Jammy - Dub Gone 2 Crazy [1975-79]
- Leroy Brown - Prayer Of Peace [1976]
- Linval Thompson & Friends - Whip Them King Tubby [197X]
- Max Romeo - Revelation Time [1975]
- Michael Prophet - Consciousness [1979-80]
- Mighty Diamonds - Planet Mars Dub [1978]
- Mighty Diamonds - Stand Up To Your Judgment [1978]
- Niney & Soul Syndicate - Channel One Presents 100 Tons Of Dub [197X]
- Pat Kelly - Talk About Love [1978]
- Prophets - King Tubby's Prophecies Of Dub [1976]
- Ranking Joe - Weakheart Fadeaway [1978]
- Ranking Trevor - In Fine Style [1978]
- Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - Kibir-Am-Lak [1977]
- Ray I - Vision [198X]
- Revolutionaries - Revolutionaries Sounds Vol 2 [1976]
- Sly & Robbie - Disco Dub [1979]
- Sons Of Negus - Rastafari In Dub [1978]
- Tennors - Moods [196X-7X]
- Various Artists - 17 North Parade [1972-75]
- Various Artists - Life Goes In Circles [1974-79]
- Various Artists - Sufferation [197X]
- Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy - Vivian Jackson Presents Patrick Andy [197X]
- Wailing Souls - Wailing Souls At Channel One [197X]
- Winston McAnuff - What The Man A Deal Wid [1978]
- Yabby You - The Yabby You Sound Dubs & Versions [197X]
- B.B. Seaton - Dancing Shoes [1974]
- Bunny Lee The Version Master Presents - Creation Of Dub [1975]
- Burning Spear - Garvey's Ghost [1976]
- Burning Spear - Marcus Garvey [1975]
- Cornell Campbell - Stalowatt [1976]
- Delroy Wilson - Money [1977]
- Derrick Morgan Featuring Hortense Ellis - Feel So Good [1975]
- Horace Andy - Pure Ranking [1979]
- I Roy - Truths And Rights [1975]
- Jackie Edwards - 20 Greatest Hits [1975-77]
- Jacob Miller - Mixed Up Moods [1979]
- Jah Frankie Jones - Satta An Praise Jah [1977]
- Jah Stitch - No Dread Can't Dead [1976]
- Jah Stitch - Original Ragga Muffin [1975-77]
- John Holt - Super Star [1978]
- John Holt - Treasure Of Love [1977]
- Johnny Clarke - Superstar Roots Disco Dub [1977]
- King Tubby & Friends - Rod Of Correction Showcase [197X]
- Leroy Smart - Ballistic Affair [1977]
- Leroy Smart - Leroy Smart & Friends [1976-78]
- Leroy Smart - Superstar [1977]
- Little Roy - Columbus Ship [1981]
- Ranking Dellinger - Superstar [1977]
- Ricky Grant - Poverty People [1979]
- Sly Dunbar & Various Artists - Simple Sly Man [1978]
- Tommy McCook & Aggravators - Brass Rockers [1975]
- Tommy McCook & Aggrovators - Super Star Disco Rockers [1977]
- U Black - Westbound Thing A Swing [1977]
- Upsetters - Blackboard Jungle Dub [1973]
- Various Artists - King Jammy In Roots [197X-8X]
- Various Artists - Treasure Isle In Dub [1970-78]
- Winston Jarrett & Righteous Flames - Man Of The Ghetto [1977]
- Winston Jarrett & Righteous Flames - Ranking Ghetto Style [1980]
- Yabby You & King Tubby - King Tubby's Prophesy Of Dub [1976]
- Aggrovators - Reggae Stones Dub [1976]
- Aggrovators & King Tubby & Bunny Lee - Bionic Dub [1975-77]
- Aggrovators & Revolutionaries - Rockers Almighty Dub [1979]
- Agrovators Meet Revolutionaries - Agrovators Meet Revolutionaries Part II [197X]
- Agrovators Meets The Revolutioners - Agrovators Meets The Revolutioners At Channel One Studios [1977]
- Bobby Kalphat - Zion Hill [1977]
- Burning Spear - Garvey's Ghost [1976]
- Burning Spear - Marcus Garvey [1975]
- Cornell Campbell - Dance In A Greenwich Farm [1975]
- Delroy Wilson - For I And I [1975]
- Delroy Wilson - Nice Times [1983]
- Johnny Clarke - Moving Out [1975]
- Johnny Clarke - Originally Mr Clarke [1980]
- Johnny Clarke - Put It On [1975]
- Johnny Clarke - Rockers Time Now [1976]
- Johnny Clarke - Sings In Fine Style [1975]
- King Tubby - Dub From The Roots [1974]
- King Tubby - The Roots Of Dub [1975]
- King Tubby & Friends - Rod Of Correction Showcase [197X]
- Linval Thompson - Cool Down [1974-76]
- Owen Gray - Forward On The Scene [1975]
- Royals - Dubbing With The Royals [197X]
- Royals - Pick Up The Pieces [1977]
- Royals - Ten Years After [1978]
- Scientist - Scientific Dub [1978-80]
- Sly Dunbar & Various Artists - Simple Sly Man [1978]
- The Yabby You Vibration - Deliver Me From My Enemies [1977]
- Tommy McCook - Blazing Horns - Tenor In Roots [1976-78]
- Tommy McCook & Aggrovators - Cookin [1975]
- Tommy McCook & Bobby Ellis - Blazing Horns [1977]
- Wayne Wade - Dancing Time [1978]
- Winston Jarrett & Righteous Flames - Man Of The Ghetto [1977]
- Winston Jarrett & Righteous Flames - Ranking Ghetto Style [1980]
- Yabby You - Beware [1978]
- Yabby You - Chant Down Babylon Kingdom [1976]
- Yabby You & Prophets - Deeper Roots Part 2 [197X]
- Yabby You & Various Artists - Jesus Dread [1972-77]
- Burning Spear - Garvey's Ghost [1976]
- Burning Spear - Marcus Garvey [1975]
- Inner Circle - Reggae Thing [1976]
- Jacob Miller - Mixed Up Moods [1979]
Electric Piano
- Jacob Miller - Mixed Up Moods [1979]
- Jacob Miller - Mixed Up Moods [1979]
- King Tubby & Jacob Miller - E-E Saw Dub [1975]
- Jah Woosh & Sis Bee - Rebellion [1981]
- Morwells - Cool Runnings [1979]
- Pat Kelly - Give Love A Try [1978]
Backing Vocals
- Inner Circle - New Age Music [1980]
- Inner Circle Featuring Jacob Miller - The Best Of [197X-8X]
- Little John - Youth Of Today [1986]