Also known as Glen Da-Casta.
Appears on
As a musician
Tenor Saxophone
- Abyssinians - Arise [1978]
- Barrington Levy - Life Style [1983]
- Beres Hammond - Soul Reggae [1976]
- Big Youth - Progress [1979]
- Big Youth - Reggae Gi Dem Dub [1978]
- Derrick Harriott - Reggae Disco Rockers [1979]
- Earl Morgan - D.C. Dub Connection [1982]
- George Faith - Sings For Lovers Only [1987]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 1 [1976]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 2 [1977]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 3 [1978]
- Lee Perry & Upsetters - Sound System Scratch [1973-78]
- Lion Zion - Reggae In America [1976]
- Marcia Griffiths - Naturally [1978]
- Rico Rodriguez - That Man Is Forward [1981]
- Seke Molenga & Kalo Kawongolo With Lee Scratch Perry - From The Heart Of The Congo [1977]
- Twinkle Brothers - Countrymen [1980]
- Twinkle Brothers - Dub Massacre Part 1 & 2 [1983-87]
- Various Artists - Open The Gate [1974-76]
- Various Artists - The Return Of Sound System Scratch [1973-79]
- Zap Pow - Love Hits [197X]
- Zap Pow - Now [1976]
- Zap Pow - Zap Pow [1973-78]
- Albert Griffiths & Gladiators - Country Living [1985]
- Alpha Blondy & Wailers - Jerusalem [1986]
- Culture - Culture In Culture [1986]
- Don Carlos - Just A Passing Glance [1984]
- Ernie Smith - For The Good Times [197X]
- Ernie Smith - Life Is Just For Living [1974]
- George Faith - Super Eight [1977]
- Gladiators - Symbol Of Reality [1982]
- Glen Da-Casta - Mind Blowing Melody [1979]
- Heptones - Party Time [1977]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lovindeer - Rock It Up [1979]
- Rita Marley - Who Feels It Knows It [1980]
- Sir Coxsone Sound - King Of The Dub Rock Part 2 [1982]
- Sons Of Negus - Rastafari In Dub [1978]
- Various Artists - Baffling Smoke Signal [1976-78]
- Alpha Blondy - Cocody Rock !!! [1984]
- Aston Barrett - Familyman In Dub [197X]
- Beres Hammond - Let's Make A Song [1981]
- Daddy Freddy (The D.J. Chemist) - Body Lasher [1986]
- David Isaacs - Happy Ending [1982]
- Echo Minott - Rock & Calypso [1985]
- Fatman Riddim Section - Fatman Reddim Section Meets Downtown Horns At Channel One [1979]
- Gladiators - Serious Thing [1984]
- Heptones - Unreleased Night Food & Rare Black Ark Sessions [1976-77]
- Jah Lloyd - Dread Lion Dub [198X]
- Ken Boothe - Reggae For Lovers [1979]
- Kiddus I - Graduation In Zion [1978-80]
- Lee Perry & His Upsetters - Roaring Lion [197X]
- Lee Perry & The Sufferers - The Sound Doctor [1972-78]
- Max Romeo - Reconstruction [1978]
- Ras Michael & Sons Of Negus - Kibir-Am-Lak [1977]
- Various Artists - Life Goes In Circles [1974-79]
- Zap Pow - Revolutionary Zap Pow [1971]
- Lee Scratch Perry - Soundz From The Hotline [1976-79]
- Abyssinians - Forward [1969-76]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Zap Pow - Now [1976]
- Zap Pow - Zap Pow [1973-78]
Alto Saxophone
- Viceroys - Chancery Lane [1984]