Also known as Chemist, Donovan Thompson.
Appears on
Albums engineered by Peter Chemist
Mixing Engineer
- Anthony Johnson - I'm Ready [1983]
- Barry Brown Meets Cornell Campbell - Barry Brown Meets Cornell Campbell [197X]
- Barry Brown & Willie Williams - Roots & Culture [1984]
- Bebo - In A Dub Style [1985]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Never Run Away [1984]
- Don Carlos & Gold & Gladiators - Showdown Vol 3 [1984]
- Gregory Isaacs - Red Rose For Gregory [1988]
- Gregory Isaacs & Sugar Minott - Double Dose [1986]
- Half Pint & Michael Palmer - Joint Favourites [1986]
- Horace Andy & Patrick Andy - Clash Of The Andys [1985]
- Jah Thomas - Shoulder Move [1983]
- Junior Reid - Original Foreign Mind [1985]
- Leroy Smart - Exclusive [1984]
- Little John - The Best Of [1985]
- Michael Palmer - Ghetto Living [1985]
- Michael Palmer - Pull It Up Now [1985]
- Michael Palmer - Star Performer [1984]
- Michael Palmer & Kelly Ranks - Michael Palmer Meets Kelly Ranks At Channel One [1985]
- Patrick Andy & Frankie Jones - Two New Superstars [1985]
- Peter Chemist - Dub Mixture [1984]
- Peter Chemist - Dub Prescription [1984]
- Peter Chemist & Scientist - 1999 Dub [1984]
- Peter Metro & Friends - Dedicated To You [1984]
- Ranking Trevor - Presenting Ranking Trevor [1981]
- Roots Radics - Roots Splashdown [198X]
- Sugar Minott - Sufferer's Choice [1983]
- Sugar Minott - Time Longer Than Rope [1985]
- Sugar Minott & Frankie Paul - Showdown Vol 2 [1983]
- Sugar Minott & Leroy Smart - Rockers Awards Winners [1984]
- Various Artists - Party Sounds Presents Worries In The Dance [1984]
- Various Artists - Radication Squad Presents Adam And Eve [1984]
- Various Artists - Tonos All Star Collection [1985]
- Wayne Smith & Patrick Andy - Showdown Vol 7 [1984]
- Yellowman & Charlie Chaplin - Yellow Man Meets Charlie Chaplin [198X]
Recording Engineer
- Michael Palmer Meets Johnny Osbourne - Wicked [1985]
- Peter Metro & Friends - Dedicated To You [1984]
- Al Campbell - Bad Boy [1984]
- Barry Brown - Barry [197X]
- Bunny Lie Lie - Midnight Loving [1983]
- Colour Man - Kick Up Rumpus [1986]
- Early B - Send In The Patient [1982-85]
- Frankie Paul - Alesha [1986]
- Frankie Paul - Tidal Wave [1985]
- Gregory Isaacs - Red Rose For Gregory [1988]
- Half Pint - In Fine Style [1984]
- Jah Thomas - Jump Around [1984]
- Jah Thomas - Lyrics For Sale [198X]
- Jah Thomas Meets King Tubby - Jah Thomas Meets King Tubby Inna Roots Of Dub [1979-81]
- Jah Woosh - Some Sign [1985]
- Johnny Osbourne - Bring The Sensi Come [1984]
- Junior Reid - Original Foreign Mind [1985]
- King Tubby & Scientist - King Tubby Meets Scientist In A World Of Dub [198X]
- King Tubby & Scientist - King Tubby's Meets Scientist At Dub Station [198X]
- Little John - True Confession [1984]
- Michael Palmer - I'm Still Dancing Showcase [198X]
- Michael Palmer - Lick Shot [1982]
- Patrick Andy & Frankie Jones - Two New Superstars [1985]
- Sugar Minott - Buy Off The Bar [1984]
- Sugar Minott - Channel 1 Collection [198X]
- Sugar Minott - Herbman Hustling [1984]
- Sugar Minott & Leroy Smart - Rockers Awards Winners [1984]
- Tenor Saw - Fever [1985]
- Tony Tuff - Render Your Heart [1984]
- Toyan - Hot Bubble Gum [1984]
- U Brown - Jam It Tonight [1983]
- Various Artists - Grapevine Records Vault Classics Vol 1 [1979-85]
- Various Artists - Midnight Rock Classics Vol 1 [1981-82]
- Horace Andy & Patrick Andy - Clash Of The Andys [1985]