- Dub Over Dub [197X]
- The Treasure Dub Albums Collection [Errol Brown & The Supersonics - 1976]
- Tip Top Dub [Errol Brown & The Revolutionaries - 197X]
- B.B. Seaton - Colour Is Not The Answer [1976]
- B.B. Seaton - I'm Aware Of Love [1979]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Confrontation [1980]
- Bro. Yahya - No False Prophet [1983]
Appears on
Albums engineered by Errol Brown
Mixing Engineer
- B.B. Seaton - I'm Aware Of Love [1979]
- Barry Biggs - Wide Awake [1982]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Confrontation [1980]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Uprising [1980]
- Brent Dowe - What Love Can Do [1981]
- Bro. Yahya - No False Prophet [1983]
- Burning Spear - Farover [1982]
- Burning Spear - Hail H.I.M. [1980]
- Burning Spear - The Fittest Of The Fittest [1983]
- Clive Hunt - Orthodox Dub [1978]
- Culture - Culture In Dub [1978]
- Culture - Cumbolo [1979]
- Culture - Harder Than The Rest [1978]
- Culture - Production Something [197X]
- Culture - Trod On [197X]
- Dean Fraser - A Touch Of Dean [1978]
- Don Carlos - Harvest Time [1982]
- Don Carlos - Suffering [1981]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Raving Tonight [1983]
- Earl Chinna Smith - Dub It [1983]
- Errol Brown - Dub Over Dub [197X]
- Errol Brown - Dubb Everlasting [1977]
- Errol Brown - Dubb Everlasting & Dub Expression [1977-78]
- Errol Brown - Pleasure Dub [197X]
- Errol Brown & Revolutionaries - Culture Dub & Medley Dub [1978-79]
- Errol Brown & Revolutionaries - Tip Top Dub [197X]
- Errol Brown & Supersonics - The Treasure Dub Albums Collection [1976]
- Ethiopians - Slave Call [1977]
- Frankie Paul - Hand Cart Man [1986]
- Fred Locks - Black Star Liner [1976]
- Gladstone Anderson - Sings Songs For Today and Tomorrow [1982]
- Heptones - On The Run [1982]
- Israel Vibration - Unconquered People [1980]
- Jack Miller - Dreadlock Rock [1981]
- Junior Tucker - Take A Message [1980]
- King Sounds - Come Zion Side Happiness [1979]
- King Sounds & Israelites - There Is A Reward [198X]
- Lacksley Castell - Morning Glory [1982]
- Lizzard - Satta I [1976]
- Marcia Griffiths - Naturally [1978]
- Max Edwards - Rockers Arena [1982]
- Mighty Diamonds - Changes [1981]
- Mighty Diamonds - Heads Of Government [198X]
- Mighty Diamonds - Indestructible [1981]
- Mighty Diamonds - Reggae Street [1981]
- Mutabaruka - Check It ! [1983]
- Mutabaruka - Outcry [1984]
- Ras Karbi - The Seven Seals [1984]
- Revolutionaries - Dub Expression [1978]
- Rita Marley - Harambe [1983]
- Rita Marley - Who Feels It Knows It [1980]
- Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate - Roots Radics Meet Soul Syndicate In Dub [198X]
- Sly & Robbie - Dub Rockers Delight [1982]
- Sugar Minott - Them A Wolf [1987]
- Third World - Arise In Harmony [1980]
- Tinga Stewarts - I Feel The Music [1981]
- Tullo - Tullo At Home [1982]
- U Roy - Version Of Wisdom [197X]
- U Roy - With Words Of Wisdom [1979]
- Various Artists - Hits Of 77 [1977]
- Various Artists - Hottest Hits [197X]
- Various Artists - Knotty Vision [1983]
- Various Artists - Original Ska Explosion Vol 2 [196X]
- Wailing Souls - Stranded [1984]
- Yellowman - Live At Reggae Sunsplash [1982]
Recording Engineer
- B.B. Seaton - Colour Is Not The Answer [1976]
- B.B. Seaton - I'm Aware Of Love [1979]
- Beres Hammond - Let's Make A Song [1981]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Uprising [1980]
- Brent Dowe - What Love Can Do [1981]
- Culture - Cumbolo [1979]
- Culture - Trod On [197X]
- Earl Chinna Smith - Dub It [1983]
- Gregory Isaacs - Night Nurse [1982]
- John Holt - John Holt Like A Bolt [1968-73]
- Junior Tucker - Take A Message [1980]
- Ras Karbi - The Seven Seals [1984]
- Sly & Robbie - Dub Rockers Delight [1982]
- Sonya Spence - In The Dark [197X]
- Tullo - Tullo At Home [1982]
- Various Artists - Hits Of 77 [1977]
- Voice Of Progress - Mini Bus Driver [1982]
- Aston Barrett - Familyman In Dub [197X]
- B.B. Seaton - Gun Court Dub Vol 2 [197X]
- Blackstones - Greater Power [2006]
- Bob Andy - Lots Of Love & I [1977]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Confrontation [1980]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Rasta Revolution [1972]
- Bunny Maloney - Give Me Some More Loving [1985]
- Burning Spear - Farover [1982]
- Burning Spear - Hail H.I.M. [1980]
- Burning Spear - Resistance [1986]
- Burning Spear - The Fittest Of The Fittest [1983]
- Cultural Roots - Drift Away From Evil [1982]
- Cultural Roots - Revolutionary Sounds [1978]
- Culture - International Herb [1979]
- Culture - Too Long In Slavery [197X]
- Dave & Ansel Collins - Double Barrel [1971]
- Dean Fraser - A Touch Of Dean [1978]
- Dennis Brown - Revolution [1985]
- Dennis Brown - Satisfaction Feeling [1983]
- Don Carlos - Harvest Time [1982]
- Don Carlos - Just A Passing Glance [1984]
- Don Carlos - Suffering [1981]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Raving Tonight [1983]
- Don Drummond - Memorial Album [1969]
- Earth & Stone Featuring Phillip Frazer - Back To Africa [1978]
- Edi Fitzroy - Coming Up Strong [1984]
- Ethiopians - Slave Call [1977]
- Fred Locks - Black Star Liner [1976]
- Glen Brown - The Way To Mount Zion [1969-76]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Gregory Isaacs - Out Deh [1984]
- Heptones - Heptones Dictionary [197X]
- Israel Vibration - Unconquered People [1980]
- Jacob Miller - Mixed Up Moods [1979]
- Johnny Osbourne - Warrior [1981]
- Joseph Cotton - Dancehall Days [1976-84]
- Joy White - Sentimental Reasons [1978]
- Judy Mowatt - Only A Woman [1982]
- Justin Hinds - From Jamaica With Reggae [196X]
- Justin Hinds - Travel With Love [1982-84]
- King Sounds & Israelites - There Is A Reward [198X]
- Lacksley Castell - Morning Glory [1982]
- Lambert Douglas - Living Man [1977]
- Leroy Brown - Face To Face [198X]
- Leroy Brown - Prayer Of Peace [1976]
- Marcia Griffiths - Naturally [1978]
- Marcia Griffiths - Steppin' [1978]
- Meditations - Guidance [1978]
- Meditations - Reggae Crazy [1971-79]
- Mikey Dread - African Anthem [1979]
- Mikey Dread - Evolutionary Rockers [1979]
- Mutabaruka - Check It ! [1983]
- Mutabaruka - Outcry [1984]
- Ossie Scott - Reggae Exposure With Sax [1983]
- Pablo Moses - In The Future [1983]
- Pablo Moses - In The Future & Dub [1983]
- Paragons - Sly & Robbie Meet The Paragons [1981]
- Peter Broggs - Rise & Shine [1985]
- Prince Brothers - Ram-Jam [1980]
- Prince Far I - Free From Sin [1979]
- Prince Lincoln Thompson & Royal Rasses - Ride With The Rasses [1982]
- Reggae George - Fight On My Own [1985]
- Rita Marley - Harambe [1983]
- Rita Marley - Who Feels It Knows It [1980]
- Sly & Robbie Presents Paragons - Memories By The Score [197X]
- Stanley Beckford & Turbines - Africa [1971-73]
- Tennors - Moods [196X-7X]
- Tennors - Rock Steady Classics [196X-7X]
- Third World - Arise In Harmony [1980]
- Twinkle Brothers - Love [1978]
- Twinkle Brothers - Praise Jah [1979]
- Various Artists - Children Of Babylon [1979]
- Various Artists - Clive Hunt Ruff'N'Tuff [1982]
- Various Artists - From Chapter To Version [1970-74]
- Various Artists - From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 1 [1968-73]
- Various Artists - From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 2 [1969-73]
- Various Artists - High Times All Stars Explosion [1985]
- Various Artists - Observation Station [1974-77]
- Various Artists - Sufferation [197X]
- Various Artists - The Other Reggae Super Stars [1980]
- Various Artists - Woman Talk [198X]
Remixing Engineer
- B.B. Seaton - Colour Is Not The Answer [1976]
- Mighty Diamonds - Pass The Kouchie [198X]
- Sonya Spence - In The Dark [197X]
- Rita Marley - Who Feels It Knows It [1980]