- B.B. Seaton - Dancing Shoes [1974]
- Creation Rebel - Dub From Creation [1978]
Albums engineered by Sid Bucknor
Mixing Engineer
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Natty Dread [1974]
- Cedric Myton & Congos - Face The Music [1981]
- Dave & Ansel Collins - In The Ghetto [1975]
- Dennis Brown - Some Like It Hot [197X]
- Ernest Wilson - Love Revolution [1986]
- Keith Hudson - From One Extreme To Another [1979]
- Keith Hudson - Torch Of Freedom [1975]
- Prince Far I - Cry Freedom Dub [1980-83]
- Zap Pow - Revolutionary Zap Pow [1971]
Recording Engineer
- Cimarons - In Time [1974]
- Clancy Eccles All Stars - Sound System International Dub LP [1976]
- Derrick Harriott & Crystalites - For A Fistful of Dollars [197X]
- Ika Black - Special Love [1979-85]
- King Tubby & Aggrovators - Shalom Dub [1975]
- Kingstonians - Sufferer [1970]
- Tommy McCook Dub - The Sannic Sounds [1974]
- Various Artists - Gussie Presenting The Right Tracks [1976]
- Various Artists - Life Goes In Circles [1974-79]
- Alton Ellis - Get Ready For Rock Reggae Steady [1967-74]
- Alton Ellis & Heptones - Mr Ska Bean'a [1980]
- Augustus Pablo - Authentic Golden Melodies [1974-79]
- B.B. Seaton - Dancing Shoes [1974]
- Big Youth - Screaming Target [1972]
- Blackstones - Insight [1979]
- Bob Marley & Wailers - Wail'n Soul'm Singles Selecta [196X]
- Boris Gardiner - Every Nigger Is A Star [1973]
- Byron Lee - Reggae Hot Shots [1970-71]
- Cimarons - Live At Roundhouse, London [1977]
- Clancy Eccles - Joshua's Rod Of Correction [1967-83]
- Clancy Eccles - Nyah Reggae Rock [1969-70]
- Delroy Wilson - Better Must Come .... One Day [1970-73]
- Dennis Alcapone - King Of The Track [1974]
- Dennis Brown - Some Like It Hot [197X]
- Derrick Harriott - 14 Chart Buster Hits [1973]
- Derrick Harriott - The Sensational Derrick Harriott Sings Rock Steady Reggae [196X-7X]
- Derrick Harriott & Crystalites - Psychedelic Train [1970]
- Dynamites - The Wild Reggae Bunch [1967-71]
- Eddie 'Tan Tan' Thornton - Musical Nostalgia For Today [1981]
- Gladstone Anderson & Mudies All Stars - It May Sound Silly [1972]
- Glen Brown - The Way To Mount Zion [1969-76]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Harry Mudie & King Tubby - Harry Mudie Meet King Tubby's In Dub Conference Vol 1 [1976]
- Heptones - The Original Heptones [1976]
- Hopeton Lewis - Grooving Out Of Life [1971]
- Ijahman & Madge - I Do [1986]
- John Holt - Still In Chains [1971]
- Johnny B - Time Will Tell [1979]
- Junior Byles - Jordan [1976]
- Junior English - Win Some Lose Some [1978]
- Keith Hudson - Rasta Communication [1978]
- Keith Hudson - Too Expensive [1976]
- Ken Boothe - Everything I Own [1974]
- Ken Boothe - Groove To The Beat [1963-70]
- Ken Boothe - The Great Ken Boothe Meets BB Seaton & The Gaylads [1971]
- King Stitt - Reggae Fire Beat [1969-70]
- Lloyd Parks - Officially [1972]
- Lloyd Parks - Time A Go Dread [197X]
- Martel Robinson - Cool Shady Tree [198X]
- Max Romeo - Let The Power Fall [1971]
- Max Romeo - The Many Moods Of Max Romeo [1967-71]
- Niney - Sledgehammer Dub [1977]
- Paragons - Silver Jubilee [197X]
- Ranking Dread - Girls Fiesta [1978]
- Red Cloud Band - Red Cloud In Dub [198X]
- Royals - Pick Up The Pieces [1977]
- Rupie Edwards - Ire Feelings [1975]
- Rupie Edwards & Various Artists - Hit Picks [1974]
- Slim Smith - Early Days [196X]
- Star-Bound - Changes [1977]
- Tennors - Moods [196X-7X]
- Tennors - Rock Steady Classics [196X-7X]
- Third World All Star - Rebel Rock [1976]
- Trevor Hartley - Innocent Lover [1979]
- Various Artists - Battle Of The Giants [197X]
- Various Artists - Down Santic Way [1973-75]
- Various Artists - Every Mouth Must Be Fed [1973-76]
- Various Artists - From Chapter To Version [1970-74]
- Various Artists - From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 1 [1968-73]
- Various Artists - From GG's Reggae Hit Stable Vol 2 [1969-73]
- Various Artists - From Matador's Arena Vol 2 [1969-70]
- Various Artists - From Matador's Arena Vol 3 [1971-79]
- Various Artists - Listen To The Music [1966-69]
- Various Artists - Nexus Dub [1967-80]
- Various Artists - Quad Star Revolution [1972]
- Various Artists - Treasure Isle In Dub [1970-78]
- Various Artists - You Can't Wine [1970]
- Zap Pow - Revolutionary Zap Pow [1971]
- B.B. Seaton - Dancing Shoes [1974]