The New Age Steppers - Foundation Steppers

LP #ON-U LP 21 1983
CD #BRC 97 2004
Record date : 1982

Playlist :
Ari - Some Love
Bim Sherman - Memoires
5 Dog Race
Bim Sherman - Misplaced Love
Bim Sherman - Dreamers
Ari - Stormy Weather
Bim Sherman - Vice Of My Enemies
Aggro Dub *
Strong Foundation *

Producer : Adrian Sherwood

Vocals : Ari & Bim Sherman
Backing Band : The New Age Steppers
Drums : Style Scott
Bass : Crucial Tony & George Oban & Flabba Holt
Rhythm Guitar : Crucial Tony & Bingy Bunny
Lead Guitar : Dwight Pickney & Crucial Tony
Piano : Bubbler & Steelie Johnson
Organ : Kishi & Nick Plytas & Dr. Pablo & Bubbler
Horns : Vin Gordon & Bammy
Percussions : Eskimo Fox & Bonjo I
Chinese Lute : Kishi

Studios :
Recording : Channel One (Kingston, JA) & Berry Street (London, UK) & Southern (London, UK)
Mixing : Berry Street (London, UK)
Overdubs Recording : Berry Street (London, UK)