Also known as Dwight Pinkney.
Appears on
As a musician
- African Brothers - Want Some Freedom [1970-78]
- African Brothers & King Tubby - The African Brothers Meets King Tubby In Dub [197X]
- Barry Brown & Little John - Showdown Vol 1 [1983]
- Beres Hammond - Beres Hammond [1985]
- Beres Hammond - Let's Make A Song [1981]
- Bro. Yahya - No False Prophet [1983]
- Bunny Wailer - Crucial Roots Classics [1978-82]
- Bunny Wailer - Live ! [1983]
- Bunny Wailer - Rock'n'Groove [1981]
- Bunny Wailer - Tribute [1981]
- Culture - Culture In Culture [1986]
- Delroy Wilson - Worth Your Weight In Gold [1984]
- Dennis Brown & Gregory Isaacs - Judge Not [1984]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Never Run Away [1984]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Them Never Know Natty Dread Have Him Credential [1982]
- Don Carlos & Gold & Gladiators - Showdown Vol 3 [1984]
- Earl Sixteen - Songs For A Reason [1983]
- Frankie Paul - Strange Feeling [1983]
- Freddie McGregor - Rhythm So Nice [1983]
- GT Moore & The Reggae Guitars - The Harry J Sessions [1980]
- George Faith - First Class [1986]
- Itals - Cool And Dread [1982-83]
- Jah Thomas - Dance Hall Connection [1982]
- John Holt - Vibes [1985]
- Johnny Osbourne - Dancing Time [1984]
- Johnny Osbourne - Rock Me Rock Me [1985]
- Johnny Osbourne Meets Roots Radics - 1980-1981 Vintage [1980-81]
- Junior Byles - Rasta No Pickpocket [1986]
- Junior Reid - Original Foreign Mind [1985]
- Junior Reid & Don Carlos - Firehouse Clash [1986]
- Kiddus I - Graduation In Zion [1978-80]
- Knowledge - Rasta Don't Take Bribe [1978X]
- Lone Ranger - Dee Jay Daddy [1984]
- Lone Ranger - Rosemarie [1981]
- Lone Ranger - Rosemarie Meet DJ Daddy [1981-82]
- Michigan & Smiley - Step By Step [1982]
- Peter Chemist - Dub Mixture [1984]
- Peter Chemist - Dub Prescription [1984]
- Ring Craft Posse - St. Catherine In Dub [1972-84]
- Ringo - Pancoot [1982]
- Robert Ffrench - The Favourite [1985]
- Roots Radics - Radicfaction [1982]
- Scientist - Crucial Cuts Vol 2 [1984]
- Scientist vs Professor - Dub Duel At King Tubby's [1983]
- Sugar Minott - With Lots Of Extra [1983]
- Sugar Minott & Frankie Paul - Showdown Vol 2 [1983]
- Super Cat - Boops ! [1986]
- Techniques - I'll Never Fall In Love [1983]
- Techniques - Techniques In Dub [197X]
- Triston Palmer - Joker Smoker [1982]
- Triston Palmer & Toyan - Nice Time [1982]
- Tyrone Evans - Don Evans [1983]
- U Roy - Line Up And Come [1987]
- Various Artists - A Tribute To Reggae's Keyboard King Jackie Mittoo [197X]
- Various Artists - One-A-Way Style [198X]
- Welton Irie - Reprobate [197X]
- Winston Jarrett - Wise Man [1979]
- Yellowman - Jack Sprat [1982]
- Yellowman & Fathead - One Yellowman [1982]
- Yellowman & Fathead & Purpleman - Showdown Vol 5 [1984]
- Zap Pow - Love Hits [197X]
- Zap Pow - Now [1976]
- Zap Pow - Revolutionary Zap Pow [1971]
- Zap Pow - Zap Pow [1973-78]
- Sugar Minott - Herbman Hustling [1984]
Lead Guitar
- Al Campbell - The Other Side Of Love [1981]
- Barrington Levy - Open Book [1982-84]
- Bim Sherman - The Need to Live [1981-95]
- Bingy Bunny - Me And Jane [1982]
- Clint Eastwood & General Saint - Two Bad D.J. [1981]
- Colour Man - Kick Up Rumpus [1986]
- Danny Dread I - Hit Me With Music [1983]
- Dennis Brown & Enos McLeod - Baalgad [1986]
- Dillinger - Join The Queue [1983]
- Don Carlos - Just A Passing Glance [1984]
- Early B - Ghost Busters [1985]
- Edi Fitzroy - Check For You Once [1982]
- Edi Fitzroy - First Class Citizen [1982]
- Edi Fitzroy - Youthman Penitentiary [1982]
- Eek A Mouse - King And I [1986]
- General Trees - Everything SoSo [1985]
- General Trees - Negril [1986]
- Gregory Isaacs - All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [1986]
- Gregory Isaacs - Night Nurse [1982]
- Horace Martin - Watermelon Man [1985]
- I Roy - The Classic I Roy [1986]
- Jah Thomas & Roots Radics - Prophecy Of Dub [1980-82]
- Jimmy Reid - Are You Ready [1985]
- Johnny Osbourne - Reality [1984]
- Josie Wales - Ruling [1986]
- King Tubby - Two Big Bull In A One Pen Dubwise [1986]
- Leroy Sibbles - Selections [1985]
- Leroy Smart - She Just A Draw Card [1982]
- Little John - Ghetto Youth [1983]
- Mighty Diamonds - Backstage [1983]
- New Age Steppers - Foundation Steppers [1982]
- Nicodemus - Mr. Fabulous [1986]
- Nicodemus - The Very Best Of Nicodemus [1983]
- Pablo Moses - Tension [1985]
- Paula Clarke - It's All Over [1986]
- Peter Metro & Friends - Dedicated To You [1984]
- Phillip Frazer & Triston Palma - The Big Showdown [1984]
- Ranking Toyan - Ghetto Man Skank [1983]
- Red Rose & King Kong - Two Big Bull In A One Pen [1986]
- Robert French - Mr French Showcase [198X]
- Scientist - The People's Choice [198X]
- Scientist Meets Roots Radics - Scientist Meets The Roots Radics [1981]
- Shelly Thunder - Small Horse Woman [1986]
- Tetrack - Trouble [1983]
- Triston Palmer - Show Case [1982]
- Triston Palmer - Touch Me, Take Me [1982]
- Twinkle Brothers - Dub Massacre Part 1 & 2 [1983-87]
- Twinkle Brothers - Enter Zion [1984]
- U Brown - Jam It Tonight [1983]
- Various Artists - Young Generation Vibration [1985]
- Viceroys - Brethren And Sistren [1983]
- Viceroys - Chancery Lane [1984]
- Wailing Souls - Stranded [1984]
Rhythm Guitar
- Doreen Shaffer - Wondeful Sounds [1986]
- Early B - Ghost Busters [1985]
- Early B & Malibu - My Friends Circle Jamaica [198X]
- Freddie McGregor - Come On Over [1983]
- General Trees - Ghost Rider [1985]
- George Faith - Sings For Lovers Only [1987]
- Gregory Isaacs - All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [1986]
- J.C. Lodge - Revealed [1984]
- Jimmy Reid - Are You Ready [1985]
- Leroy Sibbles - On Top [1982]
- Michael Prophet - Settle Yu Fe Settle [1987]
- Pablo Moses - Tension [1985]
- Twinkle Brothers - Burden Bearer [1983]
- Viceroys - Chancery Lane [1984]
- Itals - Cool And Dread [1982-83]
- Mighty Diamonds - Kouchie Vibes [1978-84]