- A Luta Continua [Big Youth - 1984]
- A Tribute To Marcus Garvey [Various Artists - 197X-8X]
- Across The Border [Freddie McGregor - 1984]
- All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [Gregory Isaacs - 1986]
- All In The Same Boat [Freddie McGregor - 1986]
- All The Way Strong [Third World - 1983]
- Arise [Hugh Mundell - 1983]
- Best Of Volume 1 [Frankie Jones - 1986]
- Boops ! [Super Cat - 1986]
- Cease & Settle [Michael Prophet - 1985-87]
- Cease Fire [Michael Prophet - 1984]
- Crossfire [Chalice - 1986]
- Deep Roots [Tappa Zukie - 197X-8X]
- Double Dose [Gregory Isaacs & Sugar Minott - 1986]
- Dub Jusic [Junia Walker All Stars - 198X]
- Fever [Tenor Saw - 1985]
- Firehouse Clash [Junior Reid & Don Carlos - 1986]
- Forward Natty [Al Campbell - 1985]
- Ghettoman Problem [Winston Hussey - 1985]
- Ghost Busters [Early B - 1985]
- Hold Tight [Dennis Brown - 1986]
- Hold Your Corner [Trinity - 1987]
- I Do [Ijahman & Madge - 1986]
- If You Looking For Trouble [Mighty Diamonds - 1986]
- Jeans, Jeans [Lloyd Parks - 1985]
- Joshua's Rod Of Correction [Clancy Eccles - 1967-83]
- Judge Not [Dennis Brown & Gregory Isaacs - 1984]
- Kick Up Rumpus [Colour Man - 1986]
- Love People [A.J. Brown - 1984]
- Love Revolution [Ernest Wilson - 1986]
- Mother Africa [Hugh Griffiths - 198X]
- Nuff Respect [Nicodemus - 1984]
- Outcry [Mutabaruka - 1984]
- Pirate [Ini Kamoze - 1986]
- Private Beach Party [Gregory Isaacs - 1985]
- RAS Records Presents A Reggae Christmas [Various Artists - 1984]
- Reggae Classics [Delroy Wilson - 1984]
- Rise & Shine [Peter Broggs - 1985]
- Rolling Steady [Skatalites - 1983]
- Settle Yu Fe Settle [Michael Prophet - 1987]
- Shaggy Raggy [Al Campbell - 1985]
- Signs And Wonders [Junior Murvin - 1988]
- So In Love [Barry Biggs - 198X]
- Sounds Of Many Colours [Donovan Joseph - 198X]
- Stand Up! [Chalice - 1985]
- Struggling [Mighty Diamonds - 1985]
- Tension [Pablo Moses - 1985]
- The Favourite [Robert Ffrench - 1985]
- There Is A Reward [King Sounds & Israelites - 198X]
- Unity [Willy Williams - 1986]
- Vibes [John Holt - 1985]
- Wake Up [Dennis Brown - 1985]
- Wild Fire [Brown & Holt - 1985]