Also known as Bo Peep, Boo Pee.
As a musician
- Abyssinians - Arise [1978]
- Alton Ellis & Heptones - Mr Ska Bean'a [1980]
- Augustus Clarke - Black Foundation Dub [1976]
- Barrington Levy - Life Style [1983]
- Barrington Levy - Shaolin Temple [1979]
- Bim Sherman Meets Horace Andy And U Black - In A Rub A Dub Style [1982]
- Bunny Wailer - Live ! [1983]
- Chantells - Waiting In The Park [1978]
- Chantells & Friends - Children Of Jah [1977-79]
- Cornell Campbell - What's Happening To Me [1982]
- Culture - More Culture [1981]
- Dave & Ansel Collins - Double Barrel [1971]
- Dean Fraser - Black Horn Man [1978]
- Delroy Wilson - Hit After Hit After Hit [1984]
- Dennis Brown - Joseph's Coat Of Many Colours [1979]
- Dennis Brown - Love's Gotta Hold On Me [1984]
- Dennis Brown - Stagecoach Showcase [1982]
- Dennis Brown - The Best Of Dennis Brown Part 2 [197X]
- Dennis Brown - Wolf And Leopards [1976-77]
- Dennis Brown Presents Prince Jammy - Umoja - 20th Century DEBwise [1978]
- Glen Brown & King Tubby - Termination Dub [1973-79]
- Hugh Mundell Featuring Lacksley Castell - Jah Fire [1980]
- I Roy - African Herbsman [1979]
- Itals - Brutal Out Deh [1981]
- Jah Woosh - Rastaman [1981]
- Jah Woosh & Sis Bee - Rebellion [1981]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 1 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 2 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 3 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 4 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - 12'' Reggae Discomix Showcase Vol. 5 [197X]
- Joe Gibbs - Majestic Dub [1979]
- Joe Gibbs & Professionals - African Dub Chapter 4 [1979]
- Joe Gibbs & Professionals Featuring Errol Thompson - No Bones For The Dogs [1974-79]
- King Tubby - Dub Like Dirt [1975-77]
- King Tubby - King Tubby Meets Blackbeard's Ring Craft Posse [197X]
- King Tubby & Prince Jammy - Dub Gone 2 Crazy [1975-79]
- Leroy Sibbles - Now [1980]
- Linval Thompson & Friends - Whip Them King Tubby [197X]
- Lloyd Parks - Jeans, Jeans [1985]
- Lloyd Parks - What More Can I Do [1983]
- Lloyd Parks & We The People - Meet The People [1978]
- Louie Lepkie - Latenight Movie [1981]
- Massive Dread - Massive Dread [1979]
- Max Romeo - Perilous Time [1974-1999]
- Mikey Dread - African Anthem [1979]
- Mikey Dread - Evolutionary Rockers [1979]
- Morwells - Cool Runnings [1979]
- Morwells - Kingston 12 Toughie [1980]
- Nigger Kojak & Liza - Showcase [197X]
- Noel Phillips - Youth Man Vibrations [1981]
- Pat Kelly - Srevol [198X]
- Prince Jammy - Strictly Dub [1981]
- Prince Junior - On Top [1980]
- Ranking Joe - Natty Superstar [1980]
- Ring Craft Posse - St. Catherine In Dub [1972-84]
- Ronnie Davis - The Incredible Ronnie Davis Sings For You And I [1985]
- Royals - Ten Years After [1978]
- Ruddy Thomas - First Time Around [1981]
- Soferno B - Soferno B In Dub 1980 Style [1979]
- Sylford Walker - Nutin Na Gwan [1975-79]
- Trinity - Three Piece Suit [1977]
- Various Artists - A Tribute To Reggae's Keyboard King Jackie Mittoo [197X]
- Various Artists - Black Echoes [1977]
- Various Artists - Clive Hunt Ruff'N'Tuff [1982]
- Various Artists - Reggae Hits Of The 80's [1982]
- Various Artists - Roots Of Dance Hall [197X]
- Various Artists - Top Ranking D.J. Session Volume II [1980]
- Welton Irie - Ghettoman Corner [1977]
- Welton Irie - It Feels So Good [1980]
- Yabby U - Jah Jah Way [1980]
- Yellowman & Fathead - Supermix [1982]
Rhythm Guitar
- Aggrovators & King Tubby & Bunny Lee - Bionic Dub [1975-77]
- Al Campbell - Rainy Days [1978]
- Alton Ellis - Many Moods Of Alton Ellis [1978-80]
- Barrington Levy - Barrington Levy In Dub [1979]
- Barrington Levy - Englishman [1979]
- Barry Brown - Showcase [1980]
- Bobby Kalphat - The War Is On Dub Style [198X]
- Buro - Buro [1983]
- Carl Campbell - Zion Dub [1978]
- Clint Eastwood - Sex Education [1980]
- Cornell Campbell - Follow Instructions [1983]
- Cornell Campbell - My Destination [197X]
- D. Witter - Mawamba Dub (Warrior) [1978]
- Deadly Headly Bennett & Ossie Scott - Deadly Headly Bennett Meets The Magnificent Ossie Scott [197X]
- Dean Frazer - Pure Horn [1979]
- Delroy Wilson - Living In The Footsteps [1980]
- Delroy Wilson - Nice Times [1983]
- Delroy Wilson - The Dean Of Reggae [1985]
- Delroy Wilson - True Believer In Love [197X]
- Dennis Brown - Love Has Found Its Way [1982]
- Dennis Brown - More [1982]
- Dennis Brown - The Promised Land [1977-79]
- Dennis Brown & Enos McLeod - Baalgad [1986]
- Derrick Harriott - Born To Love You [1979]
- Dillinger - Cup Of Tea [1980]
- Dillinger - Join The Queue [1983]
- Dillinger - Marijuana In My Brain [1979]
- Don Carlos - Harvest Time [1982]
- Don Carlos - Just A Passing Glance [1984]
- Don Carlos - Suffering [1981]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Raving Tonight [1983]
- Earl Morgan - D.C. Dub Connection [1982]
- Flick Wilson - School Days [197X]
- George Allison - Exclusive [198X]
- Gregory Isaacs - All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [1986]
- Horace Martin - Pozitive Vibez [1983-85]
- Horace Martin - Watermelon Man [1985]
- I Roy - Can't Conquer Rasta [1977]
- I Roy - The Classic I Roy [1986]
- Jackie Mittoo - The Keyboard King [1977]
- Jah Stitch - Original Ragga Muffin [1975-77]
- Jimmy Riley - Put The People First [1982]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub All-Mighty [1975]
- Joe Gibbs - African Dub All-Mighty Chapter 3 [1978]
- John Holt - Just The Two Of Us [1982]
- John Holt - Super Star [1978]
- John Holt - Treasure Of Love [1977]
- Johnny Clarke - Dread Natty Congo [1977]
- Johnny Clarke - Superstar Roots Disco Dub [1977]
- K.C. White - Showcase [198X]
- K.C. White - Try A Little Happiness [1982]
- Keith Poppin - More Of Keith Poppin [1979]
- Leroy Smart - Ballistic Affair [1977]
- Leroy Smart - Leroy Smart & Friends [1976-78]
- Leroy Smart - Superstar [1977]
- Lord Tanamo - Calypso Reggae [1979]
- Marcia Aitken - Reggae Impact [1981]
- Martin Mandingo Williams - Afrikan History [1983]
- Max Romeo - Crazy World Of Dub [197X]
- Mighty Diamonds - Leaders Of Black Countrys [1983]
- Mighty Diamonds - Reggae Street [1981]
- Nicodemus Junior - Snakes And Ladders [1983]
- Peter Metro & Captain Sinbad With Little John - Sinbad & The Metric System [1983]
- Prince Jammy - Kamikazi Dub [1979]
- Ranking Dellinger - Superstar [1977]
- Roots Radics Meet Mighty Revolutionaires - Outernational Riddim [1980]
- Ruddy Thomas - Reggae By Ruddy Thomas [1983]
- Sam Carty & Astronauts - International Slackness [1981]
- Sly & Robbie - Dub Rockers Delight [1982]
- Sly And The Revolutionaries With Jah Thomas - Black Ash Dub [1980]
- Sugar Minott - Bitter Sweet [1979]
- Tappa Zukie - Raggy Joey Boy [1982]
- The Astronaughts - Born Jamaica [1982]
- Tommy McCook & Aggrovators - Super Star Disco Rockers [1977]
- Trinity - Bad Card [1981]
- Tyrone Taylor - Cottage In Negril [1983]
- U Black - Westbound Thing A Swing [1977]
- U Brown - Repatriation [1979]
- U Brown - Weather Baloon [1978]
- Uniques - Showcase [1978]
- Various Artists - Revive Reggae Classics [198X]
- Various Artists - Two Time Girl [1984]
- Viceroys - We Must Unite [1982]
- Willie Lindo - Tuned In Reggae [1980]
Lead Guitar
- 15-16-17 - Magic Touch [1977-78]
- Clint Eastwood & General Saint - Two Bad D.J. [1981]
- DEB Music Players - House Of DEB [1979]
- DEB Music Players - Umoja [1978]
- Danny Dread I - Hit Me With Music [1983]
- Dennis Brown - More [1982]
- Don Carlos - Just A Passing Glance [1984]
- Don Carlos & Gold - Raving Tonight [1983]
- Earl Sixteen - Reggae Sound [1981]
- Gregory Isaacs - All I Have Is Love, Love, Love [1986]
- Hugh Mundell - Mundell [1982]
- Jacob Miller - Greatest Hits [197X]
- Johnny Osbourne - Folly Ranking [1980]
- June Lodge - Someone Loves You Honey [1982]
- Junior Delgado - Taste Of The Young Heart [1979]
- King Sounds - Come Zion Side Happiness [1979]
- Leroy Smart - Ballistic Affair [1977]
- Michael Prophet - Michael Prophet [1981]
- Pat Kelly - Talk About Love [1978]
- Prince Alla - King Of The Road [1982]
- Ray I - Vision [198X]
- Scientist - Scientist In Dub Volume 1 [1981]
- Scientist - Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires [1981]
- Trevor Hartley - Innocent Lover [1979]
- Trinity - Around The World [198X]
- Tyrone Taylor - Cottage In Negril [1983]
- Various Artists - Africa Iron Gate Showcase [1982]
- Various Artists - King Jammy In Roots [197X-8X]
- Wailing Souls - Wailing [1981]
- Winston McAnuff - What The Man A Deal Wid [1978]
- Yellowman & Fathead - Bad Boy Skanking [1982]
- Lambert Douglas - Living Man [1977]
- Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan - Superstar Yellowman Has Arrived With Toyan [1982]
- Prince Far I - Message From The King [1977]